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Follow the lives of the residents of Salem. This blog begins with events following the February 14, 2014 episode of the TV series, taking it on a new course based on events prior to that date.


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Entries in this blog

DAYS #193: Chad is back! Nick lays his cards on the table

EPISODE 193 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   In the University Hospital waiting room, Kim stands with her son, Andrew, placing a hand on Kim’s shoulder, while Marlena stands in front of her, holding both Kim’s hands in hers tightly. Kim looks down, avoiding Marlena’s gaze, as she thinks over everything Marlena’s just told her to try to comfort her.   ANDREW: Mom…Marlena’s right. We’re here for you. Bo


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DAYS #192: Nick calls a meeting, Marlena and Andrew talk Kim down

EPISODE 192 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Inside the Titan building, Sami marches through the sliding doors of the building, quickly followed by Kate, who is trying to catch up, hoping to calm Sami down before she goes any further.   KATE: Sami! Sami, stop.   Sami ignores Kate and makes a beeline for the elevator, but Kate grabs Sami’s arm to stop her dead in her tracks.   KATE:


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DAYS #191: Kate gives Sami a pep talk, EJ follows a solid lead

EPISODE 191 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Will stands, leaning forward on the back of the sofa in the Kiriakis living room, as Gabi stands nearby with arms folded, more than a little stunned at her interaction moments before with Anjelica.   WILL: Okay, what did I just walk in on?   Gabi turns to look at Will, shrugging, as she stumbles over her words, trying to explain herself.  


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DAYS #190: Gabi spars with Anjelica, Sami breaks down in front of Kate

EPISODE 190 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   At the Salem PD HQ, Hope walks Nick out of Roman's office, holding his arm. She's evidently concerned for him after his sudden painful headache in Roman's office, and that concern is evident in her voice.   HOPE: You know, I would feel a lot better if I drove you to work, Nick. NICK: No, no, don't worry about me, Hope. Honestly, I'm okay.   Hop


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DAYS #189: John has a plan, but so does Sheryl; Rafe confronts Gabi for moving in with Nick

EPISODE 189 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Billie slides open the door to Kate's loft, finding John on the other side. Billie is pleasantly surprised to see him there and offers to let him in.   BILLIE: John! JOHN: Hey Billie.   John steps in, waving to Kate, who stays seated at the breakfast bar.   JOHN: Morning, Kate. KATE: Morning, John. Bringing good news, I hop


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DAYS #188: Sami's suspicious as EJ chases down a lead

EPISODE 188 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   On the desk in the DiMera living room, sits the invitation to the gala grand re-opening of the Penthouse Grille. Next to it, a freshly-emptied coffee cup is slammed down on the desk. We see that it is EJ's who is dialing a local bank branch.   EJ: (into phone) Yes, this is EJ DiMera, may I speak with Michael Howell, please?...Yes, Michael, it's EJ DiMera. I was


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DAYS #187: Anita reaches out to Brady, Alex tries to make it up to Noelle

EPISODE 187 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   At the Kiriakis mansion, Noelle stands in front of her bedroom vanity, dressed in her silk robe, which covers her lacey lingerie she's put on to entice her husband, Alex.   We see her spritzing some perfume across her chest, as, in the reflection of the mirror, Alex emerges from the bathroom, freshly showered, and wearing only a towel. Noelle's expression sof



DAYS #186: Alex rebuffs Noelle's advances, Steve finds a big clue!

EPISODE 186 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Kim stands in her living room, held in Andrew's arms tightly, her tears over Roman subsiding through her son's comfort.    ANDREW: It's okay, Mom. It's okay.   As Andrew cradles his mother, Kim reaches around, holding her son. She feels the soothing comfort of someone to lean on.   KIM: (laughs) I know. I...Andrew, I missed you so much. AN



DAYS #185: Brady demands answers from "Anita", Sonny & Will discuss Gabi moving out

EPISODE 185 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Brady stands in Anita's living room, stunned by her announcement that Anita is not, in fact, a kind stranger that plucked him from the river, but his grandmother, Loretta Toscano.   He struggles to speak a single word, sputtering as Anita tears up, Tyler holding her shoulders, trying to keep her calm.   BRADY: Wh....what did you say?   Anit



DAYS #184: Brady learns the truth about Anita, Kim and Marlena come to an agreement

EPISODE 184 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Marlena sits with Roman in his SUV in the undergorund parking of her building. She appears concerned about him, as Roman stares out the front windshield, almost acting as though she's not there. Outside the vehicle, Kim, Andrew, and Abe look in on them.   After a moment's awkward silence between then, Marlena tries to coax him out of his apparent trance.



DAYS #183: Marlena finds Roman right under her nose, Anjelica sets Liam loose

EPISODE 183 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   It's a cool dark night on the outskirts of Salem. A chilly wind has kicked up, as Tyler Houston steps toward the front door of Anita Hernandez's cabin. He knocks, as he looks out at the dark night around him. Rubbing his hands together to keep them warm in the cold, he tenses his body as he awaits Anita.   Opening the front door, Anita is surprised to see Tyl



DAYS #182: Valerie and Jerome have a heart-to-heart, Tyler discovers Brady alive!

