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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Staci--that was from your friends at the "lovefest" crew! Not just me! :) I sent it, but it was BSG's brainstorm idea...and it was from "the gang". I just ordered it. Happy early graduation! We know you officially "Wanna be a Q when you grow up!" They didn't have a space to put in an enclosure card online from ABC.com. That is why there was no card. So here is your card from us:


Congratulations on your graduation and good luck with your new career as a teacher! Some group of kids will be lucky to have you!


Your TQ buddies!


Staci---Love the video! Wow love that Lunacy! I miss them. They better be on tomorrow!

Edited by hookedongh
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I had no idea at all...

Must have been during one of those breakroom sessions I actually missed, LOL.

I should have figured there was some "secret discussion" going on...Haha.

You guys are the BEST!

Love the "card!"

So that was an early graduation present, huh?

I was thinking birthday, LOL. Close enough. LOL.


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Okay, my day so far.....

- Wake up to a Lainey lusty fic (excellent, by the way)

- Get kids to do the laundry (yes, all 4 do the laundry from start to finish, I just supervise)

- Yelled at by the church lady who thinks I don't know how to educate my kids (insert rant here)

- Call from cutie Frank (my insurance agent), who says he'll miss me when our business is over

- Get a chance to read the new fics in the drabble-thon

- Read spoiler re: Luke's death, and speculate

- Take kids to music lessons

- Return in time to post drabble of my own

- Pick up kids, and listen while they discuss what would happen is "zero" didn't exist (yeah, these are the same kids I don't know how to educate)

- Get home in time for the littlest one to tell me he is going to be "yellow" (only a 3 year old can imagine being a colour)

- Watch Ms. Q's latest video (baby girl, you are so good at this stuff)

Okay... what's next?????

BTW, anyone have a copy of the latest SOD that they can scan? That edition doesn't seem to have gotten to this side of the border yet, and I'm getting impatient. Does this one have both "Most Entertaining Couple" and "Luke Dies"?

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I didn't see the episode, I got my blood drawn instead. That was fun. Ewwwww.

That new spoiler sounds really good.

Hooked, yes, I think Tracy did wear that tunic thing recently. And why don't they show her in the room? They show Skye, Lulu, Lucky... whatever...

Remos, whoever posted that Laura Martyr thing, that is reallly funny. It was too clever for me, I wonder who did post it? And I'm sorry about your day. Thats how I feel without GH to un-stress myself. Because getting blood drawn doesn't really cut it.

Ms.Q, Brooklyn? Thats funny, haha. She is very pretty. That shirt sounds really cute! I'm gonna go check out the ABC store. (I didn't even know there was one.) lol

EDIT: Was reading the drabbles. Lainey, LOVE LOVE LOVE yours with Diane! And Hooked, I loved the economics one with Lulu. I looove TraLu.

EDIT 2:REMOS! You are ivy kendall?! I was reading them and thinking hmmm... she is really good, too bad I don't know who it is. You are GREAT at writing! I need to start reading fics. I never do, I don't know why, but I should start.

Edited by Colette
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Hey, gang. Long time no see. It's been crazy around here--Fey and I have been to urgent care twice and the ER twice in the last two and a half weeks for her back. Of course, this all happens RIGHT before the trip to Disney World we've been scrimping for all year. So, last night, we made a command decision to postpone our vacation until next September in order for Fey to get better. (We can't see her GP until Jan. 3, since, well, he's an idiot.) If she's not better by then, we will go ahead and ask him to order an MRI to see if it's nerve damage.

In the meantime, work has kicked the Big Brother thing up a notch, and blocked all email sites (yahoo mail, comcast, etc.), so I'm completely cut off at work except for breaks.

It's been such fun. At least I have a week off next week. We're going to spend almost the whole time in Louisville, pretending we have money.

Loving the drabblethon. I knew you guys could write, and more than just a story once every two months or so. Hahahahahahaaaa! My ebil plan is working!

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Oh, Ms. Q, I feel like total Crud!!!!

And all I wanted to do was CRASH!

But, I just saw your video and it made me squeee. squeeeee!

love it. it's so yummy! I'm feeling better now.. thanks!


Shoot... that is a double dose of suckiness!!

Sorry you had to postpone Disney!!!!

And that Big Brother thing totally sucks! It's a little scary, too. If people get their work done, why do companies care if you go to soaoperanet.com during your work hours?!? How much could that cut down on your productivity, exactly?!!? Crazy.

Oy... so it was part of a master plan, eh?

Can't post more than once every other month or so. It takes a lot of time to write up ideas and then trash them, you know? :lol::lol:

I am loving the drablethon however. I'm headed there now to write the Tracy bath one. I had a thought on the way home... hahahahahaha! :lol:

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Okay.. Lainey's little story about this.

CH has said this a couple times, including during a chat on her message board. http://z3.invisionfree.com/Carolyn_Hennesy...p?showtopic=229

(Yes, she actually posts to her own message board. If you log in, you can ask her questions).

Anyway, I came out of lurker status there as the result of a Luke mention, and here's the exchange:



Anyway, since you brought it up.. I thought you'd get a kick out of this..

ta ta,


EDIT: Hey, who's around? Come make me feel better: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Wow!! that's hysterical . I was coming around to her latey but now I definately like her!

