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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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As long as Maurice and Steve are on this show this is how it will always play out.  Unless the show goes from being the Sopranos to Oz.  And Oz won't work without Christopher Meloni's butt being the star.

This is the story I wanted for Heather years ago.  A medical reason to have her released so she and Scott can go back to scheming and manipulating people.  This was of course before they turned her into a serial killer and I wanted Robin Mattson in the role.  I am interested in seeing where the sorry goes.  Especially if it gives Kin Shriner more air time.

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Hmmm. Possibly you are right about that. LGBTQ+ characters can end up being politicized. It would be a PITA if lesbian Kristina had one wild night of passion with Sexy Dexy & instead of being thoughtful about it the fans rioted!!!! Truly it would be a delightful thing to happen to Joss! Makes me laugh. 

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I think we ALL know your opinion about whose baby it was. Almost all of us disagree with your OPINION because we feel there's context, and it feels like you ignore that context.

And "Kristina would have ultimately made the decision to keep her child and tell Molly that the adoption she had been hoping for was not going to take place"? Where are you getting this? That's not fact -- you're just guessing.

What bothers me more than anything is that you paint this as some moral issue, as if Kristina keeping the baby would have been morally correct. I completely disagree, but since the point is moot, I won't address it further.whos

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I am just going to love this post and not call anyone a troll or wrong.  Everyone has an opinion and that's fine.  

To me, there is just such a different initial intent between surrogacy and adoption-aside from moral issues.    They aren't the same idea and shouldn't be painted as such.  Kristina didn't accidently get pregnant or needed to give up the baby for a variety of reasons.  She went into this full well knowing she was going to give the baby to Molly/TJ and got inseminated with TJ's sperm because she wouldn't be pregnant otherwise. 

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I agree.

Repeating the myth that gestational hosts would be unwilling to give the child they birth to its parents is an insult.  It plays upon the falsehood that a woman's hormones override their capacity for logic and empathy.  It also furthers the old soap trope that women who can't carry to term are somehow less emotionally attached to their children. 

I think GH did a real disservice to their audience throughout this story.

Edited by j swift
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Thank you, my friend.  It seems like such an antiquated vision to see surrogacy as the same as adoption .  I am sure Kristina has feels for the baby, but she never entered this situation thinking it was going to be her baby.

Edited by carolineg
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I couldn't agree more. And I find this myth to be incredibly dated and something we've moved passed long time ago as a society. As a gay married man who is in plans to have a child by surrogacy, I have a personal POV on this topic. 

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The truth is that in the reality of this show they should have never made this arrangement. IIRC Kristina has often been characterized as flighty and impulsive from way back. In this reality I absolutely see Kristina flaking on the agreed arrangements because she doesn’t think things through. Especially in the glow of a new romance, she was already playing family. With someone that left her in the hospital in her worst moment to eat at a nice restaurant. Not the hospital cafeteria so she could be close.

Molly and TJ’s baby and the Davis family overall were doomed from the start. Personally, I think this is making Kristina look awful and verging on unwatchable. We see clearly that she was never going to be able to hand that baby over.

Edited by titan1978
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And the reality is it was Kristina who convinced and borderline pressured Molly and TJ to be their surrogate. They were very apprehensive about letting Kristina be their surrogate, but she wouldn’t quit. Had that baby lived and Kristina kept it, it would have been an awful look to prey on a biologically barren couple and then snatch their only immediate hope of a child away from them. 

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I think on all of this I may occupy the most Minority Rapport statuses ever & that is because I am not convinced that Kristina was going to take the baby. Was it going to come up? God, yes. Has anything ever been more obvious? But, I could see Tolly & Krissy working it out. 

Now, Blaze still MIA from the hospital, I blame four-square on the LGBTQ+ writing totally losing its mind. I have volunteered, loudly & often to be the new lesbian consultant to the writers. They need one terribly badly. What they have written is simply not credible. No lesbian EVER would have left that hospital! OJ, chicken soup, discussions of low blood sugar & sudden praise for forward movement by Natalia on attitude? GMAB! Too much, too soon, with very little to show for it. Then, as if it needed a topping added they scared the fandom half to death on a late Friday. Yes, Virginia, there may be a Santa Claus but Kraze is not breaking up, contrary to previews showing Natalia being stupid, but what else is new?

Yabbut, all of that existed & then pulled a plot event out of their hat. The OG surrogate appeared claiming to have lost the baby. Molly panicked!

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