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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hello! I am dying to watch yesterdays show but don't want to download clips at my inlaws house. Thanks NEX for the clips. You are going to be a busy girl this week and next--three days of Lunacy this week and three days next week! :) :) :) We SO appreciate you editing clips for us!

Still in Dallas. Hung out with my cousin last night and her 18 month old and her 4 year old. Makes me very very happy to be past that stage!

So today we are going to see Fred Claus with the kids. Then taking my kids to play with some friends of theirs who moved here a few years ago. Dinner tonight with Michael's grandma who is 91 and the most amazing, spritely person around.

Then home tomorrow--yeah! So ready!

Lainey--so was yesterday an A??? Can't wait to here about today.

Ms. Q--Hope you are okay. You didn't email me back or post last night.

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Isn't today the "can't miss" day as listed in SOW? :)

I hope it's a "can't miss because it's a good Lacy day". Cause if it's all about the EWCBO, ewwww. No thank ya.

I have five whole eppys to catch up on. RL is crazy right now, I have enough time to tape and run....guess I'll catch up tomorrow morning while getting ready for Turkey day.

I am making coconut cake and Grean Beans With garlic and bacon to bring to my parent's house...my sister is making the turkey.....what's everyone else having?

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Todays recap.

Luke and Tracy arrived at GH. Tracy wants to see the NS drs credentials. The NS dr says hes gonna scrub inand tells Tracy not to worry. She tells Luke she doesn't like seeing him in pain. Luke wants her to keep an eye on Lulu if anythinghappens to him just like when hes away. She says no hes not going to make her a widow.

NS dr telling Tracy that Lukes heart is damaged. Tracy says fix it and says all of the money that the Q's have put it can. Dr gets smart with her and says money can't buy a new lifestyle change for him. He needs to stop the cigars & booze. NS Dr says he needs a bypass and Tracy says Done. She starts tearing as she looks at Luke lying in the bed.

Tracy has her head on Lukes chest when Luke wakes up he puts his hand on her head. He tells her taht she must have the wrong room. She tells him the surgery was a success and that shes never left his side. Skye shows up. Tracy says hes under strict orders one visitor at a time and his wife takes priority. Tracy pushes Skye out and yells at him cuz hes half dead and he can still flirt. Luke assures her that hes saving all his flirting for her.

Lulu looks through the window of Lukes room. Tracy updates Lulu tells her not to say anything to upset him. Luke sees her and they chat about the party. He tells her that he told her all the spencers would get out in one piece.

FOR TOMORROW: Wednesday the 21st.

Tracys in Lukes room and says Happy Thanksgiving.

Edited by IluvAandM
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sounds like a good day I hope. Don't like that skye near Luke though. Glad tracy told her to get lost. Did they show monica's reaction today and edwards?

Did tracy and lulu have any sort of touching scene or not?

Thanks for the recaps...I am off to visit an old friend and her kids. We saw Fred Claus today with my little one and it was terrible I thought.

SMs. Q--you okay? I saw you in here earlier but not posting? What is up???

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Thanks for the clips, Nex! I haven't seen them yet.

Thanks for the recap, ILuvAandM! I got home late and got distracted by Oprah's favorite things, haha.

What I'll add:

When Tracy said that she hates seeing Luke in pain, he said "right back at ya." It was so sweet. And when Tracy said something before that, I don't remember what, her voice cracked and you could tell she was choking up. Amazing acting on JE's part!

That widow line is getting so freaking old. Seriously, can we reword it at least?!

The doctor was really sweet to her, considering she was nagging the heck out of him.

I didn't realize that the surgery had already happened. I thought they were... waiting? Hmm I'll look for that in the clips.

New music again when Tracy pushed Skye out and Luke said that he was saving all his flirting for her. I was mad at him with being chummy with Skye, but he made it clear it was just casual. :)

Tracy was sympathetic with Lulu when she came in. Lulu didn't say anything, and had no emotion to her, but at least she didn't give Tracy her bitch look.

Overall, I thought they acting was great. And Tracy definately came off as the worrying, caring wife. I also liked Luke's comment on how he hated watching Tracy in pain.

EDIT: Hooked, I answered the TraLu question up there, and Edward's reaction had me bawling. He was telling Skye this long story that seemed to be referring to the Kennedys. He said how he wanted to be this man, and now he is: rich and lost much of his family. Skye was criying through it. He started to tell her to leave the family, or his "poison" would get to her, too. He choked up and started crying, and Skye hugged him. Monica flipped on Jason when she heard, saying that he is the reason half her family is dead. She said that he was not her son and that he had better not show up at the funeral. She went into hysterics once she pushed him out, and Jason was shocked in his expressionless way. I felt so bad for Jason. :(

Edited by Colette
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Thanks for the recaps IluvAandM and Colette, I can't wait to watch! Also to answer your question hooked yes today was the day that Jason told Monica and Skye told Edward. I read on a few other message boards that Edward was heartbreaking, I know I am going to cry like a baby when I watch. :(

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Thanks Rach, guess you were the only one home this afternoon. Sounds good. I can't wait to watch (but I have to until our lovely Nex gets the clips up.... drumming fingers.... waiting patiently....)