As for my thought's on the heaven/hell trip... I thnk it should be Skye personally. I know that's not something most of you want to hear, but I think she is going to be the jimmeny cricket to his scrooge mcduck (I know I'm using Mickey's christmas carol, but still). She is a part of his life, but such a small part now that she is only there so there is still a connection. PLus if she weren't there than someone else would have to be and then they couldn't be in his fate changing visions. I also want to see the Luke and LAura dance thing, I think it wil be his version of hell, or those are my hopes. Tracyw ill be what he choses to come back to. That's how he'll do it b/c we now he has to choose. She couldn't be in those scenes if she was his guide.. just remember that so we don't get mad at not seeing her so much.

So I had a pretty crappy day today. It didn't start out too bad, my friend/hairdresser had to cancel my appointment so I was a bit bummed, but that's not it. I had to go in to work a little early, again not bad... could always use the hours, but I was covering in one of the other buildings. I can get there but when I leave I can never get back b/c I don't know the area in the dark, let alone actual street names. So I called my mom to tell me where to go (my aunt lives around the corner, but again... dark) and she kept taking me around to the same spot so she clearly didn't know where I was. I was going circling so many times that I had to slow down to see where I really was, which turned out to be 1 corner from where I needed to be the whole time, and I was getting beeped at and practically run down by every car on the road. I was so worked up by the time I actually got home (and this is where it gets bad) that I got up my super long driveway fine, but I had to turn to back into my mother's space. I've done that perfectly a million and one times, but today I pulled up to the door and put the car in reverse, but apperently it didn't cross all the way into reverse so it didn't back up. I slammed through my garage door and right into the back of my sister's brand new nisson altima coupe. Yeah, I felt awesome about that. I was too freakin shaken up from everyone going crazy at me on the road, but what can you do when you're lost, that I had no idea what was happening. I must have pushed on the gas instead of the break or something, but I am convinced I didn't or that, like I said, it just didn't actually go into reverse, but what ever it was t was not a happy night for me. My dad didn't freak out as badly as I thought he would. Not at all actually. He kissed me on the head and thatwas it. My momw as a bit curious about that but I told her i've officialy taken my sis's place as daddy's fave b/c I've gotten 2 apologies (the only times I've ever hear d him apologize) and now that.

Needless to say I'm not allowed to go very far for a while. Oh well!! Oh yeah and I completely broke the door, which my dad was at least able to make work so we can still open and close it.

Yeah, crappy, crappy, sh-t filled day for Kristin. and what sucks is that I'm actually a good driver and very careful. That's what moms said was confusing , that I'm such a careful driving and this happened. IF I wasn't I wouldn't be nearly as shock it happened. I'd fake it but I wouldn't actually be baffled by it.

Off to try and sleep tonight but don't know how it's gonna work out

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hey Stace, funny little story after watching your liveo, which I loved by the way... My uncle Pat' name is Pat Monahan... and he's a singer. I can assume it's not the same one, but still just thought it was funny

oh yeah, and would you be able to load the clips from when Tracy found LUke cutting down a christmas tree from her backyard I want to say it was from Nov 21st last year. I know you said it wasn't on your download page anymore, but it's in your video so I figured you had it. Tracy found him with the tree, then Edward found her in the garden in the back, so did dillon. I think thatw as it. It was when she told dillonshe'd nevr

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knh, sorry about what happened. Any kind of accident, even if it's little, can get you rattled. And getting lost is noooooo fun. BTW. I went to upload the clips, but it said it was gonna take 20 minutes. I will try again tomorrow when there is lower traffic at SendSpace, hopefully.


December 7th: Keith (We miss you!!!)

December 15th: Addie (I hope we didn't scare you away!!!)

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Good morning everyone! Lainey love the bath drabble!!! We need to keep this thing going--so entertaining and not so draining to write!

Thanks for the Hanukkah wishes BSG! One night down, 7 to go! Going to go to a hanukkah program with my younger two kids' classes today.

Here is hoping for "special teams" wednesday or "vet wed." and that our girl will be on today!

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Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating! Hooked, Lainey, TracyLuv...Did I miss anyone?

"IT'S MY TREE, AND YOU CAN'T HAVE IT" Clips - http://www.sendspace.com/file/sw1qv0

(all right, so she didn't say that...)

CREDIT: Geena and NancyFan (2 diff. places 'cause Geena forgot to include a Tracy scene on accident...)

Thanks for the video feedback! As I mentioned in the BR, I had to edit it to the refrain only.

MinervaFan, good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about Fey and the postponed Disney trip. :( And that's totally not fair about taking away email access at work.

EDIT: For those wondering...I did not get the position, but I'm okay with it. I really, really am. 2 of the classes were Level IV, and 1 was a native speaker class (the other 3 were Spanish II). From what I've been told (and have seen), 1st year teachers almost always start with Level I and II, which are the same ones I student taught. I planned to sub all along, so I guess that's what I'll end up doing; I'm looking into graduate courses at night, but it's all so confusing. LOL. I do have to find a way to keep up with the oral Spanish though. Anyway, just thought I'd update you all. :)


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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