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The Doctors

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I wish I had Retro. Grr. LOL. Is this still being uploaded somewhere? (@DRW50) I know someone on DailyMotion was doing it but I think that stopped and I became extremely far behind so it's hard to go through all the old videos and find where I left off.


I'm glad Retro is still airing this. I think Dark Shadows, Edge of Night, would be great choices for them to add. I wonder why they haven't added other soaps? Probably cost?


I'm a sucker for episode counts @YRBB ! Are you still doing the flashbacks for Y&R with the monthly counts?

Edited by KMan101
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Starting the October 1974 episodes on Retro, Penny is kind of a demon child with the low blow of bringing up her late brother Buddy to Althea.  Plus, we are seeing Toni moving on slowly while persumed dead Mike is in the hospital in Asia with bandages on his face.  That particular story is an example of long term fallout and how modern soaps don't employ that technique.  The Toni/Mike/Alan/Margo story as it stands now became possible because of Penny's crush and scheming to get Mike back in the summer of 1973.  One action by one character causing a domino affect that's being felt over a year later on the show.


Modern day soaps can do this, but modify the pace to fit in with modern day viewers.

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Thanks!  What's the name of the actress playing Ann?


It's so neat watching Anna Stuart, Julia Duffy and Elizabeth Hubbard, if they'd only knew where their careers would take them.


I wish I didn't have to get up so early these days, because the 1am The Doctors block is a great late night treat.

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Ann Larimer is played by the late Geraldine Court.


AMC--Mary Georgia 84-86  occasional

AW June Laverty   79-80

ATWT Jennifer Sullivan Ryan Hughes  71-72

ATWT Jennifer Hobart   client, Grant Colman    89  murder victim

TD Dr. Ann  _______(Aldrich) Larimer (Aldrich)    73-74. 75-?77?

GL   Jennifer  Stafford Richards Evans ((AKA Jane Marie Stafford)

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