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DAYS: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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My biggest problem with Javi/Leo isn't actually Leo for once.  This "romance" was horribly paced and written.  Why should I care even if I liked Leo?  They have admittedly said on screen they've known one another for a few days.  They flirted a bit, shared some texts, had a few conversations, then woke up in bed together the next morning.  We didn't even see anything romantic, sexy, or even anything beyond basic attraction.  Putting my dislike of both characters aside, I have yet to see anything rootable about them.

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At least Joy/Johnny made some sense.  The show was keeping it vague for a reason.  It makes no sense to not see Javi/Leo do much of anything romantic and immediately break them up.  

For a character Ron is so invested in, Leo really gets the most obnoxious material.  It does feel intentional sometimes.

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Just got to Friday’s episode.

JPL is determined to make sure he’s absolutely nothing like any version of Phillip that has ever existed. I just can’t do this campy Phillip. 

Kristen is so manic all the time when it comes to Brady. I would love for them to bring someone on for her so she can chill the [!@#$%^&*] out.


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The episode opening with Leo sashaying into Marlena's office annoyed me from the jump. It does waste Marlena, and none of it plays as authentic. Are we supposed to relate to or sympathize with Leo when he needs therapy? Therapy he hasn't even made an appointment for?

For me, there's not a more unlikable character on daytime.

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and I can see how my stream of consciousness post may have been perceived. My point is that I watch DOOL unapologetically, and my bf reluctantly watches along with me at times and he is far less forgiving.

As for Leo, I'm no fan of the character, but from personal experience, I think it's inaccurate and unfair to draw judgments on attraction. There's someone for everyone, and there's no accounting for taste, whether we're talking personality or physical attributes, not to mention any number of "issues" a person may have. I don't find it unbelievable that Javi is attracted to Leo and vice versa. A bad or weird choice does not mean an unbelievable or unrealistic choice. It happens.

I don't ķnow if the writers are drawing this storytelling from life, but frankly, this fast and furious brand of hooking up and "romance" happens all the time. People fall hard and jump in quickly, ride the good before they come to their senses and realize a relationship was just an invigorating fling.

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The RSW and the JPL obsession were on full display today lol they looked hot but I think we all know which obsession is going to win in the fight for Stephanie.

It did seem like the first shots were fired today after Stephanie admitted to Alex that she and Philip were a couple once, and at the end when Alex asked Philip to drop the lawsuit. And I’m looking forward to seeing it all play out. If Philip and Alex’s own storylines are tied to it somehow, it could be really good. I’d love a Chanel/Johnny/Joy/Alex/Stephanie/Philip/Sarah/Xander mess

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And we finally got an update about Philip and Chloe today. Too bad it didn’t work out for them. She really should be a part of this storyline. She can be weaved in to it in so many ways; taking Philip’s side, taking Xander’s side, even becoming Kate’s ally. Btw, was Kate’s declaration about making sure Philip is never presumed dead again some kind of foreshadowing? I hope so. 

And I did love how everyone ended up having Thanksgiving dinner together at the Pub. How that ended up happening, along with Kayla’s prayer and Philip’s declaration felt like classic soap. Too bad that we’re not getting any follow up tomorrow. But yeah, everybody sitting on one side of the table looked really weird

Justin’s conversation with Alex was nice but it was another example of what a mistake it was to completely remove Alex from the Kiriakis family storylines and give him this Body&Soul I’m glad he’s being brought back into it now but he should have been a part of it from the very beginning. Him coming off as so caring about Xander today didn’t really ring true to me. He should be plotting against both Xander and Philip. Hell, if Alex was plotting against the two of them, it could lead to Sonny and Will being brought back

Btw, Justin’s little *wink wink* of suggesting they have pizza on Thanksgiving actually made me chuckle a little. 

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