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EastEnders: Discussion Thread

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Awful news, but I respect her for not hanging on and on. I struggle to imagine what the Masoods will be like without her. She really revitalized them. And this makes the news that they don't want Nina Wadia back even more baffling.


It's funny how the show just can't keep a Shabnam, isn't it.


I just hope loser Kush is gone soon. I have no interest in a triangle with Stacey and Martin.


One final thing - no character in years has reminded me as much of Julia Smith's EE as Rakhee's Shabnam. I think she would have been so proud. I really do.

Edited by DRW50
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I don't see DTC getting rid of a creation of his. I think Kush is there as long as DTC wants him there and I think we are in for a triangle with the three. 


I love how Shabnam paid his ass in dust tonight as she left the Square with Jade. 


I think the Masoods are gonna go back to floundering until someone pitches something interesting for them.

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Which likely means goodbye Paul. The character is terribly written and Johnny Labey isn't the best actor, but I do like Paul. I hated the idea of Johnny/Ben (and the fantasy that this would be a brilliant pairing because one is a Carter and one is a Mitchell, and blah blah Shirley Phil blah blah blah), and I doubt that will change.

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