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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I've heard rumors that the Twins want Ellsbury but that the Sox aren't willing to part with him. I hope that's the case! I love him. I'm SO happy that they resigned Lowell. :)

Sad that there was no Tracy today. And these TG rumors are freaking me out, but I'm trying to be positive...so my spin is...TG's contract is up in Feb...so he's being extra grouchy to get a better deal.

TL: I hope you're paper is going well! Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and I know your paper is going to turn out great.

Back to writing a grad school rec for a friend of mine. Hoping for a TQ Thursday!

remos: Just read your fic. Loved it! Was that my St. Nicholas Day gift? ;)

Edited by brownstonegirl
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Thanks BSG. I just finished the freakin' thing about 15 minutes ago. arrgghhh -what a pain in the @$$!!!

This is like the 4th nite in a row where I am going to get less than 4 hours sleep. ugh.

TG rumors? I don't want to know ... I don't want to hear *covering my ears*

Love the drabblethon stuff! Keep it going guys. It's been great to read during the 5 day TracylLuNacy drought.

Some of my absolute faves are:

- Luke and Alice compromising position - by carrie

- Tracy babysits.... - by Ms. Q

- Something Interesting in Tracy's bed - by Lainey

- Tracy grandmother again... - by BSG

- Lulu calls Tracy mom - by Remos

- The City - by Deb

- Midevil Luke... - by colette

wish I could come up with something, but nada. I was never good at improv. :/

Ms. Q, great Tracy speeches!! Our girl pulled off some really awesome scenes in 2007 didn't she. Also loved the cute little vid. :)

Lainey and Deb, have not had a chance to read your fics. I will tomorrow though. I am sure they are great! Lainey for yours, I might need a little more time - I'm sure a trip to my cold shower will be in order heh heh.

for my fellow Yids...

Happy Chanukah


Hag Sameyach!

to my TQ/LuNacy mishpucha :D

Edit: wait, Lainey, you did a LuNacy bath drabble? I ain't seen it. Where is it? It's getting a little confusing over there now with stuff on other pages. WHERE IS IT?

Edit again: LOL Deb about your evil plan and the drabble. Great plan! It worked and it's yummy! ;)

Edited by TracyLuv
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Happy Chanukah and greetings on this Feast of St. Nicholas

Yes, it was my present to all of you. Thank you so much for your comments.

(*Turning to Lainey on bended knee*, sorry I didn't wait for you. It felt like an itch that needed scratching, so I turned to Hooked. Forgive me????)

On Xmas Eve, we have the kids at Midnight Mass, so we are often waking them around 9 or 10 to open presents on Xmas morning. Feast of St. Nicholas, however is a different story. They woke me up at 5, and the b**ch of it is I was actually sleeping. So here is me, my kids eating chocolate in the living room, and I'm going back to bed!
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Glad your paper is done TL. Sorry it was such a drag!

So...gotta run to take kids to school but just popping in to say...One year ago today, I got up the nerve to post at this site. Now here I am one year later and you guys can't shut me up! 1135 posts later and I am still yammering! :)

Thanks for a great year of Lunacy fun! Videos, fics, banners, avatars, dishing, chatting, etc! :)

Have a great day...and in honor of my one year anniversary on the lovefest....TQ will be on today!


We talked about this yesterday in the breakroom but can't remember if it was postd in the thread, so here it goes (if it was sorry for the memory lapse). From SOW mag...

Monica botches Luke's Surgery

Jane Elliot says that Tracy doesn't want Monica doing the surgery because she doesn't think she's capable because she hasn't deal with her grief over Emily. She feels Monica only wants to do the surgery as a distraction.

Luke finally goes under the knife after a lot of prodding by his family. Lucky and Lulu both talk to him. "For days and days, people are trying to convince him" according to JE, including Tracy, who doesn't want to lose her husband.

JE says some of it is about Luke and some of it is about Tracy. Some of it's about the fact that she really loves this man. Tracy would like to see Luke care enough about her to want to get better.

Luke takes a turn for the worse and his surgery is scheduled quickly wherein Monica informs Tracy she'll be performing it.

Tracy is against it and she tells Monica that she shouldn't do it. Tracy tries to swap surgeons but Dr. Julian is unreachable.

