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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Kristin--I think the limo clip was the welcome to the Ashton's part 2--I just watched it today...Tracy called and limo and Ashton asked her if Monica was letting her use the family's limo and Tracy replied "No I called my own limo" or something in a very snooty English accent mocking him. I think that was all it was.

I could be wrong though. Glad you are biting the bullet to do what you want to do.

LadyA--where are you chica??? Hope you are okay!

Nex---hope your editing skills are not getting too rusty.

TL--Great "talking" to you.

Remos/Nex--yes those spoilers were just almost laughable...as if---to much mention of Qs and ELQs to be real. On any other show...yes.

If I knew how to photoshop I would be doing a superman with Jason's face on it...love how he just swooped in to save the day today! (NOT!!!!). Luke can't be a hero anymore cause it would impede on Super Jase!!!

Waving to BSG, Halee and whoever else is around lurking!

Ms. Q--So that is where I had that link...sorry. I hope you were ready to post it. It is awesome video...love the old and the very new clips.

I have a horrible burning cough in my chest...strange cause I am not congested at all....

Gotta get soem sleep tonight...

catch you guys tomorrow!

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GEE Thanks I get left out again and I get no response from my PM's I sent you...i feel like im not in the "in" crowd just cuz i came to college and had my BR rights taken away which sucks so much. I gotta go get it figured out in between papers and work. I promise i will eventually. I miss ya'll desperately and I feel so lost and left out.

KNH good luck with all that I hate public speaking for some reason lol.

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This is my first post in this thread and i have a few reasons for it, lol.

1. I love you all. I know i have never discussed anything with you but i love reading this thread all night long when i am at work, and you all seem like amaziong people, and i love the respect you all have to other posters.

2. Jane Elliot's new hair is FIERCE. and i love it. it makes me love her - and tracy even more.

3. I am watching 80's/90's youtube stuff of GH and am in love with tracy

4. i have a question - who is dillion's dad and what was that storyline?

5. my boyfriends dad use to take pictures of stars in the 80's and has an amazing picture of JE. I am trying to talk him into letting me scan it and share with you all. I hope he says yes, but i dont know.

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first of all, welcome!!

SOOOO hoping he says yes and we can see te pic!

Dillon's dad is Paul Hornsby one of her many husbands. He was forced by Faison and a cartel to marry Tracy to get control of ELQ. The cartel was withholding a med for his daughter (I think, it was something to do with his daughter Susan though). She found out after they were married but she would divorce him anyway. He was in love with Ned's then wife and after Tracy accidentally hit her with a car, Jenny (the wife) blackmailed Tracy into letting Paul go so they could be together and get outta town. I don't think Dillon's seen him since then at all. he was traveling around Europe and in SoHo until they returned to PC in 2003.

I'm pretty sure that's all right, at least enough to sum up the story, but they'll let you know if I have it wrong

TL- that's what I'm counting on!!! I am very good at hiding things if it come to that instead of just getting over it so I amhoping that I can just get the experience with this teacher to sdo that. The woman from school who gave me her name said she is great with that sort of thing so I'm kinda looking forward to it.

Hooked- I just wanted to see if that was a good enough sell for the book. I am pretty alright with the concept of a query letter. I just know that the part about the story itself is supposed to sort of be like the part you read inside the book jacket, so I wanted to see if that was good enough since that is what will sell the idea to an agent I guess

Thanks again for your help. Take you time

Goodnight all

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JackPeyton, Welcome to the TQ(S):) Lovefest. Thanks for posting. Yeah, we are like a little family here. Glad we can all keep you entertained into the wee hours at work. I am now just getting used to Jane's haircut. She has such a pretty face, that in the end, it's all good. :). Am TOTALLY loving that everyone loves it too.

Dillon's dad is Paul Hornsby. Paul was blackmailed into marrying Tracy to get a hold of ELQ I believe, for the cartel back in the day. They had the antidote to an illness his daughter had (he had a daughter whom we saw a few times, she was young, maybe 7?). He married Tracy and in return kept his daughter alive. Don't really know much after that, but Ms. Q, and others could probably help there. Tracy was totally in love with Paul (though nowhere near as much as she is in love with Luke, at least I don't think so.) but he was not in love with her. Paul ended up hooking up with Ned's wife, Jenny, at the time, whom he was really in love with. I wasn't watching the show at the time so the don't have all the details. None of us here are fans of Paul because of what he did to Tracy, but DAYUM was he freaking GORGEOUS!!!! He was played by Paul Satterfield. Here... I put a pic of him and Tracy. Hope my posse don't get pissed. LOL! Kidding. Stop by again soon.


Edit: Oh, BTW, we'd love to see that pic of Jane if you can get it. Thanks.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Um.. Uh...

This member of the posse isn't pissed, but she's sorta grossed out.

I saw that pic come up on my screen and I just sorta flinched and groaned.

Poor Tracy... she loved that guy and he stomped all over her heart.

poor poor poor Tracy. :(

Welcome JackPeyton.

Ms. Q, I'm downloading your vid now.

Hooked, those spumors are complete and total B.S.... the show doesn't film that far in advance. The only people who could possibly know that much are JFP and Guza.. and they're not talking!!!

