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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Shoot..my kid are gonna be late to school cause I had to read your fic Deb! Sooooo cute! Would totally love to see that scene! I am laughing at that scene in my head right now as I load up backpacks. Glad you are in the writing mood!!! Thanks for making me have a happy morning! :)

Not one single lunacy spoiler going on on soapdish...but not for lack of asking...several people asking for info...but lots of backstage scuttlebutt like actors are worried about ratings, behind the scenes people are going to be the first to go. Someone on there said they do record comments on the comment line to see how is getting the "buzz". Maybe we should all call...what is the number again TL? Ms. Q?

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oh man, such a cute story!! That is the perfect short story to me b/c it leaves plenty for my imagination but it's great to start with!!! WShy don't you go fill in while this strike is going on? I know the whole supporty the troops mentality and I agree with it, but... we're suffering here. Plus we'de make sire that there are plenty of LuNacy scenes. Head down and fill out an application why don't ya, or mail one in... I know it's a little far

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Okay, not spoiler exactly, but I've been reviewing the lastest promo for next week. It looks like Luke is outside at night, with Lulu and Johnny, and he clutches his heart as he falls into Johnny. Next scene is Luke in the hospital saying "the suspense is killing me".

I'm thinking perhaps the escape from the hospital has yet to come. Maybe that will be the incident that finally makes him accept that he needs the operation, since the following week he's in surgery. Monica is said to botch the job on Tuesday, the 11th.

Watch the promo and see what you think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq8mkiYSpME

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I asked on SD if anyone had that photo you are looking for. One person answered and said the ydidn't have a scanner but it is in the December 17th 2007 new SID. I will see if I can find it today at the grocery store when I am out.

Maybe someone else will post it there later...but I gotta run now to exercise for the first time in weeks! Mailing your package to you today.


In case anyone is interested...Wally Kurth is making his ATWT debut today at 1pm central on CBS

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Hildegard of Bingon (Prioress, Poet, Medieval Saint) was quoted as saying she had her most divine moment of inspiration while "relieving" herself.

I seem to have moments of inspiration in my morning shower. So, without further ado.... my second fic...

When the Bough Breaks...


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Awesome...just pure awesomeness Remos!!! Um..I think you need to shower a bit more often...once in the morning, once at night! Now you are on a roll! Don't stop now!

Going to post the comment line number in a bit when I get my cell phone up here. I called it twice today. They said on soapdish to only mention your fav character or couple because if you mention a bunch of people they have to note everyone. Don't know if it is true or not, but hey...I can make a few calls a day if it gets JE some good feedback count and lunacy some good feedback.

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remos, oooh, you know we're going to expect LuNacy stories from you all the time now, right? Loved your latest piece.

MinervaFan, I could totally picture a scene like that. Too cute.

I refuse to call the comment line 'cause it's long distance, and I don't have the money. I can possibly send another letter to SOD though. And hooked, you're right. They'll count everyone you mention, so stick to the characters you like.

OT, but for those who don't know, today was my last day of student teaching. I still have an online portfolio thing to wrap up, but that's pretty much it. Very, very scary. And sad. I started crying on the way home today. Like that heavy, ugly "I can be on a soap" cry - Haha. I had to stop though, so I could see the road. Still feeling sort of sad, but I'm sick too (Thanks, BTW, who ever cyber-contaminated me with the sore throat - Haha), so that might have something to do with it...Anyway, the OT portion of this post is longer than the other part of it. Will. Stop. Typing. :o

EDIT: From pages ago, but remos, there are times when we've discussed JE being "off" in scenes. And there are times when I find myself questioning her delivery or thinking she's OTT. Hasn't happened recently, but definitely has happened. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Happy Friday everybody!!!!

I wanted to first start off with Remos, I loved your new story!!! MinervaFan, I also enjoyed yours, I laughed out loud at my desk here at work.

I wanted to share this with you guys it comes from that person Marlena Delacroisxs' blog, its about Lunacy: :)

In my last column, I blasted the plotting of General Hospital’s Black and White Ball as schlocky and superficial. The overall main story was presumably done by the head writer. That doesn’t mean all of the scriptwriting for the month was awful; it takes a lot of different associate writers to write the scripts for a whole month of a daytime soap. There actually were some decently written scenes, one of which I will examine in depth later. It’s this kind of good work, done by dialogue writers, which makes bad soaps a lot more watchable.

What also often helps to make bad soap storytelling better is the very hard and creative work of actors who must bring the scenes to life. Here’s an examination of the three performances and one standout scene during the Black and White Ball which really elevated the awful overall plotting.

Anthony Geary and Jane Elliott (Luke and Tracy Quartermaine Spencer ). What a treat for you young ones who weren’t around to see either of these actors in the late 70s and 80s when their originally villainous characters first became legends. The many many scenes leading up to and following Luke’s heart attack at the Ball. at Wyndemere offered a rare chance to see how dynamic, talented and creative they were.

We always thought Luke and Tracy’s was a marriage of convenience, but during these scenes of sudden illness, the pair displayed the deep and marvelously mature love that had somehow grown between them. ”You dragged me out of the past (with Laura, et. al) and propelled me into my future,” Luke confessed to Tracy.” Wowsa! Their scenes together were so unexpectedly and richly romantic!

Question: Was the development of the real deep love displayed by Luke and Tracy in the wake of his heart attack in the script or did the actors invent it? Elliot has always been a sharply intelligent actress. Geary is notorious for writing his own lines. Calling Tracy “wife” in all the dialogue sounds both Shakespearean and Geary-ian to me!

What made the Luke and Tracy scenes all the richer was the fact that we the audience have closely walked down 30 years worth of separate paths with these characters. And here they are sharing a love that is even sweeter since we’ve watched them as separate characters, both rogues, struggle and suffer all these years. I reveled in the Spencers’ depth of emotion. Middle-aged love is never portrayed on daytime anymore! It takes actors of great intelligence to understand and realistically communicate this kind of mature emotion. Brava! Who would have ever predicted that Geary and Elliot would become the Lunts of daytime television? (For you young’uns who may not know: The legendary husband and wife acting team of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne were renowned to be among the finest stage actors of the first half of the 20th century).

Here is the link. http://marlenadelacroix.com/

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