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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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I enjoyed today's episode and how it highlighted father/son relationships. 


I thought the scenes with Ashley and Jacob were cute but heartbreaking. Once again, I am reminded that the clock is ticking with Ashley. I just hope that they don't do the climax at Christmas this upcoming year. I'd actually like if they strayed from the cliche. 


Oh Jacob! I love his relationship with David and understood why he was frustrated. I just love the Pollard family unit. They are the ONLY bright spot about this show as of late. 


I really didn't care about Gabby v. Liv. I knew that was coming a mile away. I just hope this doesn't result in one of them bedding Jacob and getting pregnant to stick it to the other. I know it's not real nowadays, but I'd actually like to see a group of wholesome young adolescents in soaps. I don't need everyone having sex. 

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I gather that the dementia storyline with Ashley won't reach a climax until next spring but I really hope they don't attempt a brief "Christmas miracle" in which he suddenly gets part of his memory back.

Edited by TimWil
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I'm so tired of seeing teenage girls written in a nasty manner 24/7. Why not some variety? No wonder so many teenage girls avoid soaps now. What a waste of talented actresses. The girl who plays Liv was especially good today, but the material is so unpleasant.


I thought Jacob's reaction was a bit overdramatic but I understood how he felt, and David's lack of trust in him. I was glad Leyla was a part of all that, even if she didn't have much to say. 

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I hope they don't either. I'd just rather this Christmas be a nice, memorable Christmas for Ashley, Laurel, Gabby, and Arthur and not something dramatic. I think I'll be moved more if it is something simplistic like Ashley adamant on making everlasting memories for his kids rather than it be him falling ill or some cliche miracle, which we all know won't last long as the character is being written off in a year.




Exactly. Again, too cliche. I think it would've been nice to see Gabby just tell Liv she has feelings for Jacob rather than chew her out. I think this show is just adamant in creating its next ingenue/vixen and Gabby is it.


Honestly, I'd prefer to see Gabby, Jacob, and Liv to all be friends. I don't need romances from them. I'd like that more than a romance.

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I'm really getting annoyed by how much this show shafts Priya. We didn't see her get married, and now we can't even see her react to David having cancer, when the show had already had scenes building up to her finding out.


At least the prospect of Robert and Charity working together has me excited.

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They always seem to sideline Priya. I still don't even believe they planned to have her actually marry Rakesh - I think the original plan was an affair with Chrissie. And now she and Leyla have less to do in this story because of Tracy being so involved. I like Tracy but she should have a lesser role. 


I'm not sure if I trust the show to handle Edna's passing, but Katherine Dow Blyton and John Middleton were so good today. I hope they realize what a gift they have in Blyton. 


I hope we're going to get to see more of the community reaction. That part of the show isn't around as much now.

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Good episode tonight.

John Bowe gave quite a moving performance re both Edna's passing and Chrissy's request. I even liked the actress who plays Chrissy. Freddie Jones I always go back and forth with-on the one hand he can do beautiful, subtle work like he did tonight but on the other he sometimes rants and raves like he's playing King Lear at the London Palladium.

Edited by TimWil
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Yes, I for once did feel sorry for Chrissie, and I also felt sorry for Lawrence. It's odd that his reaction about Edna felt more authentic than people who knew her and were close to her for years, like Jimmy. 


I skipped a lot of the Liv stuff, but I did enjoy Robert scheming against Lawrence - you could see how much he was enjoying himself. I hope they don't go anywhere with Robert and Charity though. 


Tracy's hair is just shocking. I'm glad she got through to Jacob, but I still wish that had been Leyla.

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I always enjoy Ross' relationship with Finn, but the hypocrisy and whining from Ross is intolerable. I can't hear him pouting about Finn wanting to work with Pete after Pete beat him up and left him for dead without remembering how he hung Pete over an overpass and tried to make him commit suicide. This character desperately needs someone to call him out in order to keep him from ossifying even more into a woobied-fists-of-fury Aaron knockoff.

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I utterly don't care about Chrissie/Lawrence and this paternity story. And for Lawrence to spew that Lachlan can't learn the truth b/c he's not strong enough...:rolleyes:


He was strong enough when his perverted ass violated Alicia. 


I hate this family with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. 

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