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What year was the best on Your soap

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For OLTL I'd have to say something during Linda Gottleib's tenure as EP in the 90's would qualify as best.

But 2002 (as mentioned by MichaelGL) is probably the last time I enjoyed the show.

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General Hospital 2001-2002 it was must see television for me...sneaking out of class to see whether or not Gia and Nikolas would reunite...to catch scenes of Carly putting her club together...watching Stefan be a Cassadine...

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When I started watching AMC in 94, there was NEVER a bad episode. NEVER. In fact, other than a few hit/miss moments, the show was damn good until right around the time Maria slept with Dimitri. That's the first time I thought oh no, they would never do that. Then Erica kidnapped the baby, then the dark years, then bunch of hit/miss moments and I think 2004 was a pretty solid year.


1996 was terrific. My favorite soap that year until the that dark day in August when Frankie was killed for a whole hour. I will never forgive JFP for that.


1997 was almost perfect with Josh/Reva/Annie, Matt/Vanessa, Harley/Phillip, Abbie's murder trial. 2002 with Millie Taggert at the helm was the last time GL was must-see. All the characeters made sense to me, I'd laugh and cry AND the show didn't look so highschool-playesque.

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You're answers are making me feel old. :(

My favorite years for AMC were 1982 and 1987.

In 1982:

Greg & Jenny were still longing to be together while Liza's scheme to break them up led to Jenny running off to New York, soon followed by her best friend Jesse. In the prespoiler days, it was enticing to see if Jenny & Jesse would turn to each other for comfort even though they loved Greg & Angie, respectively (they didn't).

Donna had sex with Chuck in the Swiss Alps when they thought they were going to die in a blizzard and then wound up pregnant and oblivious to the fact that her husband Palmer was sterile from a polo accident. Palmer was cheating on Donna with Daisy anyway. He was also busy paying Steve Jacobi to destroy Nina's marriage to Cliff by seducing her.

Erica was involved with both Kent Bogard and Brandon Kingsely, whose daughter Pamela was sleeping with her half-brother Mark. When Ellen found out about Mark's cheating (from Erica, natch, who practically called her stupid for not seeing it sooner), she left him. Erica also had her hands full with her jealous half-sister, Silver (who later turned out to be a fake), plotting to steal Kent for herself.

In 1987:

Thinking Cliff was dead, Nina married Matt and of course, Cliff came back alive and Nina got pregnant not knowing who the father was (it was Cliff's son in the end).

Jesse & Angie's marriage was strained when his former mistress, Yvonne, showed up with a child she claimed was his. Jesse proved she was lying and found out that Angie's father was running a baby-selling ring.

Mark who had recently returned to town was hiding his cocaine addiction from Erica while living in her house. I believe Mark had daytime's first intervention when Brooke & Ellen helped Erica confront him. Later in the year, Mark found out one of his former IV drug buddies, Fred, had died. Fred's widow, Cindy, moved to Pine Valley with her son, Scott, and by the end of the year found out she was HIV positive.

Natalie was hired to nurse Palmer but was secretly working for Adam to help him destroy his rival. She fell in love with Ross, Palmer's illegitimate son and Adam's nephew, who was married to Mark's ex-wife Ellen. When the truth about Ross & Natalie's affair became public, he raped her. Only Ross & Ellen's adopted daughter Julie (who turned out to be Mark's biological daughter) had witnessed it and she ran off to New York. Ross insisted in his innocence until Julie came back to testify against him on the day the jury had reached its verdict. Ross realized the damage he had caused and changed his plea to guilty (Donna & Natalie later looked at the slip of paper with the jury's verdict and it was not guilty). Ross took responsibility and went to jail (eventually, he got out and left town because he couldn't bear to see the pain he caused Nat).

Erica fell in love with Travis and became pregnant with his child (who would be Bianca). By the end of the year, she had also met and found herself attracted to Travis' brother, Jack. Also, that was the year Erica's real half-sister Silver showed up, crazy as a loon after being brainwashed by her mother to kill Erica. This story wasn't the greatest, but it was suspenseful.

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I would have to agree, 1996. I thought Maria sleeping with Dimitri was one of the greatest plot twists ever on AMC and the drama that ensued kept me glued for over a year.

I totally did not see Maria jumping into bed with Dimitri coming.

Basically anything Lorraine Broderick did I absolutely loved. I thought AMC was top notch in 1994 when I really became a daily viewer, but I was soon shown it could only get better.

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I'm not sure but I think my favorite time of DAYS was 1985 and 1986. The pawn storyline leading to the character of John Black, the revealing of him as Roman in West Virginia; I think we had the beginning of Patch and Kayla; Kim and Shane were great during this time; and we had the whole Victor and Caroline affair coming out and the revelation that Bo was their son. Peggy McKay was awesome in this story as was Patsy Pease. Days had a lot of romance, adventure, suspense, and family interactions during this period. I think Mike and Jennifer returned around this time also and I really enjoyed the Mike and Robin romance. This was when I fell in love with Days.

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How could I forget my beloved ANOTHER WORLD. The best yesr for me was the year VW played a dual role with Justine. That whole year was good. I forget which one it was maybe 96 or 5 give or take. Another great year was when Grant shot himself and framed Vicky for it. That might have been in the same year

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Went through my old GL book and thought I'd provide a more in depth summary for this year.

