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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Her and David were such a great couple until Blyth started giving them the exact same storyline about 50 million times and then Alicia came in and all was shot to hell. Also, her relationship with Doug was my favourite part of her character. I just hope that 1) Her exit gives Matthew Wolfenden something to freaking do and 2) Alicia is axed. I have never seen one person actually admit they like this Chas rip off.

Edited by Amello
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I wonder if the horrible "J-Cup" story is why she's going. That and middle-aged Amy.

Too bad, as she and David really sparked. Not something very common on Emmerdale these days.

A major charity has trashed the disgusting and offensive Jackson story.


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I know some people have problems with this show but I have to say when its time step up they step up. I just watched the assisted sucide and I know people have problems with it but the acting was really superb. I mean I cried and cried. The acting from Danny and Pauline I really felt the conflict and pain. Marc shined as well. I will say one thing they did not back down and change the storyline because people were going to get their nickers in a twist. They kept it going and in the end it was a brillant episode. It will be really interesting to see how Arron and Hazel handle the after effect. For me it was a great episode.

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Aww, looking at the show now it's truly shocking how badly they have ruined it. I mostly blame Steve November who has stated again and again how much he detests the past.

To add, it's always interested me how they always kept Matt apart of the Sugden family after Peggy died and he moved on with Dolly. You'd never see that nowadays.

Edited by Amello
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I didn't realize November said he hates the past. That explains why the show is so hollow now.

There is no sense of family, friendship, or community on Emmerdale now. That's what made Matt's relationship with the Sugdens so special. Now we have the boring Bartons.

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That was great! So wonderful! It's unfortunate that that one uploader stopped putting the early episodes on YouTube because it would be the perfect thing to watch with Take the High Road. I wish there was a way to buy the DVDs for North American TVs.

It really sucks that the show got so far away from its roots. The idea of having a tight, tight focus on one family for 40 years is just exciting to me, and to think of how complex and intricate the family relationships could be...

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  • 4 weeks later...
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With a lesbian couple on the horizon, I wonder if this means Debbie could be going back to the snatch?

And with Leyla this/next week, I wonder what that means for David? Who do you think he'd be good with? Not just romantically, because he needs some friends. I guess Andy really is the only option there.

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I struggle to care about Andy, and I don't see him and David becoming best mates over night, even if Andy is going out with Alicia. I think he could be good with Nikhil, who also lacks male friends.

I think Debbie will be busy with the Sarah story, as looks like it may be a cancer story, even though they want us to believe it's possibly an abusive story. Although, I hope this new lesbian couple will have Debbie referencing her past, like-wise with Charity.

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Do you agree with those who feel they have ruined Paddy with his casual dismissal of Aaron?

I didn't realize that my favorite from Hollyoaks, Joe, was the one who is playing the new vet. Some are saying he will be with Rhona. Others say he will be with Aaron. And I thought burning to death was a bad story :(

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This show is just pure crap. No creativity, (another fricking affair? That's all they've been doing for two years!!!), no good drama, the actors all look bored as hell, and the show looks to much like some sub-par theatre production. Even Corrie and Hollyoaks have at least something to be praise. It's just sad.

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ED aired it's 6000th ep yesterday, and it was about as eventful as counting grains of sand. Amy lurches from one boring story to another, and b/c she's obviously something special (and I just don't know it), her story - about being pregnant with Cain's baby - was the "highlight" of a milestone episode that should have been celebrated in some way. Instead, it was passed over like it means nothing. Oh, and minor character Roz left after bagging the quickest job in history. On the plus side, Aaron and Chas didn't feature, after being in every single episode for the past several weeks.

And should I dare touch the mess that are the Maceys?

So I thought there may have been something between Jai and Ella in the past, but they never went there. But with a week before Mia leaves, they decide to throw this twist into the mix. Why bother at this late stage? There won't be much time to explore the fallout.

And, Nikhil is a much better character than this dull story gives him credit for. Charity's revenge is simply making him look bad in front of his brother and employees over a botched order of chocolate and over-time rates. Wake me when this over, and they actually give Nikhil a story worthwhile.

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