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DAYS: Head Writer Ron Carlivati Departing Peacock Soap After Seven Years

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Well, Greg does kinda have to say thank you.

He featured his character constantly, never grew tired of him even once, always wrote him as the good guy or as the one in the right even when he was doing horrible things to other characters, paired him with some of the hottest guys on the show, etc. 

Hell, I’d be angry if Greg didn’t say thank you

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I do like Leo, despite the dreadful writing. In order for Leo to work, they should lean into making him a male version of Sami. Sami does awful things, but her deep connections with her family is what allows us to forgive us. Had they kept Diana the same as she was before, they could've saved the character. I would've kept her the same and also given him a good sibling and allow them to show the characters humanity and try to convince him not to do his bad deeds. Help us understand the root of his issues.

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Jamey giddens he was rehired because of Janet drucker I don't see him leaving 

Leo and Theresa and Alex were the three characters who got the most stuff under Ron even Jada's character didn't get much stuff and she was created by Ron 

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Well, Leo's got one less now that Ron's gone!

I know.  I generally ignore it, but I want to see this alleged data about how popular GR is.

I agree the concept of Leo wasn't bad.  It was the execution.  Ron also loves to take a character that has a little traction and a bit of popularity and beat us to death with them.  Leo was witty and funny in VERY small doses, but there is no need for Leo to be in the middle of 95% of the stories happening on the show right now.

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In regards to my answering a question yesterday: "They taped the last two weeks, I just haven't updated the page."    I was answering a question that Days was not dark the last two weeks. I see my answer was then attached to my post about the new writers, so some people mistook that to mean I was saying the new writers taped the last two weeks. I was told people were saying on Twitter that I said Cwikly/Ford taped the last two weeks. I did not say that.  Sorry for any confusion (more due to the fact that SON combines posts when you post in quick succession!)

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In my soap opera group on FB there are a half dozen people who claim to like both Ron & Leo. Right now all of their posts begin, "I know I'm in the minority but ..." I've been very pleased that everyone else has been very respectful of their shall we say aberrant viewpoint?!! No one has yet to say, "Are you effin crazy?" I'm running a poll, What Should Ron Carlivati Do Now? Write his memoir is winning so far. 

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If I had my druthers, Leo wouldn't have been tied to any former character(s).  Instead, I would have revealed that his given name is Levi and that he was raised in an Amish community somewhere in the Great Plains, with a younger sister and maybe younger brother, too; a mom, who was a homemaker; and a dad, who was a church elder.  And I would have revealed that Levi Starger, who once dreamt of becoming a minister, was kicked out of the house and banished from the community at fifteen, after his dad had caught him with another boy, thereby forcing young Levi - who renamed himself "Leo" after his much beloved maternal grandfather - to become an underaged sex worker in order to survive.

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Days was renewed through September 2025 which means that the new writers material airs for about six months before then. I wonder if Peacock has already decided not to renew passed then and these new writers are there to write the exit while Ron takes over Y&R head writing duties.  Just speculation. 

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