1993: David Grant went on the run after Vinnie Morrison died accidently by falling on his own knife during a fist fight. Maureen Bauer found out about husband Ed's affair with best friend Lillian and fled to the Bauer cabin. After getting the information from Vanessa, Ed went to the cabin where Mo confronted him about his lies and left. Her car slipped on the icy road, killing her. Holly pulled herself out of a deep depression by taking an interest in a now-motherless Michelle, which made Blake jealous. She took Michelle to a resort called Cliff House and Roger followed with fireworks (it was the fourth of July). Tailing Roger was an old cohort named Davis who thought Roger cheated him. Davis took Michelle and Holly hostage. Ed arrived and jumped Davis, who fell over the cliff to his death. In an ironic scene, Roger pulled Ed up to safety. After the Bauers left, Roger and Holly had sex for the first time since the rape back in 1979. Roger thought that that meant they would get back together. When Holly refused, Roger confronted Ed and Holly at the Country Club and told a stunned Ed that they had had sex. Later, Holly vowed to get Ed back.

Eve and Nick were about to go on a tropical vacation when Mindy Lewis showed up back in town. As the old flames grew closer, Eve grew more and more insane and drugged Mindy's water bottle, which led to Mindy having a car accident with Little Bill in tow. Eve attacked Mindy at the lighthouse, then threatened to commit suicide. Eve was sent to the psych ward and Nick and Mindy renewed their romance. Eve returned from the psych ward just in time to see that Nick and Mindy were engaged. Newly recovered, the doctor set her eyes on Dr. Ed Bauer, which put her in direct conflict with Holly.

Nadine told Bridget about Maureen's death and Bridget vowed to reveal their pregnancy scheme. She found David and told him everything, then went into labor. A scared Bridget gave Nadine her baby. Meanwhile, a very suspicious Vanessa tracked down Nadine's doctor only to find that the "Nadine Cooper" that he had treated was a young girl. Bridget tried to seduce a returned Hart. But when he rejected her, Bridget took baby Peter and ran. Vanessa tracked her down and deduced that she was the child's mother. Nessa forced Nadine to break the news to Billy. Billy threw Nadine out of their home and proposed (and later remarried) Vanessa. Meanwhile, Julie and Dylan prepared for their wedding. However, Julie had doubts and ran to Hart. They had sex the night of the wedding. Julie decided to marry Dylan after all, but Bridget found out about Hart and Julie and interupted the ceremony with the bombshell.

Harley and Mallet visited the Vietnam War Memorial while returning Mallet's seeing eye dog Xyla. When Harley couldn't find her father's name on the wall, she was stunned to learn that Buzz returned to the states in 1977. Later, Buzz returned to town, having found out that ex-wife Nadine was married to rich oil man Billy Lewis. Nadine lied and said that Buzz was a long-lost cousin named Rex Mancini. Roger hired Buzz to spy on the Lewises and learned that HB had been arrested in the 1950s. Roger blackmailed Gilly into revealing HB's secret just after he had been given the Governors Award. A humiliated HB gave up the award. Meanwhile, Frank and Eleni married just in time to see daughter Marina enter the world. At the ceremony, Mallet saw Buzz and forced him to tell his family the truth. Marina needed an expensive operation and Buzz was able to get the money by blackmailing Jenna Bradshaw. Afterwards, Buzz wanted to help pay for Julie and Dylan's wedding and stole some money out of the trust fund he had set up for his other daughter Lucy, who came to Springfield to comfront her father. Lucy interupted the reception of Harley and Mallet's wedding and confronted her father. Buzz gave Mallet and Harley a honeymoon to Florida, where Mallet received a job offer. The newlyweds said goodbye to Springfield.

Roger Thorpe told Jenna that Brandon Spaulding had stolen the patents for an invention of her father's that made Spaulding millions of dollars. Jenna sued the company. Alan-Michael found a document that proved that the Spauldings hadn't swindled Jenna's father but lost it. The Spauldings lost control of Spaulding, as well as their family mansion. Jenna and Roger married in a wild wedding. Alexandra Spaulding returned home to find Roger and Jenna in her old bed. She vowed to get back her company and home.

Meanwhile, Bess Lowell, Brandon Spaulding's former secretary was bribed by Roger. She had a copy of the document A-M lost. She had a stroke and was sent to the nursing home that Eleni worked at for her catering company. Bess put the document in Marina's stuffed lamb. Learning of the document, Roger orchestrated Eleni's kidnapping. When A-M went to her rescue, Roger's henchman George stuffed them both in a steam room then took Lucy hostage. All thee were later rescued. However, the document went missing. A-M appealed to Bess to testify as to the contents of the document. She would do so, but only in exchange for protection from Roger. Bess later played both sides against the middle by going to Roger and offering to leave town if he could make her a better offer. Jenna found out that she was pregnant with Roger's child. However, she also found out that Roger orchestrated the kidnappings and asked Roger for a divorce. Roger threatened her, saying he would never give up his own flesh and blood.

Everything culminated at the engagement party for Nick and Mindy. Bess told Roger to meet her at the Country Club potting shed. Ross gave Roger a supoena to appear as an unfriendly witness for Spaulding in the second Spaulding v. Bradshaw case. Roger then interupted the party and engaged in a shouting match with ex-wife Alex, which caused the entire party to degenerate into fisticuffs. Later, Roger appeared at the potting shed, where he was shot by an unknown assailant. Without Roger, the Spauldings were given back their house and company, leaving Jenna penniless. Lucy found blood at the potting shed. After tests were done, the blood was shown to belong to Roger, who was nowhere to be found. Alexandra was the prime suspect. Her bracelet was found at the scene of the crime and Mindy told police that she had what looked like blood on her hands.

Meanwhile, Holly was given a real fright. It looked like someone broke into her house. She knew that Eve must have reverted to her psycho ways and blamed her for it. However, on Christmas eve, Holly was stunned when Roger turned up at her house with a gunshot wound in his chest!

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