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All: The Worst Storyline Ever

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Marlena possessed, days

Reva back in time, gl

Reva clone, gl

Reva is a princess(only good thing that came outta that storyline was richard and edmund), gl

Erica in vegas with a bad wig and the shortest show girl ever!, amc

Erica's un-abortion(though I like josh), amc

Spermgate, y&r

Stolen sperm, amc

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I don't even know where to begin...

GH Alexis's cancer maybe? Or maybe it was Sonny and Jason vs whatever rotating mob family is in town this year? It might have been the story where after Lo kidnaps Carly she falls in love with him because he plays backgammon.

AMC: Kendell's coma. Period. The airhog of all airhogs actually saw her screentime and dialogue increase--while in a coma!

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For me, it was the Maryanne Caruthers "scandal" on GL. Even for a story that blatantly rewrote years of history and turned SF's most prominent citizens into murderers (until the rewrite), it was bad.

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