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AMC: Thursday

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She is so eccentric sometimes, but I love the heck out of Erica Kane. She just makes me laugh.

Zach needs to chill on Jenkins - that poor old man!

So the Satin Slayer is definitely a male - the bodyguard called him 'buddy'. If I were Babe though, and the homeless guy never even said anything to me - he just stared and hovered over me - I'd tell him to get the hell away from me - not just give him money.

I'm loving Kendall's b!itchy attitude too - I really enjoy Annie/Kendall fights now. Kendall is so jealous over her and Emma though - but she's making me laugh too - much like her mother Erica. Like mother like daughter!

Oh and that guy who played Alexander Cambias in the past is obviously the same guy doing the voices in Zach's dreams - I wonder if he'll be doing an appearance too or just voices. Glad they got that guy back though, makes it all more real/believable.

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Haha - is Zoe going to do what I think she is? I bet you Jacob likes it ;) haha jk

You'd think that Erica would be more accepting of TG's and not call them 'its'....I think she only has a problem bc Bianca is involved.

Ok off to class - enjoy your day Laurie! :)

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I just started watching today's episode but I am LMAO of at Erica! I love it!

I agree about Babe just letting the homeless guy hover over her. He didn't even say one word why would she just give him money. I would tell him to go away if he was just stareing at me.

I'm starting to really like Kendall and Annie's scenes together. I love it when Kendall has someone to bicker with.

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I love the memory of Simone that Tad had. I miss Teri Ivens. But as much as I love Teri Ivens, everytime they show a clip of her (which I usually enjoy) It just makes me mad that they did absolutely NOTHING! for Julia Barr. (sorry just had to rant)

I loved the ending with JR and Zoey :D, I'm even excited about the preview's for tommorrow, Janet!

Overall good episode today.

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Kendall is pathetic. What is with all the insults and comments about Emma? Is she going to be feuding with a 4 yr old? What a loser. She is so mean and spiteful and that little girl has done nothing to deserve such contempt from this evil selfish witch. Kendall is really losing me as a fan.

I love that Annie stands up to her. I do have to say that I love Annie as Kendall's new rival. She's been lacking in that department and only has Babe to snark at and I cant root for anyone there. I much prefer the Kendall vs Annie rivalry

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Annie stands up to her? LMAO! Annie looked so pathetic yesterday, she couldn't even bring the snark against Erica Kane of all people, she was like a limp dishrag, Erica and Kendall both mopped the floor with her. They're trying to make her like Greenlee and failing miserably.

Good I say insult Emma, I hate that little Ryan Lavery worshipper/propper, just what we need another Ryass propper :angry::rolleyes:

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Annie stood her ground with Erica and put her in her place. Erica looked dumbfounded bc she didnt know what was going on. Annie had a ton of snark and didnt bow down when Erica starting slinging insults. She definetly stands up to Kendall as well and isnt scared of these women

How can you hate Emma? She's so adorable! it only makes sense that she likes Ryan bc he's the nice guy that has been helping her and her mommy and now he's her daddy. Besides she's only 4-5 years old. Kendall is a grown ass woman in her 30s and needs to start acting her age and stop being so spiteful towards a preschooler. She hasnt done anything to Kendall so its wrong of her to be so nasty whenever that girl's name comes out her mouth. She doesnt deserve any of that

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I can't help but think Babe was extremely cute when she was offering the serial killer money for food. Kill them with kindness. How can that guy want her dead after she just offered him food? :( she was really nice to him and she just wanted to help. Jeffery and Alexa are amazing. They are spell binding when they are on screen together and they just light up the entire set. These two are magic together and they click amazingly well. They alone have created a touchingly poignant relationship of these two characters. I just hope they don't screw it up.

JR was an ass hole today as per usual. 'Nough there

I enjoyed the Josh/Bianca/Erica stuff. I like that they are having them bond together more. That's been lacking lately IMO.

