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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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The sexual abuse reveal was good, and I'm glad they made a point of the fact that this is not why Aaron's gay. I cringe when they give this sort of story to gay/bi individuals, because that ridiculous myth is still so prevalent and widely believed. And Robert was very touching in his devotion to Aaron.


I don't see what's supposed to be so hunky about Duncan. And after the shitty way he acted with Tracy...


Leyla and Nikhil are cute. Nikhil is wham-bam-thank-u-ma'am hot. JFC. Yum.


Re: the Moira/Cain discussion earlier: UGH. Hate them. Want them broken up. In fact, I wouldn't mind if they die. Horrendously. Together. 


I guess it depends on how they plot the next part of the storyline. If he ends up buying into the pub and Aaron keeps the secret... although I see them finding out just at the nick of time.

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Adam is killing me. I hate seeing him suffer over the loss of that baby, but I commend the writers for playing the beats. It's so good. It was good to see Kirin try and bring Adam into the fold and now Adam be resistant. I think going from being a father to the surrogate uncle is hard for him. Victoria needs to give that man a baby! Fatherhood has truly changed Adam for the better.


Ashley mistaking Debbie's cottage for his is heartbreaking. It's just a constant reminder that the clock is ticking down for his time on the show.


Can't say it enough times that I am glad that Jacob is back. I've always loved his relationship with David; however, his presence makes me weep and long for Alicia. I so miss her/Natalie Anderson on the show.


Robert and Aaron are love, but Aaron is so damn dumb. Why put yourself at risk by leaving the hospital? But I cannot get behind Gordon raping Aaron. I feel like the Conservatives are gonna take this and run with it. They'll once again correlate homosexuality and pedophilia. Really, Emmerdale? Someone help me make sense of this. Am I just overreacting?


So glad that Victoria stuck up for Robert to Chas. Given Chas' history, she can't talk about Robert when she was with Carl, who has killed before, and Cameron, who was a homicidal maniac. Plus, she has 

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Glad to see that they addressed Aaron being molested and his sexuality. I was about to be pissed and if they just left it hanging. Good decision for them to address that Aaron realized his sexuality existed before Gordon molested him. 


Oh I love how they are humanizing Robert again!!! Please, new regime, I beg you, don't revert him back! 

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I hate the new Aaron secret revealed...just another ploy to make me feel bad for the character which I don't appreciate it. That being said him and Robert together is too good to miss. Also Robert desperately trying to find him does tug at my heartstrings. Could someone explain...when Robert douche said "I was with him (Aaron) last night" did he mean they slept together/had sex?

Or that he was just there to support him through a breakdown? 


Uhh Kirin and Adam make one fine ass gay couple/daddies lol. Maybe Vanessa needs to take a long vacation or something....


Nkhill continues to be all sorts of 50 Shades of Grey hot...I just can't 

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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It's a shame the role is so skeevy because I think he'd be likeable in another part. The actor has had a few cute videos out. Here's one:


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Sorry - I can't delete the first video. This one doesn't have NEWSFLARE in large letters.


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Very Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee. Not to compare, even if I think there's is better. Still here's the video.




And for a fun soap connection, the fellow YouTuber in that vid, Oli White, is now dating Wallis Day, who played Holly Cunningham on Hollyoaks. She's in the following YT vids.

In the previous prank alluded to in the video above:

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And at the beginning of this video with her boyfrend, Oli.




Edited by Bright Eyes
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I thought the scenes with Aaron were well-acted and well-written (aside from the rewrite that he was happy to be kicked out by Gordon - he was actually very angry and hurt), but as much as I like seeing a more supportive side of Robert, and as much as I know the character needed it, I wish he hadn't been the one with Aaron in those scenes. I think it got in the way of the main message of the story and the whole thing intertwined with romantic elements, which shouldn't have been there, IMO. 


I can't help being disappointed that they've taken this route with Gordon, as Aaron really needed a fresh perspective and fresh relationships. Once this story is wrapped up, Aaron will be more isolated than ever, and I can't take his relationship with Chas in particular anymore. Kate Oates has just about decimated this character and I have a feeling it's going to get a lot worse. 

Even with my doubts about the story, I do think the second episode, other than the retcon, was very well-written, very believable, powerful dialogue, and very strong work from Danny Miller.


Adam and Kirin WOULD make a hot couple. I kept thinking it during their scenes on the sofa today. They complement each other physically and have good chemistry. I guess Adam won't be in the story anymore, which is a shame, because it would be interesting to see him as a part of Johnny's life. This story has been unsung but the writing and acting have consistently worked for me.


NIkhil is gorgeous and he's a wonderful man, but Leyla doesn't really want him, and I think it's going to end with him being very badly hurt. I think Rik may be done filming now, as he's looking for other work. I wish he could stay...


I don't think Alicia would let Jacob go so easily. I guess it's better this than her character being trashed, but it hurt to see them all so happy and knowing she's alone in Portugal.

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This was actually really hard. But after some soul-searching and a few walks down memory lane I think I'm pleased with my list.

1. Kathy Bates-Merrick-Tate-Glover

2. Annie Sugden-Kempinski-Brearly

3. Dolly Acaster-Skilbeck  (she would be #1 if I only counted the Katharine Barker years)

4. Betty Eagleton

5. Viv Windsor-Hope

6. Sam Pearson

7. Edna Birch

8. Val Lambert-Pollard

9. Amos Brearly

10. Kim Tate-Marchant

11. Laurel Potts-Thomas-Dingle 

12. Matthew King

13. Joe Sugden

14. Henry Wilks

15. Jessie Renfrew

16. Matt Skilbeck

17. Caroline Bates

18. Zoe Tate

19. Ashley Thomas

20. Alison Gibbons

(Honourable mentions: Diane Sugden, Bernice Blackstock, Jackie Merrick, Elizabeth Pollard, Frank Tate, Steph Stokes)

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Another good episode. 


Leyla and Nikhil were HOT. I hope she gave him the 'good good' b/c I know I would if I was in her position. :ph34r:


Carly, Finn, and Tracey were a hoot. I enjoy this little trio together and hope it's something more we'll see in the future. Watching these three conspire together against Duncan, the van driver, was funny and makes me miss friendships on US soaps. Glad that UK soaps still explore genuine friendships w/o strings being attached. 


Proud of Robert sticking up for Aaron and confronting Gordon. It was cute to see him tell the nurse that Aaron was his beau too. I loved Robert before but I loving the direction he is taking as of late. I like that he has shades of grey to him like one of my favorite male soap characters, Roger Thorpe. He can be bad at times but underneath, he has goodness to him and he will protect those he loves. 

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