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Brothers & Sisters: Discussion Thread

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I wish I could watch an episode of B&S without my family's anti-gay remarks. :( Great episode anyways, I knew holly would turn out to be a bitch, the whole nora/holly relationship is too ridculous, so hopefully now nora will give her hell this time. I think Holly somehow will be in charge of their family business instead of sarah/tommy, that bitch is sneaky. I felt bad for rebecca because she isn't like her mother, she really struggled to tell justin the truth but at least she did, because it would mean losing the family she grew to love. I felt bad for sarah too, she tries to cover up for sal and she gets blasted by her whole family. At least now Sal's storyline is progressing.

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Speaking of Saul---I hope he doesn't use his inability to come out of the closet all these years as the reason he betrayed Nora. I say betrayed because didn't he know about Wm's affair with Holly and that there was a child. Didn't he know that Wm might have been siphoning money from the company and hiding it somewhere. Wasn't he angry that Wm. passed him over and put Sara in charged. If the answer to any of these questions is yes ( and IMO it is ), why then didn't he tell his sister what was happening. He even dated Holly for goodness sake. Nora loves Saul but I hope when she opens that can of whup a$$ on Holly she saves a little bit for her dear brother.

BTW Kevin and Scotty's wedding is going to be a laugh riot.

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Amazing episode Sunday. The show just keeps getting better and better. When I first saw they were changing Rebecca's paternity, I was kind of upset, but now with the new set of stories it has created I love it. The whole Justin/Rebecca thing (always mad chemistry between them) and Holly's duplicity and now worming her way to control WILLIAM'S company. Wow! Nora and Holly will have such a rivalry. Its awesome.

FYC- Brothers & Sisters for Outstanding Drama Series in September.

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They don't know that they have a brother, but they sure know that Rebecca is not their sister.

I thought the show was interesting. There were several unexpected twists that made me hummm. I as wondering why Kevin didn't realize before now that he'd seen the photo of that child, but then it was KEVIN!! Tommy's support of Holly is getting tired and I hope the entire family calls him on it. Sara on the other hand is on a mission and whatever she finds out will only make her come down harder on Holly who just may have been blackmailing William.

Justin and Rebecca have a certain chemistry but I don't know if I want their relationship to develop romantically.

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I don't understand why Rebecca doesn't want the family to know. She said something about not having room for an ex-sister and an ex-girlfriend (if she Justin ever broke up). I don't really get that. If she and Justin weren't involved at all, she's still an ex-sister and wouldn't have much of a connection.

Still love Sally Field!

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Damn no comments on B&S. I thought the show rocked tonight. Holly was a true bitch and hope that continues, she should've always been. I love that Nora treated Holly as she should have from day one. LOVED IT. Love Justin & Rebecca. I also loved Sarah tonight. I liked Kevin & Scotty tonight and am now a fan of the coupling. I think Tommy is an a-hole and I predict him having an affair with Holly. I still think Saul should be relegated to recurring.

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I really enjoyed the episode. I am loving the fact that Holly is now basically calling all the shots at the company, putting the show's bitch in that position is what I always wanted. I hope that they continue showing many sides to her, the bitch, the mother, should be great. I am loving her animosity with Nora and I loved how Nora got back to her by revealing that William had yet another affair. Actually, should be fun if a new Walker half-sibling showed up each season! :lol: Liked how McCallister stood up for Kitty and the friction between her and Sarah. Somehow I feel that Kevin's promotion is not lost. As for Justin and Rebecca, I think they're good as a couple, but I hate the fact that they're together because of how andwhat was changed and twisted for this pairing to happen. Now, I would love it if they had an affair--while still half-siblings. Too dark? Maybe. But, then again, maybe we'll get a super awesome and hot Ryan!

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It was a good episode. Schlocky as I expect B&S but I admit by the end of the ep I was fully into it (that seems to be my usual viewing pattern with this show--the first 20 mins or so I roll my eyes a bit and get annoyed by all the cutesiness, but despite myself I'm pretty wrapped into it by the end). I didn't like the Senator's constant bitchign about how the family was cruel even compared to politicians, etc. whatever. It looks like a lot of Baitz's original plans for this show--showing poorer characters, more politics, etc, is gonna be lost--but it looks like it's on its way to being a fun family soap for this year--an identity it had toruble finding last year with all the changes.

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ITA. The only thing missing was the bit@h slap. Maybe one day Nora will get mad enough to do it.

William was quite a busy boy. When did he find the time. It's sad (but totally believable) that Nora had no clue, deep down inside she must feel like such a fool.

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