I completely fast forwarded threw Kendell and Zach today. As soon as I saw Zach attack Jenkin's and saw Kendell arguing with Annie I just pushed the fast forward button. I'm so tired of these two. They think they can just bardge in and do whatever they want.

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Binks, hon, you're attracted to a man. He has a penis. He likes chicks. Sure, he feels he's female, no problem with that but you might not be entirely gay if you're finding a guy attractive. And Zarf is clearly a guy.

Erica is the bad guy a lot of the time but I don't think she was this time. Is the idea of being bisexual really that horrifying to Bianca?

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I was a little stumped that they didn't do a Dixie flashback, along with the Simone one - with Tad. Not entirely surprised - but still stumped. Did Cady spit on somebody's mother or something? Heh.

Loved Erica until that man thing. The man thing. I thought I would find it funny, but I didn't. Wanted to smack a writer at that moment, it actually made me feel sad - I don't know if I was sad about them writing Erica still not accepting who her daughter is for a second or that Erica is right and they're practically erasing from AMC history that Bianca is a lesbian (just like that little abortion). But MamaDoll and BabyDoll, lol, love it. And the way she said tart. And her "devious" plotting to get Kendall away from Zach, Josh away from Babe, and Bianca away from a woman/couldbekiller. Heh, I enjoy her when she's on a rampage (and not with Jeffyboy).

I'm going to watch the kiss tonite (over and over), maybe even have an avatar of it made, lol.


Ryan is completely wrong to order and Zach is wrong to condone that Kendall can't even see her kid until the killer is caught - at which point that could be months, it already has been...or she could be dead! Kendall taking Spike right now should be more about Kendall knowing the time she has with her son is fleeting at this time and place and she's already been taken away from him and vice-versa because the father of her child has decided she can't even see him for a minute a day (unless she lives with Ryan or he needs to occupy her to drug someone) to kiss him, to hold him, to tell him she loves him, NOT more about propping that Ryan is prime-rib. You know I can understand Spike staying with Ryan to a point (and after Babe is taken out I even understand Kendall staying away from Spike because her time will be near), but I do not for one second think that addendum was right on any level all through this SK situation - did anybody take Miranda away from Bianca, AdamThree away from Babe and tell them they couldn't breathe on, touch a hair on their child until destiny got them or didn't? Yet what Ryan chose to do and continues to do is spinned as righteous and good. I don't get that...

...It's like spinning Kendall's self-indulgant, minipulative behavior as righteous and noble, which they wouldn't and aren't. And that gets me to another point. I cannot grasp why Kendall would be territorial of a man who's "loved" her the way Ryan has for either herself or her child. He's been judgmental and cruel to her for years at a time, he's taken joy in grinding her into dust even when he saw she was barely hanging on. He's shown that anytime she doesn't live up to his standards he can turn his love off and on like a literal switch. He may have changed, but that's the Ryan that was there for a long time and that Kendall should remember not so fondly. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that either of these points come into play on tomorrow's episode - that her issues about Ryan's new family are more because she doesn't see Ryan as a good man she can trust or that Kendall has a child and it isn't right to keep a child from their parent like that. I'll take either. Instead of just propping Ryan - his love is just too good to share and he makes the smartest decisions.


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I loved the Erica/Zoe scene. It made me realize that Erica needs a gay/transgendered friend! She is such a diva and needs a gay sidekick. She was great with Zoe today. If Zoe wasnt interested in Bianca, I would be all for them being close friends. Id rather see Zoe close to Erica like than Babe

ITA. Kendall has a husband who loves her and her child yet she's focused and obsessed with Ryan and his life. Let it go! I dont understand why its so important for her to stress about him, Annie and Emma. She needs to just move on and keep Ryan out of her head and life except when it comes to raising Spike. It looked like Zach was getting a bit annoyed with her today and Im glad for that. If she doesnt watch herself, she just may lose him too
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