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That's not quite correct, amybrickwallace. David Elliott was on The Doctors only until sometime later in 1973. The reason I know this is because we played brothers in the PBS miniseries The Adams Chronicles! We shot that episode in June 1975 and I remember he said he had no idea why he had been let go from The Doctors a few years earlier. We then both auditioned for Jaws 2 here in NYC in 1978. He got the role of the Mayor's son and I was spared a massive sunburn. He moved out to LA after the film opened, studied writing at UCLA and became a film/TV set builder. We're FB friends but he rarely posts and if he does it's usually about his novel Shining Target and Jaws 2.


Catching up on these 1972/1973 episodes has been a huge sentimental journey for me. Not only had I worked with David Elliott I was also, as I have noted here before, very close friends with Geraldine Court. Watching her first appearances as Ann Larimer has been quite extraordinary. I first met Geri when we did a play together in Seattle in November/December 1977, a few months after she'd left the show. By happenstance I'd begun watching it when Ann had placed a catatonic Carolee in a psych ward. That storyline got me hooked on it. When I ended up working with her (she played my character's nasty, materialistic mother) I was thrilled. I now remember her saying she wasn't too thrilled playing against her first love interest, Gerald Gordon. She said he "came on too strong" for her taste. She adored both David O'Brien and Glenn Corbett, though, and became life long friends with Anna Stuart and Lauren White. She told me, after the play we were in had folded, that she'd been asked to go back to TD but she wasn't at all fond of Mel and Ethel "Methel" Brez' writing. I miss Geri very, very much. I'll miss laughing with her the most. I would often ask her to repeat two stories about TD-one involving the Obonda Fever storyline and the other concerning most of the cast trying not to lose their s**t over "Stephie" lying on a pre-surgery gurney in an observation room scene!


One  particularly wonderful surprise was seeing another of my dearly departed friends Angela Thornton in two 1972 episodes. She played Lisa Kincaid, Dr. John Morrison's weekend paramour who he committed adultery with while Althea resisted the urge to do so with Nick. Angela had a few phone scenes with Patrick Horgan as well as a few in Lisa's lair and that was it. I thought Lisa would eventually reappear but I don't think she ever did, did she? Anyway I'd never known how she'd become lifelong friends with Elizabeth Hubbard and now I do! Angela was a beautiful British lady who married a very powerful TV producer named Bill Storke and had two lovely children, Victoria and Adam. Her son Adam Storke starred in the film Mystic Pizza opposite fellow newcomer Julia Roberts and also played Ryder on Search For Tomorrow. And he was briefly engaged to be married to Mariska Hargitay!


Both Angela and Geri died in 2010-that was one rough year. But I feel so fortunate to have known them both.






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David Elliott is in photos and cast writeups from ithe mid-1970s, so maybe TD hired him back? Supposedly, from some articles I read, he was involved in a major storyline in 1976, with the return of Carolee (as Jada Rowland) and Ann is not the supposed good girl we are seeing now. Hmmm. 


Gerald Gordon did have a reputation in those days as being somewhat of a womanizer, so maybe he hit on Geraldine and she didn't like it? I guess we'll never know. In any case, they had NO chemistry on-screen...especially when you consider the white hot chemistry he had with Liz Hubbard.


You should really join the show's FB fan group, TimWil. One of the regular posters is the lady who captions the reruns. According to her, Angela Thornton will indeed be back in the episodes to come and she will again cross paths with Patrick Horgan's Dr. John Morrison. I had no idea Mariska Hargitay was once engaged to Adam Storke.


I really enjoy the memories you've shared with us. Thank you so much!!

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TimWil thanks for posting all of that here. Did your friend Geri ever share how she came to get on Guiding Light? I'm asking as Allen Potter hired her for TD and then years later she ended up as Amanda's mother on GL. I'm hoping they had a good relationship or else that wouldn't have happened.


Is the Adams Chronicles available anywhere? I'm wondering because it would be fun to see.

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I am so far behind, so no one's going to care, but Liz on the Ledge was such excellent drama. I didn't think she was going to fall or anything but, still, I was on the edge of my seat. Never in a million years would I have seen that coming. Great stuff. 

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The writers that came after Lakin/Edelstein didn’t just ruin Nick, they eviscerated him. GG did have nice male/female friendship chemistry with Lydia Bruce, and of course, no one knows Nick better than his chief lab assistant, the delightful Martha Allen (played for nearly a decade by the equally delightful Sally Gracie).

Edited by amybrickwallace
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Yes, I like him with Maggie and Martha, and as uncle to Rico.  I even like his adversarial relationship with John, as I think GG and PH had good acting chemistry.  But there were zero romantic sparks with Redthea, the three Cathies, or Ann.  I didn't watch GG on GH so I don't know whether he had chemistry with his leading ladies there.

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I just wish that Martha wasn't so doting on Nick. He isn't perfect and she shouldn't always be on his side. I wonder how this happened with casting that he didn't have chemistry with whom they paired him with, did they test them with other actors instead, which is why it didn't work? I understood why they got rid of Rico at that time, even if I liked Richard Niles. There wasn't anyone on canvas for him to interact that was near his age and having him work at the hospital didn't exactly fit. If Penny had been slightly older and on screen, I would have thought they would have put Penny with Rico. 

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