The surgery proceeds with Monica performing it as Tracy waits anxiously, worried something could go wrong.

And it does.

Monica freeze when she has visions of Emily assisting her. Luke's heart begins to fail and Monica is forced to leave the OR. Leo rushes in to try and save Luke. In the meanwhile, Monica, feeling guilty, addresses Luke's family. She comes out to and says 'I'm so sorry' and that's the cliffhanger according to JE.

The audience will be left to wonder whether Luke is alive or dead. Tracy turns to stone. "She's angry, she's terrified. She's mad Monica wouldn't listen to her, that once again she got ignored and people didn't take her seriously. Monica tries to explain and apologize but all Tracy says is 'Don't talk to me' - and walks away."

Edited by hookedongh
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TL, glad the project is done. Hopefully, now, you'll be able to catch up on some sleep.

Hooked, Happy One Year Anniversary! :D (but it says you joined December 21st...LOL). Is it really your anniversary? :P I think you are mistaking the '06 (the year) as the date. Haha.

There's a good chance I might have a gift for all of you later today...Lainey, I think, will like it the most. No promises though.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hooked, that SOW thing sounds AMAZING!!!

You know I bash those GH writers all the time, but what's described at the end there, is really brillant. Great, great stuff. JE is so gonna rock it!!! yeah!

Ummm... Ahhhh....


I'm working late tonight... so if you post, I won't weigh in (whatever it is) until around 12m or so.

ta ta


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Ya know..... I was just thinking (in my conspiratorial brain)...... about the JE/TQ spoilers for the next few weeks....

I wonder if TPTB are intentionally giving JE her Emmy reel this year. It's widely acknowledged (even grudginly by the EWCBO supporters) that JE can rock it out of the house with everyday material. But they've spent the better part of two months building up TQ and the relationship between LS/TQ, just to have it threated briefly (which we all know will be brief, courtesy of Guza's own admissions). The openings are there for the character to really let lose. Add to that the apology to MQ, which internet buzz mentions as one of the greatest moments out of Emily's death.... AND the number of voices (none of which are ours, incidently) that say she's due.

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OMG---Can I be a bigger idiot?????? Thanks for pointing out my ignorance Ms. Q--ha ha! You are so right. TL told me the other day my anniversary was coming up and today when I looked I saw December 06 thinking it was December 6th. Oy! Feel free to make any dumb blonde jokes you guys can think of at this point--LOL.

So....with that said...

Check ya later....gotta run out again.

Don't forget to keep the drabble thon going!!!

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No one's recapping?

I didn't catch it all, but here's what I got:

5 scenes total for Tracy. I liked the outfit better today than the last couple times she wore it. Hair was good. Make-Up was nice. Overall, she seemed a bit overdressed for spending the day at the hospital, but could we expect any less of our girl? So...Here's hoping for tomorrow!!! It almost sounded like Luke's voice did the previews, which mean he'll be on...But it might have not been Luke's. Not sure...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Buenas tardes, mis amores.

EDIT: Remos and Ms.Q, ya beat me! (By a mile.... haha it took forever to type.)

Scenes: 5

Hair: kinda dry-looking, like when I straighten mine too much. I also thought that the wicked red lipstick was too bright. She seemed so pale. Okay, I need to stop beating up JE's make-up people. I think I am spoiled from last week.

Clothes: really pretty black sparkly long jacket, with gray flowers. Black pants and a black necklace. Loved it. (Ms.Q, I was thinking of the red flowy thing when we saw the previews. I haven't seen it before.)

Tracy walks into the room very happily. She is holding some yellow papers. She is sweetly talking to "Luke," telling him how she was going to get some magazines for him but she thought they would raise his blood pressure too much. So, instead, she's got some stuff to blackmail Scott on? (I might have gotten that wrong, what is there to blackmail him on? And like that WOULDN'T raise his blood pressure? huh?) Tracy is realizing that he isn't responding and sweetly says that he is being rude for not saying anything, he usually snores. She starts poking him, rips off the sheets, and finds a bunch of pillows! She chucks the papers at Pillow!Luke. (It turned out the blanket was the tan thing Ms.Q and I mistook for a leg. lol) She storms out.

Luke is outside drinking, and happens upon Lulu and Johnny. Lulu can't figure out why he isn't in the hospital, and drunk, and he has another heartattack. They bring him to GH.

