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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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I get what you mean. The Windsors have been and gone. Kelly i always enjoyed. But was she always a vixen ? Scott i never liked and Donna i would go on and off on. I hated the affair with Ross. Why would Donna sleep with Ross when she had a fine marriage with Marlon ? But Anita Turner was Emmerdale`s worst producer (Despite she gave us Shane F-ING DOYLE - Legend).

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It seemed like they made Kelly a vixen when Adele Silva began to get into her older teens and that carried on when she returned in 2005, although I think the earlier Kelly was a bit less comical than the 2005-2007 Kelly. I guess by the time she got together with Jimmy she was supposed to be softer.

Anita Turner had a lot of highs and lows. I didn't like her comedy stuff, mostly what was related to Gennie, but I loved the cot death and baby switch stories, and Shane's murder, and the wife-beating story with Andy and Jo was also quite good. I also liked the relationship between Matthew and Anna, even if the plans for that seemed to change significantly (Anna was brought in as a "superbitch" but almost never acted bitchy her entire time on the show, and she seemed to be planned for Carl, then suddenly they put her with Matthew). Matthew's funeral episode is one of my favorite soap funeral episodes ever.

I feel like Viv is one of those characters they may be phasing out but I do wish they could do more with her. I don't know if bringing her kids back is the right answer but there must be something. So little of her past is known to viewers -- just that she had a horrible marriage to that guy, Reg or whatever, who fathered Scott and then returned years later and took Viv and Alan's wife Shirley hostage.

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Still for me The Windsors don`t have a place in Emmerdale anymore. I think The Tates were maybe the best family ever on Emmerdale.

The Bartons & Wyldes aren`t bad but i prefer The Wyldes because they all have a different personality.

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Okay people, I have kept this in LONG ENOUGH! I have a major gripe with this show that has just been building and building for almost a YEAR and now it has just hit its CLIMAX. I cannot, will not, SHOULD NOT have to keep this in ANYMORE! The world, the forces of the world, simply cannot JUSTIFY to me such blatant DISRESPECT to my eyes. I AM NOT BLIND. I AM NOT CHALLENGED.

So friends it has come to this, this point in my life where I must scream out such obscenities ... Jesus [!@#$%^&*] Christ, can Aaron please STOP tucking his PANTS INTO HIS SOCKS. I hate this look, I detest and loathe this look. I want this look to die a fiery DEATH and yet it mercilessly continues at my EXPENSE! Does this show not see this abomination at work? Does this show not see how this is a RAPING OF THE CLOTHING PROCESS! This is not fashion people, this is not COOL. I had to live through this grotesque tour de force for FOUR YEARS as I prayed for judgment day to come as I was forced to watch in HORROR in high school and the neanderthals who actually believe that they, in such a horrid moment, looked ... BIG GULP ... good!


Thank you.

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Are they adding a new family, or a ton of new characters? I don't know if they need another new family. Even though Blyth said that he regretted how the new families were introduced, I think the show did a wonderful job last year of bringing them in (aside from the poor casting for Barton daughters, and the lack of story for Ryan and Faye). There may not be enough room for more new characters.

Or is this about them moving to a new set? Aren't they supposed to be doing that? Could that have to do with the move to HD? Surely moving to a new set would mean HD?

The whole early 2008 thing reminds me of the rumors at that time that Emmerdale was supposed to have a police-based spinoff. There was a big buildup of cop characters and a new station set at that time.

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Or maybe they're doing some web-based spin-off? :unsure:

The world "expanding" can be taken different ways, I guess.

It could be about moving too, Emmerdale was announced to be moving to a new set since 2008 and was supposed to go to HD the same time Corrie did, but it didn't work out that way...

Or maybe it's just nothing news again. :lol:

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I forgot about the web based thing. That would make sense.

Are you ready for the THEY'RE RIPPING OFF EASTENDERS!!! cries...

I thought I read something from earlier this year which brought up the new set thing. I hope that's still happening, otherwise I would wonder if ITV are not sure about the show. They've already canceled so many of their long-running shows...

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