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Brothers & Sisters: Discussion Thread

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Ya his full essay is at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robbie-baitz...rt_b_78361.html

And MAN i'm [!@#$%^&*] mad. You'd think witht he critical praise and the ratings that the show would trust Baitz to try some of the things he wanted and keep it in his direction and voice and only maybe if the ratings started to slip could I see ANY justification for them to do this. WOW

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TV without Pity says that Baitz has been fighting creative control since the 3rd or 4th episode this season... I wonder if focusing more on Rebecca's bland friend who's sleepign with the brothers was part of the things he didn't like (as well as Kitty and Robert's politics being white washed as much as possible...)

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These idiots do realize that sally field who is 60 is the real draw to the show? At first it was suppose to be centered around calista but rachel/sally blew her outta the water with there great acting. Now they think that justin/rebecca should be the leads of the show to draw in the younger set?LMAO I like them, but a show all about them would be a disaster. ABC has some real issues about age/ethinicity its totally ridiculous to ruin a show that is great just to draw in a younger crowd, you can say that about all the daytime soaps as well. So I guess we can expect younger housewives on dh as well. :rolleyes:I'm 26 and I would rather watch the vets on the soaps and older actors in primetime over the younger actors.

An while we can blame abc pro-youth, shouldn't we also blame the advertisers, I'm pretty sure they had a hand in that decision to be pro-youth. A younger person is me susceptible at buying new products, than an older person because they are set in their ways and usually don't buy new products. That could be a reason abc is so pro-youth.

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The most interesting thing about this is Baitz's admission that he couldn't run the show by himself which is hardly surprising given his theatrical background. But episode/arc structure aside, he does understand the characters more than anyone else working on the show and that is what they are going to lose. Even though I still enjoy the show, it doesn't go far enough. There are 'moments' such as Justin's intervention that should be 'stories' but they become self-consciously precious because ABC seems terrified of making the Walkers unlikeable. I didn't like the baby's death either or Nora's insta-forgiveness of Holly. Or the rapid wrap up of Nora and Kitty's simmering mutual resentment which could have been one of the most interesting family dynamics. Things are too often swept under the rug for the sake of quirky family get togethers and it's beginning to make sense why.

Also surprised at the insinuation that Marti Noxon is a bit of a bitch. Given the fact she's a Whedon protege and was so grateful to get a gig on Grey's I expected her to be a little more humble.

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Well I watched the show and love me some Kevin. I love the Walker interaction and keeping stuff a secrets and things just coming out.

They are so changing the paternity of Rebecca which I personally think is stupid a waste of last year.

Yay my JASON is coming home, get ready Scotty because I really beleive Kevin has some unresolved issues when it comes to Jason and they will be causing you some problems.

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I liked sundays show, although it seemed like it was thrown together at the last minute for some reason. I really hope danny glover becomes a regular I really like him with nora. Looks like rebecca might not be a walker afterall like I said in a previous post and according to Baitz they are moving the show towards a pro-youth movement, so I guess they want rebecca/justin as there young IT couple, which is stupid because they could of brought someone on for each of them, but I guess abc is too cheap and narrow-minded. I see this show headed towards a really bad direction.

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Well love Issac's and Nora. They are so good together and I love how Nora forgot to act when going on a date or what she suppose to do. What I like is that Issac is concern about her and her needs.

Interesting about Sarah and Graham.

I just dont like Tommy but yes honey you and your stupid wife need therapy. I am glad Lena is gone and maybe just maybe Justin can have a healthy relationship that is not his little sister.

OK I love the Jason/Kevin/Scotty thing because once again Scotty was jealous and did not know how to handle the situaion. I am a Jason and Kevin fan and they are far from over. Talk about passion during that meal and Scotty being the third wheel. Kevin is not over Jason and Jason is not over Kevin by a long shot. I am happy Eric is back!!!!

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I find Kevin and Jason personally boring together--though it was interestign that at the dinner table Jason and Scotty seemed liek the best pair--they ar least were a lot mor eopen than Kevin--I loved that scene actually and how it was handled.

Lotsa great stuff but the episode felt a bit scattered to me--maybe I'm reading too much into it since knowing Baitz left... The previews for next week did look great (my twin sis was laughing at Sarah and Kev getting drunk and Sarah singing Cher at karaoke--something my sis has done with me at the local gay bar way too many a time...)

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Quite a good episode, wasn't it? The best stuff came between Isaac and Nora, I think they are exquisite together!

Tommy and Julia really need to get some substance because otherwise they're as empty as a shell.

The Jason/Scotty/Kevin stuff was fun.

FINALLY Lena is gone. What a pest!

And I'm not sure what I think of the Graham/Sarah story.... I think I need to see a little bit more of it.

And, yes, Erica, I think that there was a definite attention to the older characters, which I loved.... Especially Sally Field, which I have always thought is the absolute center of the series.

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