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Grey's Anatomy: Discussion Thread

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aww Christina.. Sandra Oh rocks!

oh no dont tell me IW's leaving?

I wanted Alex & Addison so badly.. i wish she would've taken him to Private Practices..

I heart Miranda.. i thought for a second she'd get the postion for head chief but aww she's such a mother hen.

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I missed the first half hour (And Ugly Betty, so no spoilers here!)

I thought it was a good finale, the last two years we have had this big dramatic moment with Addison (1) and Derek and Meredith Sex (2) so I thought ending on a much softer note was really good.

There was cliffhangers there:

- George and the test...

- Interesting that Miranda didn't get Chief Resident, don't know how or why, missed the first part of the episode

- Meredith's half sister arriving at the same hospital where her mother died!

- Izzie to George: "I love you!"

- Burke leaving!

There was a lot of stuff that will lead us into Season Four!!! I thought it was a great ending to an all right season!!! Sandra Oh I think is brilliant!!!

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Wow what an amazing episode!!!!

I HATE Burke!!!! He broke Christina's heart!! "I'm free...Dammit" She loved him so much!!

Derrick is on my list. Meredith almost died, she lost both of her mothers, and her father disowned her. Derrick needs to be understanding and stop wining about everything. Interesting that he turned down Cheif.

Poor Miranda!! I HATE Callie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want George and Izzie so badly. I love them. Callie can go to hell!!! I hope that Izzie is pregers. I feel bad for George, but it makes for an interesting storyline.

I already hate Meredith's sister and if she hooks-up with McDreamy...I will kick both of their azzes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want Alex and Addison!!!!!!!!! I hate Ava or Rebecca or whatever the hell her name is. I HATE her. I hope that once the spin off tanks they will go back to Alex and Addison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So what happens now to George? Can he still practice Medicine just not be a surgeon? I am a little unclear on the rules.

I am satisfied with Callie telling Izzie about trying for a baby that day. Izzie just needs to move on.

I am so disappointed with Alex. I think I liked him better cold as ice with his patients. I really wanted Addsion and him together.

Bailey not getting chief was interesting. I want to know the chief's logic in that. And did I miss the part where he tells McSteamy, why he wasn't named chief? I wonder if McSteamy will hook up with the new Grey?

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^^ Thanks!! Still don't know where I've seen him before...

I hate the fact that Miranda didn't get Chief Resident and upset very about George and what does this mean for all of the interns? Are they still interns and just second year or what?? I'm confused!!!!

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I agree it was a phenomenal episode. But I can't understand why some of you didn't actually 'get' the controversial Yang "I'm free!" scene. (If me and the other person who commented on this did, lol, but I think we did). OBVIOUSLY, she thought she could never commit, which is why she chose the words "I'm free..." It was her older self talkling about the situation. But she broke down and was having a FIT in her wedding dress and choker becauase they reminded her of what she had lost. That she finally DID want to go there. That much was clear -- that she loved Burke and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him -- when Meredith didn't notice Burke had gone, but Yang did. She pointed out the trumpet and all those other things that made Burke, Burke. She was in love with him. She was MADLY in love with him. And she wanted to get married. BADLY. Sadly, he left her (I still don't get why he did, since it was obvious he was spewing BS as SHE DID want to marry him), which left her "free," in her older self's mind -- but that didn't mean she liked it. Those were the only terms she could put it in. That's the only way she could phrase it.


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I agree, Jack. What hack wrote this? The season finale was PHENOMENAL. And on this next point I may be in thee minority, but I LOVE when history repeats itself on shows. Shepherd falling for another Grey intern is just the next logical step in this soap opera-like story.

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