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GH: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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I enjoy soap angst too. But I also think this would have been an opportunity for a little levity- jokes about what kind of hillbilly nonsense has Holly gotten us into by Cody.

What I do not want to see is him being so angry that he decides to go full on con man and go after Tracy for her money. I may be alone in seeing potential in those characters having something more than friendship and it was refreshing to watch them organically figuring it out vs just another fully plot driven story.


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Again, this f*ckin show, man.

Seriously, I feel cheated. 

They’ve set up Drew/Willow almost perfectly. Drew losing the election, and Willow finding out that Michael lied to her about Sonny killing Jagger were the perfect catalysts for them to finally give in and have an affair.

And once again, GH blew something with massive potential all to hell. And had Ned and Tracy be the bad guys. For what, exactly??

And not even any follow up tomorrow? Wtf? 

Hell, I couldn’t even enjoy seeing Robert Adamson because of all this. 

I’ve heard some grumbling about fans not liking Drew/Willow, but is that true?

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How boring.  They kissed on the 4th of July then completely stalled and now it's out in the open.  I suppose it could lead to a legit Willow/Drew/Nina triangle if Michael dumps her.  But, let's be honest, this woman lied about cancer and like 5000 other things so this stupid kiss shouldn't be the deal breaker for Michael.

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That's very true and it's still legal for them to marry or co-habitate in the state of New York. And they could even have kids, just get some genetic testing if they were really concerned. The risk of defects from first cousins marrying isn't actually that much higher compared to non-relatives, it's when successive generations of cousins marry that you really start to get problems and even then only if there is a genetic disorder in the family.

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You're right. The nuances in the Tracy and Cody relationship were very different to most soaps these days (these decades...) and I will be disappointed if he just starts conning her while pining for Sasha.

There was some backlash on Twitter about Drew/Nina from Nina fans and from the many fans who hate CM's Drew, and some said the whole thing was trashy and degrading, but I remember seeing a lot of people enjoying the kiss because they thought it would lead to juicy drama. Juicy drama seems to be an anathema to Frank. 

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Yeah, Drew/Willow should've had an affair that went on for months, with the secret building up to it coming out at some party/event......you know like what happens in a soap opera!  What a waste.   The show was on fire in August but September and October have been disappointing.  They lost all the momentum. 

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Did they ever explain Cody Bell's last name?  Is he related to Katherine Bell?  I like that he's a part of the Scorpio family and keeping them viable as all the actors are excellent (even James-- the only child actor on the show worth watching).  I'm glad they broke Sasha & Cody up in a way that should happen a lot more often on soaps given all the paternity/maternity stuff (and even IRL people should be getting genetic tests so they don't accidentally procreate with a relative given all the IVF and orphaned babies out there).

It's wild how often Michael is played by that temporary recast, especially for a pivotal scene.  I was hoping Tracy & Ned could have blackmailed Cameron Mathison's character for a lot longer.

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Cody was adopted by the Bells and raised on Serenity.  He's related to Katherine through Dominique because they are half sisters.  Cody/Katherine sharing the same last name and being raised by the same family isn't how they are related strangely enough.   I don't even know if Cody knew Katherine at all lol.

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