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I think the last full season I watched of this was season 7. I'm glad the show is still running and the CW are still giving Jared and Jensen pay checks though. This show will probably go on for another 2 seasons at least. The CW has nothing else to show at this point, might as well ride this pony into the ground.

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Season 10 starts tonight. They had a retrospective thing last night I didn't bother to watch.

Don't expect a lot either way out of the premiere, but we will see.

Meanwhile, Misha being Misha.

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Did you mean the one where Dean was cured or the one this week with the werewolves?

The next episode (two weeks from now) is supposed to be the 200th, although it doesn't look that great to me. I guess we'll see.

Dean's such a great character, if they ever explore him.

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Agreed, although I think Supernatural is mostly just running in place at this point in regards to story telling, they did a beautiful job with their 200th episode. I think this was one of the best and most enjoyable episodes of Supernatural since season 5. It completely hit the mark with what this show is truly about and why fans of this show still tune in.

Looked at the ratings and SPN along with Arrow are tied with second place for most viewers in the coveted 18-49 demo for The CW after Flash. This is clearly an important show to the CW. I don't know what they are going to do when it starts to wind down and ends. These shows can only do so much. The Vampire Dairies and Arrow have already started to decline in step with Supernatural and they are much younger shows, The Vampire Dairies has maybe one more season to go after this one, if that. They need to start planning for their next few seasons.

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Wow, I NEVER thought I'd be reading a headline like this:


Jared Padalecki reportedly arrested in Texas for assault and intoxication.


I hope this is some kind of misunderstanding or there is a good explanation. 


Also, I can't help it -- sounds like something straight out of Walker, Texas Ranger

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Those Destiel fans are starting to look like QAnon at this point, and it's embarrassing. Throwing temper tantrums, hiring lawyers to sue the show, vote barraging with their bots and fake accounts, while throwing out thousands of hashtags because a ship that was never going to be canon in the first place didn't give them the ending they wanted is just ridiculous. SPN is not homophobic, because Dean and Castiel didn't get together and kiss during the show.  I really wonder, what show they even were watching sometimes, it's like they deny canon, insert their own interpretation of the show and then get upset when the show doesn't align with their vision and cry abuse. They really can't read a room, or understand what the writing on the wall is. Jensen has been telling them for years, that Destiel doesn't exist as a ship, Dean is canonically straight, and that Supernatural is not a show about romance. It's a show about brotherhood and family. If Destiel fans still don't get that Dean would drop kick everyone else in the world for Sam, they haven't been paying attention the last 15 years. 

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I never could get into the show. All i feel is indifference towards the show. And the Castiel controversy. I have heard that Jensen is a homophobe. And that gay fans were kicked out of conventions. I have no idea if any of that is true. I don't understand theses fan. If you don't like a show. Then stop watching it. There's so much better stuff too watch. Of course the show is gone now. But i have a funny feeling. There going to keep on bitching. I think fans are too obsessed with the show. Because the guys are HOT.

Edited by victoria foxton
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I watched the show briefly from seasons 4-7, and watched a few episodes from seasons 1-3, with sporadic viewing every now and then and it’s clear what the show was selling. It was never a show about Castiel and Dean’s romance. Castiel at best was in no more than 45% of the episodes, and the actor was fired once and demoted to recurring status numerous times. But still his online fan base would kick up a fuss, and we get things like what was posted above. 

The Destiel fans refused to take the show at face value, and created crazy conspiracy theories like if Dean wore green and blue he was secretly telling audiences that he loved Castiel, and if Dean would drink flavored water it meant he was bi. Just ludicrous stuff. I would never say this show queer baited, fans just believed what they wanted to and cried when they didn’t get that onscreen. 

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I think I understand some of the criticism, and not just the Destiel criticism, but the wider criticism as a whole regarding the final and the season as a whole. 

I’ve been a regular viewer for a long time (which has been difficult due to the show being dropped and picked up by different channels/networks in the UK), probably since season 4, although I think I missed a couple seasons after season 5 due losing track of the show. I can say that the show had evolved past the first two seasons of being quite misogynistic, homophobic, stereotypically masculine, and blood being thicker than water, into a show that redefined what family was to Sam and Dean, that it was more than just about their brotherly bond. 

The show even evolved to include Castiel as a main player in later seasons; I think the shift started to occur from season 12, and I could see how the show was investing in him more, investing in his relationships to Dean, Sam, and Jack. I never really saw those charged moments that many Destiel fans say existed, but in later seasons I do think the writing changed to incorporate something. The relationship between Cas and Dean was different to Cas and Sam, and given they went out there way to have Cas declare his love for Dean, only for Dean’s response to be, basically, nothing, and for Cas to be killed off, it does play heavily on the bury your gays troupe. I do understand why many are upset about that. 

But this is a wider issue. The show killed off all of its supporting characters. I still don’t get why they killed Mary off the way they did at the end of season 14. All of the diversity they brought into the show was swiftly thrown away. What became of Eileen felt unnecessary. The whole final season was quite miserable, and the final took the show back to the first season where things became all about Sam and Dean, as if all those that had changed them for the better were secondary and unimportant. 

I think they could have given Destiel a better ending, something that explored Dean’s character. Maybe it would have been better to not to do anything at all, but they chose to have Cas utter those words and do what he did, so they should have had more conviction to take that all the way. I found the final season disappointing with many of the choices they made. I think the show runner even said that only 30% of fans would be happy with the ending, and Jensen was also very skeptical about it, too, but I’m not sure what either of them were specifically referring to. I think that if you were a lapsed viewer and only tuned into the final, you might not get what all the fuss is about.

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