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Melrose Place

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My List:

Kimberly pulls off her wig and reveals her scars from the car accident

Kimberly blows up the Melrose Place apartment complex

Jane and Sydney bury Richard alive, only for his hand to rise out of the dirt minutes latter revealing he;s still alive

Alison and Billy make love for the first time

Sydney gets ran over after marrying Craig

Craig commits suicide in his car

Micheal get ran over with Jane's car(Kimberly did it)

Alison gets drunk and gets into a catfight with her ex best friend over Billy

Jane confronts Kimberly over her affair with Michael

Amanda announces to Billy and Alison she has bought the Melrose Place apartment

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I watch it every Saturday morning on Soapnet. Its up to season 5. I loved it when it originally aired, but Im now realizing just how not so good it was. MP peaked in season 3. Season 4 was great and it began to fall apart from there. By season 6, it was an absolute mess

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I agree Cheap, the last 2 seasons were awful. Everyone I loved was gone except Michael and Amanda and the new characters the old ones were replaced with were awful. My Alyssa Milano love went down dramatically when she played Jennifer. And Jennifer and Billy????????? WTF??????????? And don't get me started on Lisa Rinna's Taylor(my nickname for her was lips LOL). And who could forget that annoying Sam. Uh and Kyle. :rolleyes: I only liked Lexie.

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Yes season 6 failed bc of all the departures. The first 4 seasons pretty much had the same core cast throughout and that included Michael, Jane, Matt, Kimberly, Sydney, Amanda, Jake, Billy, Alison and Jo. There was a mass exodus in season 5 that the show never recuperated from. Jo was gone by season 5, Jane left early in the season with Kimberly leaving midway. By the end of that year, Alison, Jake and Sydney were all gone and all we had left of that core cast was Michael, Billy, Matt and Amanda. Yikes!

The show raced to bring in replacements in the form of Kyle, Taylor, Lexi, Meagan, Coop, Sam and Jennifer. I actually liked all of them but Meagan and Coop but the writing was all over the place. Plots lasted a few episode and there wasnt much development going on. I hated Megan originally, but Im kind of liking her in reruns. The opposite is true of Sam who I liked in season 5 originally but now I hate her and find her plain boring. I hated her bitchy turn in season 6.

Season 7 was a step in the right direction. They cut the cast down to 8, brought Jane back which was a plus. I honestly cant remember much of the last season except that it was more enjoyable than the dreadful last one. Oh I just remembered Rena Sofer as crazy Eve. She was the star of the season and made it fun. I hated that she never got bumped up to the opening bc she was there every episode once she debuted and was a big part of the main plot that year

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I LOVED MP, back in the day, (can you believe it ended in '99?) this was *the* show. Seasons 1-4 were gold, it started to crumble in season 5 and seasons 6 and 7 were downright awful (although I liked Jamie Luner, she was a nice addition)

What made MP unique, something which I haven't seen on TV since it left the air, is how unabashadly mean it was. Everyone was terrible to everyone else...everyone was out for themselves, everybody took no prisoners. It was dog eat dog and bitch eat bitch. The characters WENT FOR IT...today's primetime 'soaps' (DH, DSM, Greys?) don't hold a candle. The only show that had any bite like MP was SATC, which was of course created by the same brilliant man, Mr Darren Star. It saddens me that Aaron Spelling is no longer with us, 'Titans' could have been the kind of trashy, ghastly stylized, visious prime time soap that I still hunger for.

I want glamour and characters behaving really badly.

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Ah... Melrose Place. Now here's a topic I can sink my teeth into!

I'm reliving my Melrose love all over again now that they're replaying 2 episodes every weekday morning. We all remember that season 1 had its kinks that they worked out half-way through. Season 2 heated up with the addition of Sydney and continuing drama at D&D. Seasons 3 and 4 were Melrose at its best. It was towards the end of Season 4 that it started getting a little ridiculous (Kimberly's convenient split-personality disorder which resulted in her nearly giving Peter a lobotomy!).

Having just seen Season 5 play out, I realize my memories are a little fuzzy because there was actually alot of good to be seen in this season, but at the same time it lacked its original Melrose-y elements. Kimberly was still around but didn't have as much of an edge, especially since she was on the verge of death half the season. Alison and Billy were in separate stories... Alison and Jake's relationship lasted the entire season, only to have them part ways and leave town separately! And the spicy Alison + Billy + Amanda + 4th party at D&D advertising was lacking because Alison was working at Shooters. Still, this season managed to bring on the new characters gradually (Kyle and Taylor were gradually introduced, Megan was brought on by Kimberly to seduce/console Michael).

Now that they're currently playing the beginning to Season 6, I'm reliving how this show turned into something very different over night. Alison and Jake are gone with barely a mention of them, Matt quietly left, Sydney was killed off, and the newest married couple, Coop and Lexie, weren't brought on as gradually as Kyle & Taylor were the previous season. Also, I'm finding this time around that I find Alyssa Milano's character to be very, very annoying, I never realized how Milano slurs her words! She reminds me of the first actress that played Jan Spears on DAYS... Blech!

I look forward to rewatching the last 2 seasons because I don't remember too much of them, especially Season 6. I don't think I ever saw the last couple episodes of it that aired in the summertime before the start of Season 7, but I just remember being glad that they wrote off original character Billy because he had become such a boring dud, along with Samantha.

