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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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  • hookedongh


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  • Ms. Quartermaine


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hooked, about GHVT...It might have been de-activated if it's been a long time since you last posted.

remos, that's great that you had a wonderful time. Thanks for the nice comments about Oh, Baby.

Will try and post clips later, Lainey, once HellaGood gets them up. Oops. Nevermind. nex has got them taken care of. Thanks!

On the topic of clips, several have been added to the Dillon/Tracy projects at SaveFile. I must have added 15 total or so today. Here are the links again: 2003 and 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007, and Jane and Scott on Family Feud.

On the topic of wardrobe: I re-watched that scene. Too funny. That thing is hanging off of her! ChanelCupcake of Television Without Pity comments on Tracy's wardrobe: "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" :lol:

Soap Opera Central Threads

Go forth and support your girl and the Quartermaines!

I love the Quartermaines, but why are they all about Lulu?

Where's my girl TRACY?

Tracy in the real world

The Quartermaines want to know about Jake; A Great Q Family Day!

The Q's; I'm so happy; talking about Jake; love Edward

Jane Elliot Online

August 8th: She's ON!!!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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What a good day! TQ on GH. LS off HG. Good day. Good day.

What can I say ladies, I couldn't resist! And fortunately I'm not as tired as I thought I would be. :D

nex: You are so awesome. THANK YOU! Hope you had a terrific birthday! Nice of GH to give you a belated gift. LOL

Edit: I just had my 100th post. I'm "Recurring!"

Edited by brownstonegirl
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Ok, and this is paraphrasing, but still...

Edward: You've failed miserably wih your own two children, what makes you think you'd be any better now?

Oh Edward... the gloves are off. Low blow, my friend. low blow.

Deb I know this is a bit late for your post, but as for not being a "real fan" I like to say it is like our family. You can still love them whole heartedly, but you're going to get in a fight or two. Right now I'm just not on speaking terms with them, they are slowing digging themselves out of this hole with the help of my girl JE but it'll take a while... and like family, I'll forgive them but I want them to get their act together. Can still be a "real fan" though. It's the same reaction I have when those redsox guys ask about us yankee fans even though I don't really care about any team I have to defend the boys for my fam.

Hooked: I'm working on editing tonight (now that I have some names!!! finally) and I'm coming up with a letter to send so I can email that April woman as soon as I can. I'll work on everything else while I can.

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Thanks for the clips, Nex!

Happy (belated) Birthday to everyone who celebrated one recently! Wow, I haven't postedin a while. I am really excited to watch the clips after reading the recaps. I am in desperate need of a Tracy fix! At least I have had the new Harry Potter additions to keep my mind off the lack of JE. For the episodes I have seen live, Diane, Spinelli and Kate are the only characters that have interested me. I like Lulu, but I can't stand Logan.

I'm off to vote on hellagood and watch those clips, I hope everyone has been doing fine!

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I'm home, and I'm in clip heaven. Didn't have time to do anything but read Ms. Q's chapters. Over the next day or two, I will be busy.

Thanks for all the greetings. It is so wonderful to be home. I missed my babies, and now I can kiss them good night again. Sigh.....

Are we at the half-way mark yet for TG's vacation? All this talk about hell to pay when Luke returns - I hope Tracy is the one person who doesn't get it from him. She's trying.

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Remos...we are still in the breakroom if you have a sec...it is 11pm central


Well so much for going to bed...my son has 103.8 after taking fever reducers...lovely. It is going to be a long night!! Right on cue...a couple days before vacation...at least it is three days this time! Instead of the day before!

Edited by hookedongh
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Nex, you are a goddess! Thanks for posting the clips--I missed yesterday's (uh, cuz I was throat deep in making updates for the *ta-da* OFFICIAL Dana Ivey Fan Site!) and didn't want to wade through FIVE EPISODES on Soapnet Sunday just to get Tracy's scenes. Now I don't even have to PRETEND to be interested in watching the episode! Yay!

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Thanks, hooked and TL! And congratulations to you too, hooked!

Welcome back, remos! You bring up a good point. Um let's see. Luke takes off with the catatonic one, his EX-wife, and leaves his real wife to face the music, which thus far has included time in jail and how long in the institution? It's been at least 6 weeks if not 2 months...Tracy BETTER not have ANYTHING to pay when Luke gets back.

hope you're son is feeling better!

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hooked, congrats on 700 posts! BTW, I rewatched that beginning Alan/Tracy scene, and it does seem like something was cut. Either that, or something wasn't written when it should have been. I got the impression that Tracy had been trying to steal ELQ from Edward, and that's what brought Alan back to haunting her. Hope your son's doing better this morning!

BSG, congrats on 100 posts!

Colette, good to see you posting. Hope you're doing well.

remos, welcome back. Agree on hell paying front. I hope LuNacy's reunion in October is a good one. Of course, with our luck, he'll come home and his first visit will be to Scott Baldwin's door to strangle him. And then a week later, he'll finally make it way back to the Q mansion. Gah. Should. Not. Think. Like. That.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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