Tracy is in the lobby talking to Epiph. Luke is rushed out on a moving bed thing and Tracy wants to know what is wrong. Piph says that his blood pressure is high, btu he is stabilized. Tracy wants to know what they can do. Piph says to wait aside and hope she isn't a widow by morning. (AHHH the WIDOW LINE! And, Tracy wasn't even being rude to deserve such a snotty answer.) Lulu and Johnny come in the lobby, and Lulu and Tracy exchange distressed looks.

Back in the room, Tracy is sitting by Luke's bed. Luke is okay, and Tracy seems too overwhelmed and thankful that he is alive to be made. Dr. Julian comes in, and is annoyed with Luke. Luke says that he said he would die if he had another heartattack, but LOOK he didn't! Julian says its because the kids found him, if he had hadn't been rushed to GH so quickly, he would be DOA. Julian walks out, annoyed.

Lucky comes in and asks Tracy how he is. (He asked her, not Luke! How sweet...) Luke says that he can answer himself, but Lucky siad that he would probably lie. Luke wants to live, but on his own terms. Luke says that he wants to be able to "wipe his-" Tracy screeches "LUKE!" "-NOSE! Wipe his nose!" Lucky and Tracy laugh.

Lucky is about to leave, and he has a normal, friendly conversation with Tracy about Luke's condition. Lucky wishes Luke would change his attitude and get the will to live. Tracy said that she thinks he wants to live only if he can still do what he wants and NOT die with a walker in these four walls.

Alone in the room, Luke tells Tracy that he will do the surgery. Tracy is surprised and says that its not like him to acquiese. Luke says he is not acquiesing, he is something that I can't remember. (lol) She goes out of the room to get the doctor to tell them that he agreed to the surgery. LAST SCENE OF THE DAY! Ohhh SNAP!

Overall, it was average. Happy that they got the last scene. No previews.

Edited by Colette
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Not caring what she looked like I'm just happy she was on!!! It sounds like a great one, or at least close to it!!! Can't wait to watch

Hooked thanks for that mag post. I love all of what was said... the end looks really promising and like it'll be some great scenes.

Remos just opened the story to read, but it it's anything like the others I'm gonna love it. I agree with the emmy preparation thing. I think they are definately setting her up for a nom. If she didn't get one I would think that there is something seriously bad working against her b/c she deserves, not only the nom, but most surely the win this year!!!

Mrs Q same goes for your when it's up. I can't wait for another MRs Q story. Then again... can't wait for an Oh baby update either!!

And thanks so much for the clips. I don't know fi I said that yet. As for the BEst of... I loved all of the options you posted. Those were actually the ones I had liked the most before you posted them. They definately constitude a full-on speech, no half-a$$ing anything on those days. Not that she does, but for the writting. We all know sometimes she does a lot with total cr-ap.

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I have five minutes before I have to change to go to some fancy client dinner thing and BS for four hours with these people...

Comments on today's show: Tracy looked pretty. I wanna slap that epiphany..how many times can she yell at tracy??? It wa s hilarious when Tracy came in and said "Good news...I got you the nasty magazines you wanted, or rather I got Alice to get them, but the bad news is I thought they were too stimulating for your.....heart, so I brought you something else instead...sure to get your blood boiling, etc... Too funny cause that is so true luke would ask for some dirty magazines to pass the time.

Also loved that she said you snore when you sleep (so obviously they sleep in the same bed at night!)

Love how Lucky totally acquieses to Tracy about his dad, and how Tracy told him she would call him if anything changes. Loved how Tracy didn't even yell at him about leaving, but was so glad he was okay. I like how she understood that he didn't want to be having a hospital room and walker be his last memory before he died, etc.

From soapdish...someone said that luke and tracy were sort of isolated in this heart attack storyline and people are slamming TG for being so so so horrible and phoning it in. They all seem to want him to get off the show and quick if he is going to act terribly. Someone said that next week and the week after everyone pretty much gets involved with surgery and the dream, so that means the dream will last for a few episodes I think or the whole surgery saga.

Didn't look like they are on tomorrow.

Okay gotta go...have a good night you guys...if I can post late night when I get home I will post a link and try to chat for a few...don't talk about me when I am gone--ha ha!!

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