EPISODE 182 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Marlena emerges from her bedroom at her penthouse, freshly changed into her street clothes, as the doorbell rings.  She calls out to the person ringing the bell, as she heads for the door.   MARLENA: Coming!   Marlena walks over and opens the door to find Abe there. She quickly motions him inside.   MARLENA: Abe! Thank you, I know it's



DAYS #181: Roman is missing! Anjelica sets things straight with Alex

EPISODE 181 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Gabi stands in Nick's room at the Kiriakis mansion, holding the pictures he's had hidden in his desk drawer of Gabi, Sami, and Kate trying to drown him in her hand. She's relieved to have finally found them, holding the pictures up to her chest, smiling for the first time in ages.   GABI: Oh my God, yes.   As she celebrates her mission being complet



DAYS #180: Gabi finds the pictures, EJ questions Kate about the key

EPISODE 180 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Jordan opens the door to Rafe's loft, finding Roman standing on the other side. She is immediately tense, particularly after Nicole's TV special, and begins to trip over her words as she goes to greet Roman.   JORDAN: Ah...uh...R--   Roman looks confused by Jordan being at the door. He tries to look past her to ensure he has the right address. RO



DAYS #179: Kate pays Sami and EJ a celebratory visit, is Nick okay?

EPISODE 179 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Sheryl paces her apartment living room, livid after Nick's attempted betrayal. Jerome gets up from the sofa, trying to cool her off to no avail.   SHERYL: I can't believe it. I can't believe we were barking up the wrong tree the entire time.   Sheryl turns to face Jerome, pointing a finger up to Jerome's face as she curses Nick's name.   SHE



DAYS #178: The Walker Report (Part 4) - The crash heard all over Salem

EPISODE 178 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco     At Sheryl's apartment, she and Jerome sit on the sofa, watching Nicole's TV special intensely.   JEROME: You know, I like Nicole's style.   Sheryl struggles to shift her attention to Jerome, and half-responds, still focused on the show.   SHERYL: Yeah...she's...she's getting a lot out of Nick, but...I just get this weird feeling. Like



DAYS #177: The Walker Report (Part 3) - Nick's shocking surprise

EPISODE 177 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   At Club TBD, Hope and Aiden's date has taken a sudden wrong turn, when Aiden snapped at Hope. Hope is tense after Aiden's sudden outburst. Aiden immediately realizes his reaction to Hope's question was extreme and looks around at the turned heads in his direction. He looks down sheepishly and relaxes, before apologizing.   AIDEN: I'm sorry, Hope. I...I didn't m



DAYS #176: The Walker Report (Part 2) - Nicole's special goes live!

EPISODE 176 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Hope walks into Club TBD in a nice gown. Dressed up for dinner, she steps inside, looking for Aiden. Aiden, sitting at the table he'd chosen for them both, notices Hope walk in and stands up, smiling.   AIDEN: Hope!   Hope smiles and walks over to the table. Aiden seems pleasantly surprised to see Hope in such formal attire.   HOPE: Aiden.



DAYS #175: The Walker Report (Part 1) - Nicole, Nick, Percy, and Anjelica prep for the show

EPISODE 175 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   We see a man's dress shoes walking down a quiet hallway. The noise of which echoes through the otherwise silent hall, as Tyler approaches the doors to the WXIR studio where Nicole will be shooting her TV special. Tyler stops by the sliding doors, as the stagehands rush in and out of the studio, preparing for the telecast.    Tyler sighs, his mind heavy with the



DAYS #174: "Crystal" moves into Theresa's apartment, Kim has a surprise visitor

EPISODE 174 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco     Jenn and Abby stand outside the Brady Pub, after having seen JJ drive off to college. Abby stands opposite Jennifer, arms folded, looking defensively at her mother.   ABBY: Mom, I'm not trying to push Jerome away. I don't know why you'd even think that. JENN: Janie Miller.   Abby turns to face her mother. She narrows her eyes at Jenn, thoroug



DAYS #173: Will shares his fears with Alex over dinner, Jerome meets Jennifer

EPISODE 173 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Laura, Jennifer & Abby stand outside the Brady Pub, having seen JJ off. Laura turns to them with a tearful smile.   LAURA: Well, I'm gonna have to get myself together again. (laughs) JENNIFER: Just remember, Mom. JJ's gonna be back for Thanksgiving. I'll make sure of it. LAURA: And if you don't, I will.   The three women laugh, as Laura digs



DAYS #172: Abby & JJ say their goodbyes, Noelle & Anjelica lay into Nick

EPISODE 172 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Abby and JJ step out of the Brady Pub, while Jennifer and Laura settle up. JJ looks out at nothing in particular, while Abby puts her hand on JJ's shoulder.   ABBY: You know we'll miss you, right?   JJ looks down, nodding slowly.   JJ: Believe me, the feeling's mutual.   Abby's hand slides off JJ's shoulder, as she turns to stand b



DAYS #171: Bo & Steve meet The Pawn 2.0, Eric agrees to the DNA test

EPISODE 171 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco     Nick and Gabi step through the door to Gabi's room in the Kiriakis Mansion, lugging their suitcases behind them. Nick steps in to help a struggling Gabi. At first, she resists him, but remembers she needs to keep up the charade.   NICK: Let me help you.   After a moment of the two of them almost suspended in time, Gabi stares into Nick's eyes, and



DAYS #170: Sheryl & Crystal's big showdown, Bo meets the Patient

EPISODE 170 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   EJ stands in the DiMera living room, sipping on cognac, as he looks out through the terrace doors.   The sound of the front door opening and closing doesn't deter him, as he keeps his focus out on the lovely day.   From the foyer, a familiar voice calls out to him, as they step inside.   It's Liam.   LIAM: You called?  



DAYS #169: Valerie has an idea for Marlena, Bo & Steve invade the DiMera compound

EPISODE 169 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco     Hope stands in the Horton Square with John, her arms folded as she waits for John to answer her.   HOPE: John, whatever it is you're keeping from Marlena, I can tell it's connected to Bo and his mission. So you might as well tell me. JOHN: Come on, Hope! You know I can't do that. HOPE: Why not, John? This is obviously important enough that you're her



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