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thank you for all that info. I am going to have to youtube it when i am done with bj/maxie heart storyline again.

and that picture is HOT!

i am trying to talk him into it. he has so many, id love him to let me post them all, but esp that one for you all. It is infront of GH's lot at Prospect Studio's. It is from the late 80's. Such a nice picture, i know you all would love it.

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Rach... how are you doing? How's school? How are things back on the farm? How is it going with your roommate? We miss you and will be glad when you can get back to us.... (how's that? You're the only one I'll mention by name. Feel loved now?)

Morning all... you know the days are getting longer when the screamers are awakening closer to 6 then 9... I can't wait until the clock changes this weekend.

Weighing in on the Paul/Tracy years... about all you can say is that Tracy had a nice piece of eyecandy. The Q's thought more of him then her, of course. It's almost painful to watch a lot of that stuff because Tracy was so insecure and knew he didn't love her the way she wanted him to. FF a number of years and what she has with Luke has got to be the best she's ever had - which is both great and sad at the same time...


On SD this morning...

Any info on TG ?

How will his surgery be handled in the scripts ?

Any SL coming up for him ?

His knee surgery will be explained as a fall Luke took offscreen. His story is Tracey and trying to keep their marriage legal.

Anyone want to take a stab at the last part? Keeping it legal? As in keeping Tracy from divorcing him or is there something from Vegas we don't know? And why do they have to explain it as a fall - we all 'saw' Tracy hit him with a metal pole?


This was on SZ this morning. Usually I don't like that site, but every now and again there is something insightful...

Unexpected couples can be an unexpected treasure.

What I find the most enjoyable in a couple is not the couple that tiic bring on and shove down our throats, but the couple that clicks, the one that has the unexpected chemistry that makes you smile, watch, laugh and long for them to see the sparks that fly between them.

I'm beginning to see in Spinelli and Maxie the same sort of thing that I saw in Luke and Tracy when they first got together. Mutual distaste and a pronounced dislike of each other, but thrown together and finding out,as I phrased it in another post, to their mutual horror, that something special has happened.

Edited by remos
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Hey JackPeyton---I have some old Tracy/Paul clips if you would like me to upload them for you to see. Welcome to our thread!!

Rachel--I am so sorry I didn't respond to your PM. When I saw it, I was in the middle of something else, and then I forgot to go back and respond. I hope things are going well for you. We do miss you. THere were a whole bunch of Monica scoops posted a few pages back, but unfortunately they don't seem real.

I like that photo TL!!!

LOL-- I emailed Ms. Q an email about setting up a shopping date with me, but it was meant to go to my other friend Staci here! I was laughing thinking thank god i didn't email my other friend Staci some email obsessing over TQ's hair or something like that! :lol:

I feel like crap today and these stupid tile guys are not here yet. Now it is going to be through tomorrow I am sure. What a mess.

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I like that Remos! The keeping the marriage legal might be that Luke is trying to stay married to her and not let her divorce him? What was the point of her whacking him in the knee if they are going to explain the knee surgery with a fall offscreen. I don't get that. Guess we will see if this person knows what they are talking about when we see Luke on screen next.

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Hey BSG, Hooked and Remos....its all good i guess midterms are over but I gotta get the stupid immunization records down here before i can see my midterm grades which stinks but oh well I should get them this weekend when I go home and they will have them in here next wk so hopefully i can see what exactly I have in my classes. I know what i have in 2 of them and I'm guessing on the other two. Maybe the ITT ppl will be here next wk and i can go convince them of letting me back in the BR....we can only hope lol.

Its art history soon so i better get off my butt and get to class lol. I'll talk to ya'll later gh is so boring lately. GIVE ME SOME Q'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guess no Lunacy today. Luke is supposed to be on tomorrow, but I heard it is just with Scotty and Lulu. Not sure about TQ for the rest of the week. Seems like maybe not---but who knows....this is getting to be a really long stretch without them...Feb. 20th seems like a long time away---two weeks ago already!

I am off to drive art carpool, then tennis lesson carpool! The fun never stops around here! We have to go out for dinner because I still can't get into my kitchen til probably end of day tomorrow (you guys know what a hardship that is for me---NOT) :)

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Hi Funny, Hooked, and anyone in the shadows!

I was in and out so briefly last night. My neighbors kid wrecked his snowmobile, and I had to watch there dogs while they went to the ER an hour and a half away.

I saw that pic of Tracy and (gag) Paul, and just finished scrubbing my eyes with a brillo pad.

It suck when a shot of Tracy, wet and kissing has to be ruined by that dweeb Paul.

What a louse!

Anyhoo, any signs of our girl this week at all???

I hope the new kid JackPeyton delivers on a candid Jane photo.

I am currently working on my very first Vid, and I am holding it so close to my heart as it develops.

MANY hugs and kudos to Nex for her clip assistance.

It is still a few days from done, and I have slaved at this for weeks.

I will be posting it here via megaupload, not on Youtube, as a thank you for welcoming me with open arms, and as a gift to the people here who really get and appreciate Jane Elliot the actress, and the complex character Tracy.

I will keep you posted as to when it is finished

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