Of all the characters that were brought on in seasons 5 through 7, I'd have to say my favorite new characters were Megan and Kyle. Obviously, Rob Estes was a hottie, and I liked him with Amanda and other leading ladies, and Kelly Rutherford was a welcome addition. It's funny... I always remembered that Megan was a very upstanding character. But I totally forgot that she was brought on as a hooker! The classic tale of hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold tale.

From what I remember, I grew tired of Rena Sofer's Eve. Season 7 was centered too much around her. I don't remember who was paired up with whom by the time the show ended, other than Peter & Amanda's Hawaiian marriage after staging their deaths in an explosion.

When you look at the big picture of Melrose and the couples that made the show what it was, it's kind of a shame that Billy & Alison weren't written off together, nor Jake & Jo.

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Great Melrose Moments!

Here's few more I'd add...

Michael & Sydney finally getting cozy at the beachhouse... and then we zoom out to see a not-so-dead Kimberly watching them on the beach!

Jo shoots Reed, her abusive boyfriend/father of her baby.

Kimberly denies Jo the right to see her newborn baby, saying "your baby died, remember?"

Jane and Sydney's fight in the pool, with Sydney in her wedding dress.

A drunken Brooke hits her head on the side of the pool and drowns.

Alison remembers being molested by her father right before walking down the aisle to marry Billy.

Amanda takes back control of D&D from an enraged Alison

Sydney resorts to stripping... Michael sees her performing

The car crash itself of Michael and Kimberly... just engaged and then "MICHAEL WATCH OUT!!!"

Jake's boat explodes, thanks to Kathy Ireland's character... we're led to believe Jake was killed off.

Sydney goes to confession at a church, breaking down and admitting she's a prostitute.

Peter and Jasmine Guy's character frame Amanda for drug use to gain control of D&D

Kimberly knocks on Jane's door and says she found Michael in bed with her sister.

The end of Heather Locklear's first episode where Amanda and Billy meet for the first time.

Okay, I better stop for now :)

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I only saw the last two seasons so I am going off of those (but I saw YouTube clips of the bomb that Kimberly set)

1. Kyle/Amanda reunite on the plane

2. Everything in the Dominican Republic between Kyle, Amanda, and Rory

3. Jennifer and Sam's catfight

4. Peter admits to Amanda he still loves her

5. Peter/Amanda marry at the end of the series finale

6. Taylor falls down the stairs

7. The apartment complex explodes

8. Jane/Michael's almost wedding

9. Eve tosses Amanda's ashes onto (is it Lexie?)

10. Amanda confesses that she and Eve killed a man

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I liked Jamie, too! :D And MP – wow how trashy it was and how much I loved it then... :P

Never forget it was Michael Patrick King who brought the show to its now unachievable heights. Yes, Darren was a producer all the way til the end, but it was Michael who had the vision and transformed the show. Just compare Darren's and Michael's seasons and you'll see the difference.

I cannot wait for the film...

Edited by Sylph
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Yeah, Jamie Luner rocked. She got to play the new tramp in town - succeding to Miss Hot Lips, Lisa Rinna - and boy, she did. :lol:

MP was ultra trashy but just so delicious. I discovered it much too late - for being a La Locklear groupie at least - and still miss it.

My favorite MP: Taylor forcing Michael to impregnate her. Both times. Or was it more often? This was one of the most campy side-stories MP ever told - and they had a lot. LOL

As for SatC: Well put: Darren's episodes were so blah compared with everything that followed. I was looking forward to the movie but the first preview kinda blew it. Hopefully the film is much better than those 45 seconds...

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I hated Lisa's character! :D She was just so whore-ish, I couldn't stand it. With those ultrapumped lips and breasts and a little too much lipstick... Hideous. :lol: As for Lexi Sterling – I know back then I hated her transformation from daddy's good girl on a vengeful rampage to a superbitch who haunted Amanda. Now, I'm kind of OK with it, although I saw so much potential in her being good and still believe it would have been a much better choice. B)

Yeah, it really was. Those bitch fights in the pool, gorgeous people walking around shirtless, loads of sex, adultery and intrigue, kidnappings, sundry psychopaths running rampant around the complex... Immense trash, but full of delightfulness and irony. :P

A bit of trivia: Melrose was also a place where Carol Mendelsohn (now the ultrasuccessfull showrunner of CSI with a multimillion deal up her sleeve) got her first gig as writer and producer. She is a lawyer, by the way (Naren Shankar and she are Cornell alumni). B)

My favourite part of the show were Amanda's bitchy one-liners and just that whole character that carried the majority of the show.

I liked the trailer.

Why didn't you like it?  :mellow: I was so against the idea of a film, but when I saw that preview, I was OK with it.

Edited by Sylph
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I loved Taylor! It always surprises me to find that she's so hated because to me she was the only bright spot in a very dull sixth season. I didn't find her enjoyable in season 5 but as soon as they started playing to Lisa Rinna's strengths as a zany comedy character, I warmed to her. I still remmber the scene where she tried to convince Megan that she'd drugged Michael to rape him. Hilarious. :lol:

As for Jamie Luner, I liked her as the bad girl but I didn't like the transformation simply because it didn't have any logic to it. I think it's a travesty that Luner hasn't got a regular gig on TV, daytime or primetime. She oozes charisma.

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