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Count me as another one surprised - well, I knew what was going to happen eventually but I was surprised at the scene itself. Back to that in a moment.

Yay - another postcard from John, this time from England. He bought a "guru robe" (then again, wasn't 1968 the year the Beatles brought the Maharishi to fame?) and Bonnie bought a micro miniskirt that she will be arrested in once she wears it. LOL With all these references to our Little Boy Doctor, maybe he will come back for awhile. Who knows?

As for the final scene, I was surprised at how...rough it was. There were repeated cries of "no" and "stop", too. That was very daring for a daytime soap in 1968 - and over a full decade before the infamous Luke/Laura scene at the Campus Disco.

Edited by amybrickwallace
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Exciting news!! I received an email from our favorite "nurse" herself, Carolee Campbell Elizondo, today (I had emailed her care of her website - http://ninjapressbooks.com)!!

Here's what the message says, in part:

"Many thanks for sending me the link for Retro TV. I’m not able to get it in my area. It is exceedingly interesting to watch oneself from forty-seven years ago for the first time. You have no idea.

All best wishes to you and your family,


Needless to say, that email made my day today!!!

Edited by amybrickwallace
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I may have trouble looking at Steve the same way again after seeing today's first episode. I had no idea this was how he became involved with Karen. By the time I remember seeing them, she was causing all the problems. Now I see he brought the problems on himself.

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That's awesome that you got in contact with Carolee Campbell. I think she's really won some new fans (I'd seen a little of her work but had no idea just how good she would be - she's so fresh and so unique and so real and is a great gateway for viewers who may not be entirely wrapped up in some of the therapy sessions and melodrama and scheming German doctors and baby woes [much of this is good but it can be a little heavy). I hope We Love Soaps might be able to interview her.

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Thank you for sharing the note from Carolee. Her character is one of my favorites watching this show I never watched during its run. When I read the history of her acting training at least now I sort of understand why I see what I do within her performances.

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I agree. How interesting to see this Steve because he is so radically different from the Steve Aldrich I remember from the late 70s/early 80s.

Both episodes were incredibly riveting and thought-provoking, especially the first episode with the scenes between Steve and Karen.

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You're welcome! I'll have to email Roger Newcomb and give her the link to her website - and hopefully he can get an interview. Or maybe Brandon's Buzz.

Anyway, for once I didn't begrudge Matt being there when Karen was so shaken and upset. The way she looked at the bedroom and had to shut the door gave me chills. I've never been a Karen fan but she didn't deserve what Steve dished out. Karen needed kindness from someone she trusted, even if she didn't tell him why. Even Maggie would have to feel for Karen - as she had dealt with Greta's bio dad, the evil Kurt Van Allen (and apparently Bethel played out the lion's share of that story after Ann Williams left).

Meanwhile, the staff of Hope Memorial still has their hands full with one Ralph Anderson - and his latest plot is foiled by none other than Liz, who catches him just in time.

The second episode picks right up at that point - and Nick, Carolee, Liz and a big, beefy orderly have their hands full trying to keep Lila's husband in check. Carolee is frantically calling the Powers house, trying in vain to reach Matt (who of course is still at Karen's).

I have to admire Nick's restraint - twice he stopped himself from belting Mr. Anderson. Nick also showed his compassion and desperation for Mrs. Anderson's condition, all the while knowing that his hands are tied. Liz and Mr. Beefy Orderly also had all they could do to keep Mr. Anderson in the lounge!!

What I liked most about the second episode is how well the desperation was played of the staff having to decide what to do in a life or death situation with their boss - the chief of staff - nowhere to be found. Well, ONE of the doctors had an idea of where Matt was and was right on the money. I don't think I have to tell you who I mean. LOL

Edited by amybrickwallace
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