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The Little Mermaid Ryan

Ryan is off to his latest adventure and this time he is morphing into a mermaid to get laid on a sunny maid and won't be afraid to be shaved and raved and any other word that rymes with "mermaid"-so what is his latest quest you may ask? Why ridding the semen, err, sea man of the biggest threat and disaster ever to hit the HIGH HO seas-GobbleSperm! This is a very rare beast but has hit the seas and is known to take the little swimmers away from our male mermaids and prevent them from procreating (well in Ryan's case, take them before he produces a dumb spawn) but we need more people to occupy the seas and make them more welcoming. GobbleSperm has plenty of gadgets to equip him like the Pubic Broom, Laser Penis to laser off anyone's tallywhacker and junior and rocket looking with a little peep hole, Ass Shaver just to keep those hairs from growing down under, and finally the most toughest gadget available and that is the Bong Crack to help him smoke some crack and feel like Hugh Grant just rolled over a drunken prostitute trying to get his salami stroked! This looks like a daunting task for Ryan the mermaid but let's see what he has come equipped with in his utility belt: Stupidity Germ to throw at GobbleSperm and make him stupid and just as dumb as Ryan, D1ck Perfume just so he can smell good and feel like Tom Cruise just got a sofa king, and finally well his tail which looks like Cher's hair just been electrocuted and run through a permanent press and come out looking just flat out ugly and even make Queen Elizabeth laugh!

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Yeah, Like Tad.... :rolleyes:

Yeah probably Brooke did it.... there is the closure. Brooke spends the rest of her days in jail. She was really Amelia Cambias and survived... and blamed her son for her death...

Di would be so interesting. Damn. Now I am fixated on this LOL.

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Darcy, on your second point I know that's obvious but some people don't read spoilers and/or don't want to be spoiled thus anything that can hint at what happens at the end of this week into next week [and I don't mean the "giving grace"] should have a spoiler warning and/or not be mentioned in non-spoiler threads.

Good point about Di... but if you had watched today - woman came off so shifty. There were moments before where she did unusual stuff (during Dani's hospitilization when Dani told what she remembered - Di dismissed it), but today was just people talking about the murders and her looking not only wiped out about Dixie's death, but like she was also totally listening to the conversation as a woman who has something to hide. I could almost see her remembering arranging things "for murder" while the conversation was "getting to her."

If that was a coincidence and that was suppose to come off as anything else, the director does need a good talking to. Because not only was Kelli acting it suspiciously, the camera was like directly on her so we could see her reacting suspiciously to every piece of that conversation.

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I think you're right.

Which makes me wish she was killer so she would leave.

I loved her when she first joined the show, I thought she was the best newbie in ages. Over the past year though I've found her acting to be very odd and her choices in various scenes to be completely baffling. Her constant playing with her hands and her voice grate on my nerves.

If she has nothing to do with the murders and she's not a red herring, she needs some serious acting lessons.

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No, I think Kelli is actually the only one doing a good job here. It's like she's the only one still affected and upset by Dixie dying! I disagree that she is the killer or being shifty - I just think she's the only actor/character being realistic in a situation where your sister died and 2 of your friends has died.

I mean seriously!

Now someone mentioned 'black outs' - and that got me totally thinking about AMANDA! Remember when she had those blackouts back when Janet was around last year...then all of a sudden she stopped having them without any explanation. Well with the writers we have now, I could totally see them bringing back Amanda's blackouts - especially since Janet is coming back....then they'll do the "Like Mother, Like Daughter" explanation and send Amanda off - since it's obvious they aren't going with a Amanda/Jonathan love story anymore (or at least not for a long time).

I don't want Amanda to be the killer, and I have no idea why she'd have anything against Zach, but who knows - it is a possibility. Maybe she's still hung up on Simone, Erin, and Kendall being a B!TCH to her back when Babe wanted to hire her at Fusion.

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Oh, I felt SO bad for Babe today.

She was THIS close to finally reconciling with JR and having a shot at a good marriage.

He got over wanting to kill her, she quit lusting after Josh (at least, that's what she said), and these two crazy kids could have made it -- if not for that DAMn KISS!!!

BABE, what were you thinking?!!!

Adultery is NEVER okay, even if it's in the form of comfort!

Gosh, she's such slut! lol. Josh tells her goodbye after she tells him she wants to stay with JR and work on their marriage and what does she do, as closure? KISS THE MAN! That's ridiculous!


Not a good day for a Babe fan indeed!


Interesting! alert: Notice that Zarf is slowly getting more and more feminine. Zoe's gestures were VERY ladylike today.

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I am tired of Babe taking another man's comfort...I am tired of JR plotting revenge on her....it's old and this fan can't like either....not on JR's side...not on Babe's side. Maybe I will like both if they had seperate stories for a while. Just tired of the b.s

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