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Loving/The City Discussion Thread


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I believe it will include Lisa Peluso. I was watching the first reunion live, and she actually commented from her real estate account in the Youtube chat at the time that she wanted to participate in another one of these.

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Excellent to hear. I imagine the original kids is intended to be in honor of the show's anniversary. Very interested in seeing what they talk about this go around. I was looking at that initial promo picture of the four of them and Perry Stephens. Shame Stephens isn't around. 

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One of the greatest scenes of the LM: Ava's monologue to Alex (timestamped below). I don't know if this is her last day or not; I hope not, as I feel the reasons for her to end the marriage entirely vs. leaving town are still too thin. I don't know how they'll transition from this to Alex and Jocelyn.


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Also, from the climax, which I feels bears out my theory on the killer, along with other recent pieces including one in the above with Neal Warren - they know but have mentally distanced it; it's not DID or blackouts, they've always clearly known it is them, but the lines are psychotically blurred. The killer never, ever speaks or mentally identifies as "Trisha". Trisha is just a mechanism.



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Some great stuff with Angie and Lorraine, too. Frontburner black story!

Edited by Vee
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I thought he was fine enough - charismatic, if a bit on the smarmier side without as much emphasis on sympathetic elements. The decision to make him the heavy in the Rocky and Todd story, and then transferring this over to Rocky and Rio by trying to have Rio deported, was a waste of the character. Sadly Loving seemed to keep making Curtis the heavy in pairings through the '90s - at least with Dinah Lee and Trucker I could say they were fairly compelling, but Rocky...? Eh. Not worth character trashing. The most interesting thing about her pairings were that the guys would have been more compelling if they'd hooked up with each other. (considering her quasi-threesome fantasy I imagine she would agree)

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@Vee thanks for finding that Ava scene. On the one hand her speech feels a bit generic to me and I can see why some felt her reactions were out of character, but Lisa Peluso sells the material as well as she can. Watching some of the episodes in Randolph's absence reminds me that Ava had a lot going on in her own right outside of Alex, and he can be somewhat suffocating to her as a character. I'm mostly sorry that we never got one last chapter with her, but I guess that was Lisa's choice. 

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I watched Loving for only one year, because it only aired for one year in my country before being cancelled.


I don't really know which year it was (I guess late 80s), but I really enjoy it. I was a kid back then, but I still remember some scenes. Like when Steve dies after that bank robbery; Ned (played by now late Luke Perry) finding out that his girlfriend (I want to say April was her name?) was a prostitute; I remember Ned's sister Lotty, she dated Curtis Alden, I believe. "Clay" just showed up in town as alive with a different face. And I believe last episode that aired had Ava being kidnapped or something... I cannot remember the details anymore. 


I remember reading about it in our news papers, how Loving lasted between 1983 and 1995 in the US and I thought.. wow, a show that lasted 12 years?? That was amazing to me. Of course, later I learned it was one of the shorter soaps out there, but still, at that time I was so fascinated and I wanted to know more, but back then I did not have internet to learn more. Now even with internet I was not able to find too much info on Loving, sadly. But oh well.. I have my memories

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Yeah, I would say so... looking based on when Luke Perry was on the show (1987 to 1988) and also since I remember this villain Eban Japes, who was there from 1986 to 1987, I guess that's when, it happened. 


However, I found that Steve left in 1988, so I guess it might have been that, so that we had a part of 1987 and a part of 1988... 

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