So, what's your opinion, was it "must see" because of our girl, or they entire crew?

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I'm here. And yes, I was here earlier (a little before 3 central) to catch up. Had a phone call though and couldn't post. Then, I went to watch our girl. hooked, thanks for the email. Will respond to it soon; I wanted to last night, but I had more !@#$ to do than I thought.

Monica was on. She was leaving a message on Emily's phone when Jason entered. She knew something was wrong. Next scene, Jason told her about Emily. She had some good very good dialogue. I was cheering her on. After Jason went outside, Monica fell to the ground and cried.

Edward found out offscreen, but he had this 25 minute speech about admiring this business man, who lost his 2 daughters and his son to violence, drugs, etc...He said he always wanted to be like that man, and now, he is. He's buried his children, his grandchildren, his beloved Lila. He broke down, as Skye hugged him. BTW, speech was good. Very sad. Just kind of long.

Thanks IluvAandM for the recap.

I didn't think today was anything amazing for LuNacy, though JE's expressions were awesome! Some comments: I totally knew he was going to ask her about Lulu - Loved her laying her head on his chest and him touching her hair - Um, did we have to hear the widow line AGAIN? - Thought the delivery of her line to Lulu was well-done - Did the doctor seem a bit rude at the end to everyone else? He was nice in the beginning, but at the end, I didn't like the way he came off. It almost sounded like he slammed the door!

Woah! 3 new posts since I started this one. LOL. Sorry if what I'm saying is repetitive.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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*jumps and waves* I was home too!!!

Ms. Q, I didn't notice the doctor (who's name is Julien from watching Monday's clips) slamming the door but I will look for that.

I definately think the whole day was the must see. Lunacy rocked, as did Ric\Alexis Monica\Jason Ed\Skye and Nik and Liz with Em.

I don't know how much I will be able to post today. My computer is being ridiculously slow for some reaosn...

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knh, here you go. All the links that are there are valid. What SaveFile does is deletes the links automatically after periods of non-use. If there's a date that's not there (and I'm sure there will be several since I got a ton of delete notifications especially regarding Dillon/Tracy and Skye/Tracy), let me know. I'll try and re-upload it.

Tracy and Dillon Clips

Jane Elliot and Scott Clifton on Family Feud

Tracy/Dillon Clip Requests 2003 and 2004

Tracy/Dillon Clip Requests 2005

Tracy/Dillon Clip Requests 2006 and 2007

Tracy and Luke Clips

Luke/Tracy Clip Requests 2005

Luke/Tracy Clip Requests 2006

Luke/Tracy Clip Requests 2007

Tracy and Skye Clips

Tracy/Skye Clip Requests 2003 to 2007

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Yesterday was an A-

Today Jane's acting was an A! (Still waiting for the A+ but I have high expectations for both Jane and myself. ha!)

Her facial expressions were just dead on. She really looked devastated and heartbroken and worried. Loved her look when Leo told Luke he was a 'mess.' Loved the tears when Leo asked about cleaning up Luke's lifestyle. FLOVED more than ANYTHING, the head on his chest.. and FLOVED her reaction to SKYE. She was all 'get the f outta here you tramp,' and then she wheeled around and yelled at her husband half-dead in the bed.

SO Tracy!!!

SO dead-on Tracy!!


Jane is wonderful!!

As for LC... well, I have to say I love all the vets. And Monica and Alan truly are GH history at it's best. But even when you look at the old clips, LC isn't the best darn actress. Sorry. It's just true. That scene that LC did today, just imagine for a second if JE did it. JE would have knocked it to the MOON! I would have been bawling! LC - uh, not so much. Anyway, glad they're using her. Glad they resigned her contract. Glad she might get a storyline... but she's not as good as JE.. just not.

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Sorry, I don't agree. I think LC is an absolute great actress. On the other hand I get what you mean, but I believe it has more to do with personality. Imagine JE in a talk show like Soaptalk and then LC in the same show. Both woman are there as the actress in real life not as Monica and Tracy but JE would still shine brighter than LC, because of her personatlity. That has nothing to do with talent. It is just that you can only act so much, the rest is a major part of yourself. And that is what makes Tracy so great, it's JE talent and her personality!

Said that, I hope we get lots of Q stuff in the future.

BTW: Do we know for how long JE's contract goes? I believe she signed a 3 year deal in fall 2003. So she must renewed in fall 2006. But for how long?

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