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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I dont think I have ever watched while

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was there, but I enjoy Cindy so it will be good to see them interact.


I was thrilled to see

back yesterday! Had no idea this return was happening. Love this!! 

Edited by Manny
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Jane coming back was great, that’s been a loose end I’ve really wanted them to tie up and they did a great job with it. The scenes with her Cindy, Ian, George, and Bobby having it out in her kitchen were fantastic. I will forever hate how she did Lucy and I’m glad Cindy got to slap her a good one but Jane really did love those Beale kids as her own and suffered a lot for it. I was glad she and Bobby came to a better ending and I love that she’s actually back with Masood.

Ian did all that talk about not being Cindy’s mug anymore just to go right back lol, what a loser his boys definitely get it from their dad.

I kind of like Lauren and George Junior? Certainly more interesting than her and Peter who I’ve come to realize just how much I don’t really care for. I didn’t like her lashing out at Kathy the way she did either but its easy to go into the blame game when you find out your kid has a learning difficulty. Her working at the car lot is a good spot for her on canvas.

Anna getting roofied is a good social story but I’m not all that interested tbh. I do like how this is being used to finally get her away from Bobby and back to Freddie who she’s always had better chemistry with.

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Oh I agree with a lot of what you said!!

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OMG, I LOOOOVED Cindy vs Jane. Both women had a point and when Cindy slapped Jane, I was gasping and then when Jane yelled back that she only did it because Bobby is her only child because Cindy's son made her infertile... OMG!!! I gasped even more!! Amazing scene, great acting by both! I missed Laurie Brett so much

And then.... crying moment #1 when Bobby tells Jane she shouldn't have come back. Jane's heart was breaking and so was mine for her. Oh my.... But then when she finally speaks to him alone and he falls into her arms crying... crying moment #2!!!! Her face when he did that... dear God... and then I wept again when she gave him his present and he asked if he can see her again. Eeeeek!! Such great episodes full of great acting and moments. 

Also, Ian telling off Cindy was amazing! She really is such a bitch so I liked him telling her off. But then of course, I had to laugh out loud when he came back to her and she immediately started barking at him and he was the obedient Ian again lol

I hope this is not it for Laurie Brett's return. They cannot give me such a tease and take it away right away!! Although it did seem like they wrapped it up perfectly. And with Bobby leaving soon, I guess there won't be any reason for her to visit again   I wish she would. I love her.

The rest of the storylines were okay. Anna's roofie storyline is fine, but I think it mostly there as a plot point to bring Freddie and Anna together. Which is fine, I like Freddie, I like Anna and Bobby is leaving anyway. Plus I never really dug Anna/Bobby as a couple. 

Lauren and Junior could be interesting. Maybe she will find out that he slept with Cindy! That would be fun. For Lauren to have something on Cindy!  I hope they recast Peter. Thomas Law is not that good unfortunately.

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They've recast Peter multiple times, and it never really works out. I don't think it would matter if the writing was better.

In this case, most of the people in his story aren't good either, so it doesn't stand out as much.

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Shaun Williamson (Barry) is apparently claiming to The Sun that originally he was supposed to kill Janine off on Valentine's Day all those years ago, but the show switched it up when he decided to leave instead. Can't imagine that alternate universe.

Equally insane to me: Jane and Cindy suggesting that Cindy is the love of Ian's life, and Cindy saying vice versa for herself. I'm frankly not sure Ian has ever had one of those.

Edited by Vee
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Really enjoyed all things Jane/Ian/Bobby yesterday. I wish the show had done a standalone episode featuring the Jane reveal/Cindy showdown, but thats only a minor qualm that I have. I feel like the show properly provided some closure to some loose ends that were left dangling after the end of the Who kill Lucy? storyline. 

Cindy/Junior/Lauren looks to be messy, and I love it. 

Love how each week shifts focus to a different family unit on the square, this weeks it's Beales, last week it was the Mitchells, a few weeks before that was the Fox/Truman family, and before that the Knight family. 

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There were publicity photos taken of both versions, although by that time the plans were already in place of course. I think he was let go because he wanted to do panto and at that time you were only allowed if you were a very select group in the cast.

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I was not expecting Reis to suffocate the comatose wife with a pillow, my goodness.

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Sonia’s dumbass is gonna end up taking the fall for it fasho. Glad Phil is on to him stealing money already I can’t believe Sharon’s letting him play her for an idiot.

Penny finally doing something interesting stealing Chelsea’s job at Peggy’s. I hope this is the beginning of a good feud.

I enjoyed seeing some Slater family scenes but I’m not crazy about this Kat and Tommy story. Feels like we already did this with Sharon and Dennis and he’s such a brat. I did laugh at Tommy calling the police on Kat though.

We’re gonna have to deal with another couple of months of Linda getting drunk and scream she killed Keanu aren’t we? I’m getting tired of her again.

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I really enjoyed this episode on Wednesday! 

I love Reiss killing his wife and how they set up Sonia would be blamed, with the signature and saying it in front of Jack. This will now get really interesting!! 

But Reiss is so gross. The only negative in this episode was Sharon so blindly trusting Reiss. I didn't get why she trusts him so much. 

I liked Sonia speaking to different Brannings and Martin about her growing up. It was a nice scene. I hope she doesn't sell the house.

Tommy and Kat storyline is DARK! OMG, I feel bad for Kat. But she needs to show who the parent is. But now with Tommy calling the cops, might be too late. 

And Penny.. damn! She was so boring. And then she does this to Chelsea?! I wonder where this will go. I love Chelsea. Not a fan of Penny. So lets see..  

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Loved the Thursday episode!!

The kid playing Tommy is so good at playing evil! Loved his scene with Alfie in the kitchen.

I also loved the scene where Reiss realizes that he didnt have to kill Debbie because Sonia was going to sell the house. 

And then Penny's quick turn against Chelsea is so random and weird. I get that she was introduces as a drug dealer, but since then she was a pretty bland sales lady at the market. Maybe it would be better if it felt intentional (that she framed Chelsea to get her fired), but this all just fell in her lap and she ran with it. I wonder where this goes though.

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