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Brothers & Sisters: Discussion Thread

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I'm actually happy that Brothers and Sisters is tackling this custody issue between Sarah and Joe, as it makes for great drama...I feel very bad for Sarah, but this happens to fathers all the time...In a divorce the kids usually always end up with the mother..mainly because thats how things have been in the past...But Joe was the stay at home dad, and has a right to the kids. With that said, i really hope Sarah does get custody of those kids...And Joe is an ass for planning this out and getting all the references..

I was also surprised that Kitty is actually pregnant..I thought it was just a pregnancy scare..but i do like this twist..and it really cements robert and kitty as a couple....Plus it made for some cute family moments as the news was spread..

Good show..

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I'm glad yous aid that Kev--nearly all my friends see Joe as a HUGE villain in this but I actually find it... kinda realistic and kind a "no one's all bad or all good" situation-0-even though Iw ant the kids to end up with Sarah or at least for them to get half/half custody I think from Joe's perspective it makes COMPLETE sense to do exactly what he did--and I do think that if the genders were reversed a lot more people would see things from his (if he was a woman:P ) perspective.

I was a bit let down by this past episode though.. I admit I fidn the political stuff more interestign when it's not the main story as it was this week (and I find Rob Lowe's cute misunderstanding scenes--when they play that light "plunky" music a bit much) and I guess I hoped to see more of the other characters... Plus I love Balthazar Getty and even like the new character he's sleeping with and the irony of (man I'm bad with character names) Patricia Wettig's character's reactions but... Him picking her up from a bar felt SOO contrived and like such a wrong headed move that I wouldn't excpect with this show. I know she was drunk and probably hoped she could kiss him or whatever but still--WHY wouldn't she just take a cab? When she called him why wouldn't he just say (since she was OBVIOUSLY not beligirently drunk or in any sort of danger) "I'll call you a cab", etc? I'm a sympathetic (I hope) guy especially when it comes to things around booze, etc--but if even my best friend or my sister called me in the middle of the nigth to pick her up from a bar when she didn't seem dangerously drunk, wasn't in any danger or scared about anyone around her, was on a busy street with probably tons of cabs--wanting me to pick them up.


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I wouldn't necessarily be on the woman's side if the roles were reversed, I'm a firm believer in joint custody. Neither are bad parent's so I don't understand why joe is trying to take the kids like sarah is a bad mom are something. I really don't buy that stability thing, because if that were the case why doesn't he have full custody of gabe, if I'm not mistaken doesn't he have joint custody with his other ex-wife? Full custody imo should only be to protect the child from an untruthworthy parent/bad parent(aka britney spears) and if the other parent doesn't want to reatain joint custody giving the other parent full custody.

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Well, he's now doing his ex-wife, so he probably has full custody there.

We saw the kinda [!@#$%^&*]-y side of Joe last season too though. He seemed bad about Sarah's enjoyment of her work from the beginning of the series. However, wouldn't it make more sense for the kids to live with the parent who manages to both be their parent AND earn the money. Joe isen't earning any income, Sarah is. SHE's paying for stuff he has and still manages to be a great mother. And IMO, a parent benefits from seeing a parent be able to do both. It sets an example. Kids don't need to be with their parents for the whole day at the ages Paige and Cooper are at, in fact they benefit from NOT being that. They need to be in daycare centers and school/after-school activities.

Love this season so far!

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Pest I see you rpoint but I think Joe's point (and I agree he is being partly pretty selfish but in a realistic way)_ was int he past year Sarah has been so busy with her new upped job at the company that Joe basiclaly did ALL the parent9ing--i think that's where some of the resentment came from and maybe he feels like he didn't get enough aknlowedgement. Did he ever find out about her almost affair btw?

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I had a feeling kitty would lose the baby, I guess having rob lowe next season isn't in the bag, and on top of that his character didn't even want another kid. An how nice of joe to share joint custody, the idiot should of just did that in the first place, he created all that drama for nothing. Next weeks episode looks good. Hopefully there will be some progress on sal being gayand Intervention with justin part II is on the way.

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I saw ET the other night and they showed clips of kitty/robert getting married, but then kitty interrupted. Who wants to bet that kitty will ask robert about wanting more kids? He'll say no and then the marriage won't happen. I really hope it doesn't happen that way, thats waaaay too predictable.

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I loved the show. Great acting and superb acting.

I love that Saul came out to Nora but did not tell anyone but Kevin knows and wont tell either.

I hope Jason is coming back. I dont like Scotty. I need my Jason and Keving back.

I see problems coming from Kitty wanting a child. I think the Senator does not want one.

Overall loved the show.

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