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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Oh no. I know it wasn't targeted it at me. I was just simply saying I am ALL for them being killed off. The characters have nowhere else to go. DTC destroyed them beyond repair. 


Personally, I lost interest in Ronnie and Roxy after Archie died. I grew tired of Ronnie moaning for Jack and a baby. I was growing to like her again opposite Charlie but that story went south real quick. As aforementioned, I grew tired of Roxy b/c of her repetitive stories. The character never progressed and stayed making the same mistakes. 


(re: Denise) The story is OK. I just know it is gonna go south too with Phil somehow coming out on top and everyone guilting Denise for keeping the secret and denying Phil of being a father. :rolleyes: The man has had 2 shots of being a father and has blown them. What makes people think the 3rd time would be a charm? Plus, I refuse to watch Denise be treated the same way Phil treated Lisa upon learning he was Louise's dad. He was disgusting. 

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I hate the Denise story. There's no reason for her to keep the baby. None. We are getting "miracle of life" type talk which makes no real sense for Denise to listen to because she knows it's not that easy. Look at the trouble Chelsea had in life. And that was when Denise was a young woman, without a monster living in the neighborhood waiting to snatch his child. It's one of those stories that makes the character look stupid just to serve the plot - and what plot is it, really? I don't care about how Phil will react or how Sharon or his kids will react. I don't want to see him stealing another child. I don't want any of it. 


It's well-acted, but that's it. 


Did you see the post I mentioned you in on the last page? 

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I can't see Phil finding out about it for years. I have a feeling that Kim and Vincent will raise the baby who will end up seeing Vincent as his/her dad, then Phil finds out his child has been raised by Vincent and all hell breaks loose.

I quite like the idea of Kim and Vincent raising the baby, I hope this goes ahead.

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These past couple weeks have really given me a lot of faith in Sean O'Connor. Watching the show doesn't feel dirty anymore. I sense a feel of relief now, eager to watch the next episode.  The low key duff-duffs have been almost beautiful.


With the Fowler unit on the move, is there anyone currently living in the original Slater flat? I get confused as to which places are which. I also really wish Belinda would get her own damn place/keep the apartment for herself. She runs her own business, time for her to stand on her own now.

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All that stuff with Dot was excellent in my opinion.

Bright Eyes - I have no idea in regards to the housing arrangements. On Neighbours I know where every character from the whole history of the show lived, but all the houses and flats on EE just look the same to me. I have no idea which house is the original Slater house. Who lives in Pat's now?

Edited by Edward Skylover
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Well, what a lovely episode tonight's was. It had a strong sense of community and a strong sense of family. New beginnings (the Fowlers) and bittersweet endings (Dot and the launderette). Wow.


I think sometime in 2017 that SOC should bring back Sam but this time she should be played by Kim Medcalf. With Ronnie gone I can see Sam returning to "reclaim" Richard but she and Jack end up together. Kim and Scott Maslen could have considerable chemistry and it would ironically be the first time Medcalf's Sam really clicked with a love interest. And maybe somehow SOC could get Tracy Oberman in for a bit-perhaps Chrissie could snatch Richard as revenge for you-know-what? 

Edited by TimWil
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This last scene of Thursday's episode with Dot was so moving and upsetting. Best work I've seen this year. I know Friday's is going to break my heart.
I must say the Coker's have proven to be a strong addition to the square despite some weird acting from Les but when I see them I absolutely don't see actors in a scene. They feel so much like a real couple, it's hard to imagine for me that they're not, it's a rare occurrence. I try to be spoiler-free but I've read Pam would be leaving? Silly if so. She's the type of human, real character they need. Although I guess poor thing deserves a new start. But really her over wretched, nasty Babe? Props to Shirley for taking on her mother at least, and I loved Sonia telling her off before leaving Walford.

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Norman Bates! Love your avatar InLoveWithSoaps :)

The show has been really good last few episodes still. Loved Shirley saying she would smash the windows if Dot didn't keep her job at the launderette haha. 

Jane has become likeable again.

It feels more like a community. I will be watching avidly from now on.

I agree that Kim Medcalf should return.

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Roger Sloman and Harry Reid are genuinely awful when Les and Ben are required to display anger. Both painful to watch.


I'd be fine with Lin Blakley returning in around six months with Pam having been made a widow. She'd be wonderful with Honey, Billy and the kids.

Edited by TimWil
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Lin is a very good actress, but this story has reminded me that I can't take Pam when she's in an actual story. She always hurts everyone around her through selfishness and control freak ways and deceptions. I tend to prefer her as a supporting character. 

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Unfortunately I thought almost all of it was done the wrong way, from the Ben death fakeout, to the kidnapping/home invasion for Grant's return, to it becoming all about Pam's usual dramas, to sending the message that if you try to interfere with the case by talking to a relative of the accused, you'll get the result you want. 


There were some nice moments, like the bit in the last episode where Pam watched Johnny going off for a night out (the same way Paul had left before being murdered), but most of it left a bad taste in my mouth. 

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I can totally understand Pam's reaction. The whole kidnapping/home invasion for Grant was [!@#$%^&*] but the way Pam dealt with her grandson's death got to me. Her relationship with Honey too and yes, the scene when Johnny left for the hen party was really emotional.

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