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Desperate Housewives: Discussion Thread

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I enjoyed the episode very much and totally agree with everyone, I so did not see Danielle and Austin together, I figured it would be Andrew.

Bree has went nutty married to Orson.... Susan is just looking out for her well being. I love Alma! And I am glad she is becoming a major character. And totally agree, Edie needs a storyline!!!!

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Bree seriously doesn't know how to pick a man. Why was she gloating? Orson is still lying to her ass.

I wanted to throttle Danielle & that demon Lynette has got living with her.

I was LOL about Andrew's comments. The kid is just so shameless.

I feel badly for Julie. She lost her virginity to a scrub.

Gaby bores me senseless.

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I liked the younger storyline.

The Alma stuff - eh. Their season-long story arcs are way too confusing, especially after long breaks of no episodes.

Gabby - if that date of hers wasn't so HOT, then I couldn't care less.

And that little 9 year old BRAT - my Gods I wanted to smack the [!@#$%^&*] outta her.

Umm...I guess that's about it.

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Andrew deserves so much more of a story...this guy can act, and his one-liners are hilarious...sad that he had been reduced to nothing but scenery...

The Alma thing still has me intrigued...guess I'll have to wait and see on that one.

My, my, Danielle has turned out to be quite the little ho.....what a one dimensional character...another waste in my opinion

I used to love Gaby/Eva....but is it just me or does she seem to have gotten one of the biggest egos? Again, I think her character has potential, she just isn't used right.

I think I'm one of the few that actually likes the Lynette storyline.....and Felicity is such a great actress. As much as I want to smack Kayla, I mean, she did just lose her wacky mother, so...I can let it slide...but again, will have to see...

Overall, thought the eppy was alright...nothing too special...

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I loved this episode! DH is back in SUCH fine form. Everything was top notch and I liked the way they slowly brought in Gabby's storyline. I wonder if the pedophile story will return. I love Alma's story and am glad they didn't wait until the end of the season to reveal what actually happened and yet they still haven't solved the mystery. This show has definitely found its groove back. And like everyone else I was so shocked by the Danielle scenes!!

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GREAT episode!

I'd like to personally welcome Alma onto Wisteria Lane! I'm not sure what she's gonna do, but I like the woman. I'm glad she's moving in!

The teen stuff was awesome! I had a feeling that Danielle and/or Andrew would have ended up screwing around with Austin. Andrew was right. Austin didn't want to pressure Julie for sex because he was definitely getting it from someone else. LOL at the three beers line! I had a twinge of thought that maybe it was Andrew in bed with him at the end, but I set myself straight and realized it was Danielle. For a second, I thought maybe it was Gabrielle! I would have loved the confrontation between Edie and Gabrielle!

Ugh, Ian continues to annoy me. I didn't like how he was all offended after Susan mentioned going see Mike in jail. It's like boy PLEASE, you was married when you started seeing Susan. Coma or no coma, YOU WAS MARRIED!

Gabrielle's story was boring. No surprise. I'm ready for either Carlos to go or both of them. Their relationship has been beaten to death and it's annoying.

Poor Lynette...I knew she had to feel horrible after finding her grandmother's doll in the garbage can. Stuffed with chili!? That Kayla sure is crafty! Quite the little hellraiser.

All in all, I liked last night's episode. DH is *back!*

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Wow! What an episode! So many good parts...

Alma meet up with Bree, I'm glad they got that over with, I thought they would drag that on for awhile. I can't believe what she did to Susan! I'm a Susan fan, and I was so glad she went and saw Mike. I wonder what Alma's story is...

I can not believe Kayla! She is so annoying, I can't believe she's doing that to Lynette. Those scenes with her eating her ice cream and the boys draging her out = classic!

I'm so sad that Bill is gone, hah. He was so cute. I wonder who's sending Gabby flowers. Gabby and Carlos were really cute in their scenes.

I can't believe Julie slept with Austin! Ugh! (Not an Austin fan), and how DARE Danielle sleep with him? !!!

SO Good! I'm so gllad its back =)

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"Housewives" to film in pregnant star's home

Today at 1:26 am

"Desperate Housewives" star Marcia Cross, who is expecting twins, has been placed on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy, forcing production of her hit TV show to shift into her real-life living room.

At the end of this week, the "Housewives" production crew will take over the downstairs of Cross' west Los Angeles home for two days to shoot the last two episodes that she was planning to appear in this season, an ABC network spokesman said on Wednesday.

Cross, 44, moved into the house just months ago with her stockbroker husband, Tom Mahoney, whom she married in June of last year.

Her publicist, Heidi Slan, confirmed that doctors had placed Cross on bed rest last week, but added, "This is a precautionary move only" due to her pregnancy with twins.

The red-headed actress has earned a string of Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for her role as the perfectionist homemaker Bree Van de Kamp on the popular prime-time soap.

She co-stars with Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Eva Longoria and Nicollette Sheridan as a group of women bound together by various intrigues played out on the seemingly quiet suburban cul-de-sac of Wisteria Lane.

"Desperate Housewives" producers had planned to wrap up Bree's story line for the season with just two more episodes after the February 11 show, as Cross's expanding waistline became harder to conceal and her character is not pregnant.

But with the actress now confined to her home, producers decided to bring the show to her, sending in crews to transform the lower level of her house into a stage set matching the interior of Bree's extremely tidy home.

"They are painting the walls, moving in props and furniture from the set," a source from the show told TV Guide magazine, which first reported the story. "They're basically making Marcia's house into Bree's."

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I saw that earlier in the paper....I think that's neat. If she can't come to the show, the show will come to her. Wonder if she will be in bed for all her scenes, or if she will be able to get up and walk around the house a little? And if she must stay in bed, then how will they explain that on the show?

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I am going to say no. I don't think Orson is as crazy and evil as we first thouught him to be. As for MC and Bree, I bet she will be in bed...I remember them doing something like this for Debra Messing when she was pregnant.

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