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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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It's just DTC going all Bad Seed campy at the expense of the storyline.

Anybody else watching that new series Humans? It's about these robots called synths who get taken into people's homes for various reasons. Cindy, with her staring eyes, shiny hair and robotic delivery, seemed as synth-like as it could get tonight.

Besides Jay and Lola, Abi and Ben and Jamie and Belinda who else have enjoyed trysts in the Arches?

Steve McFadden really did do a superb job tonight. However, Phil never killed anyone? Try telling that to the family of the poor homeless guy who got incinerated in the car lot that Phil torched. OK, it wasn't intentional but still. He's just as much a murderer as his son is. What a hypocrite.

Edited by TimWil
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Tim that was almost as hilarious as Phil saying he'd never hurt a child.

In not so shocking news...


They obliterated that character when he fucked Roxy while Ronnie was comatose. Before that he had some fans. Even I'd started to like him.

DTC fails yet again at creating new characters and writing for men under the age of 50.

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I loved Charlie until the nonsensical, random Roxy affair. He could easily have been a great leading man on this show, but DTC pressed self-destruct with the quickness because he can't comprehend that characters have actually evolved since he was last on the show. It's sad he never saw Charlie as anything but a plot point. Declan Bennett deserves better and I wish him all the best.

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I apologize to Carl and the other Jamie Borthwick admirers here but in this week's episodes I thought he was not good at all and I won't be too cut up if he's gone for good. I doubt he is, though. I can see this week as being a token opportunity by DTC for him to step up but it didn't work. I can see him leaving for good in the fall, though.

I doubt that last night's episode marked the beginning of Max' swan song. I think the show is doing a double bluff and Ben will continue to be the prime suspect, paving the way for Kathy and Gavin to figure heavily in his vindication and release.

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Given the many times Danny Dyer, Rita Symons, the awful woman who plays Tina, et al. have tanked stronger material, I'm not sure why Jamie Borthwick should be held to a higher standard. The show is so full of unlikeable characters and middling actors that I don't think DTC can afford to be choosy.

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He has, Bright Eyes. I don't know if it's because he hadn't been used much in the past year that he seemed to me to be pushing too hard in this week's episodes. I think he was a really good child actor but I don't think he's very compelling as a young adult actor. He's got a great face for period drama. Maybe it's just that I don't think he now looks right for this show at this point.

Edited by TimWil
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Danielle Harold was fantastic as usual, but unfortunately it was obvious DTC didn't give a damn about her at all. I'll miss her a lot. Personally, I did like that Lola admitted she'd forgive Billy, as I believe it was true to their relationship. It would have pissed me off if they left on bad terms.

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Lola's exit seemed hugely rushed but then again DTC wanted to see her dispatched up to Newcastle with great haste.

I must admit that Lin Blakely was terrific in tonight's episode but it only served to prove that she's saddled with a horrible character 99% of the time. Roger Sloman is atrocious even at his most bearable. He makes Danny Dyer look like Sir Paul Scofield.

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I know the show won't go there, but for all the talk of "brothers" or "family," the Jay and Ben relationship is becoming more ambiguous (not that I'm complaining). I guess it doesn't hurt that Jamie Borthwick and Harry Reid have more chemistry than most of the actual couples on the show at the moment. 

I know it won't go anywhere and is just a setup for Kathy's return when Ben will probably regress to being Phil's flunky again, but the episode-long righteous [!@#$%^&*] talk about that nasty old man from Ben and Jay did my heart good.

Edited by DRW50
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Tonight's episode was a s**tfest of mammoth proportions. Speaking of mammoth proportions Claudette's boobies are enormous and they were framed into a shot directly next to Patrick's head and I couldn't help but wince.

Kim has sadly reverted back to a caricature. Phil is reverting back to King Mitchell, bully of Walford. Dean and Roxy are being portrayed as a couple of cute kids trying to get a bit of time to themselves. Awful.

Edited by TimWil
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