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Dynasty Discussion Thread


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I always believed that Sable's rapist (and M&M's father) was a Carrington man and that would be used in Season 10 in order to turn Sable against Blake's family. Who could it be? Ben? Tom? Or Blake?? (Which I doupt)

This would make Monica a Carrington and a new -less tired version of Fallon-.

Emma Samms was getting better, but....She was still not Fallon. Call me crazy but I think that the original idea was to hire Sherilyn Wolter as FallonII. Crystal Chappell would also work in the part.

So many questions about plans for S10.. We know that Alexis would be leaving(propably with Dex) and then there was the mystery woman in the limo who has been haunting me for twenty years. Was it really Dominique? Krystle's sister Iris? Or was it Sable, who has been scheming against the Carringtons all this time?

When I first watched S9 I thought it was AWFUL. Hated Zorelli, the show seemed too dark and Sable was a constant reminder of the Colbys disaster. Watching it again through the years I understand that it was the only way to make Dynasty work as a nineties show. Too bad we never show what TPTB were planning to do.

PS: The reunion never happened as far as I am concerned.

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I just adore Dynasty. I don't know how I never got involved in this thread before!

I absolutely cherish and worship Joan Collins. She, in my opinion, is the QUEEN of all primetime soap vixens.

She's just so...toxically addicting.

A Dynasty reboot, I could get behind...As long as Joan was on it. I could see it done. With the "next generation" being the core, but Krystle and Joan still feuding, and that stemming to the new generation. Plus Heather Locklear would jump at the oppurtunity to be on it, I'm sure. So she could be incorporated...Maybe even Pamela Sue Martin or Emma Samms, too. Could be done.

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That fur coat of Krystle's looked so cheap. I think Jill has that same coat on Y&R.

I always wondered why they had Ben hold Krystle back. Did he want Alexis to die?

I sometimes wonder about a remake. I think a remake would be better than remaking shows which were way too recent, like 90210 and Melrose, and I'd rather see this remade than Dallas, but is our culture ready for fun and camp? Fun and camp today seems to be one frozen-faced bimbo muttering insults to another frozen-faced bimbo through lips that don't move. And I have this awful image of someone casting "Speidi" or twits from Jersey Shore.

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I think the only way a remake of 'Dynasty' is if Joan and Heather were both interested in it and both Alexis and Sammy Jo were the matriarchs of feuding families. Linda Evans, frankly, is too ugly to work on television thanks to hack job plastic surgery.

The key is that Joan and Heather would have to be secondary, not primary, characters. Heather would get the 'with' credit and Joan would get the 'and' but they would NOT be the main characters. The problem then is finding actors who could stand toe to toe with them in terms of charisma and star quality, actors who could CARRY this kind of show.

Joan is 77 and Heather is 50 next year, neither of them is going to CARRY a show anymore but both of them are big draws to very loyal audiences. Heather was one of the parts of the rebooted 'Melrose Place' that was, basically, universally liked. Joan is the kind of actress who people 30+ recognize instantly and remember fondly...and let's face it, regardless of what network executives would like everyone to believe, young people don't dislike old people, if anything, Joan Collins is the kind of senior citizen that younger people love because she's glamorous and current, she's a fantasy all grown up.

The other problem is that it would be an inherently expensive show to produce and I don't know if any network would have enough faith in it to see it through what would be a rough first season. Now, if Showtime or HBO wanted to launch this show, it would fly.

I don't think a remake of 'Dallas' would work nearly as well simply because it was such an iconic show that I think captured a really specific time, it said something about greed. 'Dynasty' didn't say much about anything, it was just FUN to watch!

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I do wonder about Heather lately. Beyond some surgery issues, she just doesn't seem to have as much spark, perhaps because of personal problems.

I agree with you that Dynasty seems more timely, and timeless. Dynasty and Dallas were both about oil but oil was blood on Dallas and I don't know if people really want to see that right now after BP, and Texas cowboys are still not overly popular after the last decade. Dynasty, oil was more generic, an excuse, not something Blake really cared about.

I just wish we could see REAL glamour and REAL beauty make a return.

I also think there's a lot you could mine out of Dynasty. I think it would be interesting to have middle-aged Steven still confused about his sexuality and then you have his son as being openly gay and proud and exasperated by his father's endless vacillation and pity parties. And Fallon would be his indulgent aunt who hides behind attempts at youth to mask her pain over bad choices.

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I have to go with

"Mark Jennings...Krystle...and aaallll the Colby wealth and power. I finally got everything that I've wanted, everything I've been planning for...And it's all ours darling, the whole world is going to be ours!"

First, it kicked off the greatest Dynasty scene ever. Next, she is talking about all the Colby wealth she planned for right in front of Colby himself, and finally, she sounds like a comic book supervillain. Greatest scene ever, it should be studied in universities.

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I love both, but rewatching them, I have to say for the most part Dallas holds up better. The first handful of seasons of Dallas is solid drama, while with Dynasty only season 2 and perhaps 3 I think qualifies as great. But Dallas you have a well written TV show for quite a few years. By the 4th season of Dynasty they were already flailing about with Peter DeVilbis, while on Dallas's 4th season we were learning I think who shot JR.

Edited by quartermainefan
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You know Alexis told her designer, "Now. I need something that will hold a deed and I need to be able to get to it rightly. Make it happen."

I don't know why this cracks me up.

He kind of looks like he derives some sort of sick sexual pleasure from the sight of it.

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You're not the first person I've heard say that, I'm beginning to think that lynx (which is $$$) doesn't always film well.

<object width="480" height="360"><param name="movie" value="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xc54g2?additionalInfos=0"></param><param'>http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xc54g2?additionalInfos=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xc54g2?additionalInfos=0" width="480" height="360" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object><br /><b><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xc54g2_amazing-lynx-coat_creation">Amazing Lynx coat</a></b><br /><i>Uploaded by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/latgal4">latgal4</a>. - <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/us/channel/creation">Watch original web videos.</a></i>

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Dallas is better written but to me JR is just exhausting and not overly entertaining when so heavily featured, and I think they started reusing a lot of stories very early on (poor Pam, drunk Sue Ellen).

I think Dallas was a better show in quality, but is a tougher show to replicate.

Dynasty was a weaker show, but I think the elements of the show at its best, just pure camp and star power, can be recreated with the right touch. Even when the writing was poor Alexis or Sammi Jo or some of the others could get your attention. Dynasty's worst sin was those years when it just became flat out boring.

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That's a charitable way to put it!

I'm going to put a fur fashion show from ATWT in the tribute thread for ATWT, and if you have a chance I hope you can make some comments on it. It's just so random, the middle of this very suspenseful stalker story, and then suddenly there's Kim emceeing furs on parade in Caroline's. It's kind of weird seeing Julianne Moore in fur, although I think hers might have been "fun fur" or whatever it's called. As Kim says, perfect for a ski trip!

You're right about Ben getting some sort of sexual pleasure out of it. The whole scene is so weird, and hilarious, and somewhat pointless, as you know Alexis isn't going to die.

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