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Now that you say it it does read that way. I thought it read a bit off, even abrupt at times, but this makes more sense as an explanation.
That might also explain the confusion around how Elaine and Paula "acted". The phrasing is probably a translation issue.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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Honestly, considering Chuck Pratt was on board and created the show I'm not too surprised at the lack of planning ahead. Whenever he's too involved with a show I always assume there just isn't a huge story projection. I can certainly get that networks can interfere and you'll have to be somewhat flexible, but you have to at least know the end point for characters when you're writing it, otherwise you'll end up with a mess.

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 I have the following questions from an SB fan who’s unable to register:

Are you sure that James Bartz plays Harry Davis and that Jacqueline Schultz plays Caroline Blythe? I don’t think they look like eachother.

Who’s Tony Potts?

Molly Bennett as Alma Rodriguez? Alma was played by Kelli McCarty. She was not recasted so who is Molly Bennett? Do you mean that she played the early, unseen version of Maria?

Who is Jake Russell?

Who is Will Tour?

John Paschal as Bernie the photographer? Do you mean the photographer Casey hits outside the warehouse? Are you sure of the spelling and that it’s him? 

Rebecca Brooks as Sister Bertrille? I know Sister Bertrille was played by Barbara Whinnery, but are you saying she was recast? From when?

Who was Officer Dante? I can’t recall any policeman in the show with that name. When did he appear?

The same thing with Nurse Esparanza. When did she appear?

And the same thing with Nurse Michelle.

Who was Rufus?

Who was Reed?

Keith Lorin as the assistant justice of the peace? Who was that?

Peter Blackwell as a Bar Owner? What Bar Owner? When did he appear

Kurt Kaynor as a bellhop? Which one? There were a few to choose between.

Jason Teresi as a bartender? Which one?

Who was the beutiful girl played by Sofia Karstens?

Neva Roberts as a Blonde? What Blonde?

Devon Alan as a boy in hospital? What boy in hospital? 

John Beradino Jr. As a cop? Which one?

Ron Livingston as a father? Which one?

Tabatha Sheltra as Grenadine’s waitress? Grenadines only had waiters, no waitresses. So who did Tabatha Sheltra played?

Andrea Leflere as a mother? Which one?

Tony Culega as a patron? What patron?

Marissa Arena as a pregnant girl? What pregnant girl? Aside from Olivia and Caitlin there were only two pregnant girls in the show. The one that showed up at Annie’s doorstep to play Treys birth mother and Rachel, who tried to scam Caitlin for money.

Who was the Rookie Cop played by Chad Randau?

Who was the troubled teen played by Shaleen Burroughs?

Jonathan Weiner as a waiter? Which one?

And last but not least

Are these names confirmed to have appeared in SB or is it just a rumor?

Tony Adelman     1999  ? 
.................  Vanessa Bednar 
.................Elliott Grey      1997? 
.................Bart Johnson       1997 
..................Peter Lavin 
..................Nicholas Read 

................Deborah Zoe

Where have you gotten your info? Imdb or somewhere else?

The reason I’m asking all these questions is because I’m working on a project to identify as many guest characters as possible in SB since they were never credited, unlike in other shows. And I have seen many errors on the Imdb list so I’m trying to get it as correct and complete as possible.


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Over 35 years of researching from Soap Opera Digest to Soap Opera Weekly and Soap Opera Magazine . SOW and SOM in particular would identify a lot of the roles that the show didn't.

I have also used not only imdb, but actor's resumes, Newspapers.com, and read100s of articles on the subjects.

I personally barely watched Sunset Beach as I was working three jobs and ended up in the hospital for several months at the time.


As I have posted, anyone that can share character info is welcome to, and any provable errors always lead to changes, but I do stand by the work.

For example, Jacqueline Schultz appearing in a very short role still made the magazines as she had major roles on ATWT and SFT. Her appearances were previewed with spoiler photos.  Had she not ended up appearing, there would have been press about it.

John Beradino Jr as cop was in the magazines because of his late father John being Steve Hardy on GH for over thirty years. His appearances made local papers as well.


I didn't keep track of character's stories as closely at the time (again, hospital, 3 jobs) as I always have on other soaps.  I only added about 10-12 names from imdb, as most of what I had was added to my Sunset notebook by 2005. I wasn't online until around 2011. Sunset's list was only added to and rewritten twice in my "stacks" after it went off the air. Only once between 2011 when I posted it here.  A lot of minor characters were mentioned casually in Magazine interviews. Unfortunately, I moved and had to downsize the collections, so most of my SOMs and SOWs got tossed.




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This was my show back then. I loved every bit of it. I always felt like if Santa Barbara would’ve still be on the air it would exactly look like Sunset Beach

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my favorite storyline will forever be „Terror Island“… Damn o was so hooked!

i Heard- that SB was big in England and someone told me on Facebook when Sunset Beach got cancelled they wanted to save that show back then in England but it felt through. I‘m quiet upset that there might’ve been a chance for SB to survive  

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Terror Island and Shockwave were everything to my teenage self back then. I was so into Scream and I know what you did last summer, so Terror Island was awesome!

And Shockwave was really well done, I remember. I obviously loved Titanic, so then having a soap doing a shipwreck stroyline was awesome (even though this was a copy of Poseidon Adventure, rather than Titanic, but still...)

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Thanks for your reply!

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 Andreas (who I'm writing on behalf of) has asked me to ask the following...


John Beradino Jr. has only one credit on Imdb. In a show called General Electric Theater from 1957. That makes me think he was pretty old at the time SB was airing. The only cops that were not young (like in their 20s or 30s) were Herbert Jefferson Jr. (Chief Price) and Fran Bennett (chief Harris). I have watched every episode and I have a list episode for episode which minor characters who appeared and when. I have also screenshotted each minor character. I know for a fact that several of the names listed "Will Tour, Jake Russell, Officer Dante" etc never appeared in the show. Imdb isn't to be trustworthy since it's user generated. "A few of the names. Like Brian Markinson and ShelleyRobertson, I was the one who put on Imdb since I from the beginning actually thought it was them, but I later realised it was not and deleted them". Regarding James Bartz. I don't think he looks like Harry Davis at all, and then I have also compared with other shows he did at the same time. Compare: with https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzM4OTgxNTMwNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODM4NTQ5OTE@._V1_.jpg. Regarding Jacqueline Schultz. I don't think she looks like Caroline Blythe, but can actually confirm it's her? Once again, compare https://scontent-cph2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/p526x296/229210115_4143657949056829_7412876114714222378_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=WiUWcRzrNiEAX844ifU&_nc_ht=scontent-cph2-1.xx&oh=00_AT9YlqfnJPWA1ntewuUeSRRUNFtJLYdcTcRAU39t999ldg&oe=61C8F5A3. There are also no online sources mentions of her appearing in SB.

No description available.

No description available.


That's true! Channel 5 tried to see if they could save it, I dont know how seriously they were looking into it though. Shockwave is my absolute fav storyline, and I love Terror Island too. A member of my SB group has actually done a 'remaster' of Terror Island if you're interested  


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Thanks for this, brings back so many memories! It was such a long time ago... 

I was surprised when "Ben" was revealed as the killer. Even though it was hinted up until that point many times how Ben was a weirdo who killed his first wife. But I didn't think that they would really make Ben the killer, so when his face showed up, I was surprised. But then with time, I figured it out that it must be an evil twin lol

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