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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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hey there

So I finally watched Friday and Monday's show. I have to say that Tony is phenomenal. He broke my heart in those scenes with Lucky. That last scene---that seriously could have been luke's exit for good!

Luke pretty much resigned from life...and in a sick way I understood what he said about killing jake liberating him to letting him be some despicable unredeemable person who has to answer to nobody or no=one and can't care one way or the other.

It is heart breaking for luke's kids and Tracy but I sure hope he will come back from this.

More so, I just wish Tracy would get a story or part of a story away from all this!

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there are a few medianet pics of lulu at the whorehouse in garters/teddy and it looks like she is with that javier guy and then looks like she is about to whack dante when he is entering the room.

I am glad garin's stuff will start to kick in at end of July at least.

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TQ, I've missed you. I wanted to see how you would express your anger over the whole Luke cheating with a prostitute garbage. I was so vehemently pissed. To top it all off, he was wearing his wedding ring in the scenes! :mad::mad: I was so livid. Did you skip it?

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I have been sooooooo busy studying that I haven't watched it yet

BUT I am soo pissed that Luke cheated - Actually think that I popped a vein on my forehead when I read that.

When I watch it I will give you my opinion - just have to wait until the 21st

AND that fact that he had on his wedding ring just made me even madder.

I fell a rant coming on

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I read on SOC's spoilers today that a redemption story for Luke is possibly coming. The clue was take a son, help another. So, I am wondering if Aiden is going to get some sort of illness and Luke is a match for a donation of some sort. Then, Lucky will know for sure that the baby is his. Since Helena is going to threaten Lucky that he will never know the truth about the paternity. That could be interesting. Luke could become the hero again and his self-esteem can be restored. Then, he can pursue Tracy.

Edited by Linnierose
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see and after I finally watched I wasn't all that outraged at luke being with the hooker. You know how sometimes you can't confide in your family or friends and you can spill your guts to a bartender or something or random stranger?

I felt like that the fact he had his wedding ring on was a strong symbol that even though he thinks he has cut all ties and set his family free, he is still very much married in his mind. Seriously, that had to be a conscious choice either by wardrobe or TG.

Although I could have done without seeing him kiss her and lay in her lap, luke was so broken at that point he was like a little kid needing comfort. I guess hookers/that bordello was "home" and seems like normal. TG and Luke has said before that he doesn't equate meaningless sex with love. even in that episode if you listen to the dialogue he talked to lucky about sex is a comodity--a fee for a warm bed for an hour.

I don't really see the "cheating" as a deal breaker. To me it seemed like he really thinks he will never go back to PC and he just wants to wallow in his misery alone. I think tracy will find out he went back to the bordello or whatever. ANd she will probably figure the hooker thing even if nobody tells her. I don't know...I think in a way she will chalk it up to him being completely out of his mind and on a suicide type mission to die alone etc.

But, it would be nice for Luke to come back and for someone else to be paying attention to tracy.

I think that drop on SOC Linnie was from DD. I kind of don't believe any drops on outlines at this point. Even the people who typically get information like that say that GW is playing everything very close to the vest.

Although I was thinking that luke drop meant that perhaps aiden was kidnapped and luke was the one who is the only one able to find him..I think Helena will kidnap him at some point. That would tie nicely into the cassadine/spencer thing I think!

I'm just really hoping that the stuart back stuff is true!!

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