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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ok, first of all, BSG, don't know if I ever said it but I love your avatar. I think it's new, but in case I've just been overlooking it for a while I'm saying it now.

Next: As much as I really love the above quote I'm going to have to say it... I really hated that we were down a bit but I don't think we've lost popularity as much as others have gone up recently. We are consistantly in the top though, so be happy!!! That being said, I may be alone in this but I'll take a huge drop in the rank for this thread if we can always have Tracy and Lunacy ahead by as much as they are in those polls at hellagood. Those are fantastic and if that many people are loving them it means we'll be seeing more of them, right!! (Thus bringing our rating back up as well)

Loved todays episode. not the very best material she's had lately, but she was on a huge amount of the show and she looked fabulous!

Ok, that was my bit of positivity for the day... see you all tomorrow

Looking forward to all the upcoming stories!! Oh Deb (and this is no pressure so don't pay me any mind) you know who I was missing lately? How is Sister Mary Hotpants doing? Anything new going on with her and John?

Night all

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Hey all,

I hope everyone is well.

OT: This is going to be a quick one. I have not been on much, only to

read posts. I have been extremely busy, tired, and not feeling too great. My Grandmother passed away Sunday night. I will be leaving Thursday morning for the funeral on Friday. Normally a six hour drive is not much, but at a time like this it's draining.

Hello to all the newcomers and welcome. Since I haven't been on, you may think I am new. I mainly do screencaps, with a little fiction on the side.

hookedongh My story has been on hold since April. It's not smut, but it has a touch of romance.

Ms Quartermaine Congrats and I'm glad you like that banner at JE


Minervafan Hang in there!

TracyLuv Thanks again.

Topic: I caught a glipmpse of Tracy, but I will have to watch it when I

get back on Sunday.

I have a few loose ends to tie up, must run.

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For some reason, my post didn't show up, because I can't find it. I haven't been online recently because my grandpa is ill and in the hospital. Thanks, Nex, for the clips. I have missed talking to everyone, hopefully he will be out soon.

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Thank, knh! The avatar is new. I just love their wedding photos. :)

And you're right about the rankings. I should be grateful. It's kind of amazing that Tracy is in the lead in the character game at HG and that Lunacy are way ahead of the next closest couple in the couples game.

pinkpopsicle: I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing. My thoughts are with you and your family during this sad time.

nex: thank you so much for the clips! You're awesome!

*waves to Lady A and Colette*

Lady A: Someone told me that you uploaded the clips from when Tracy and Ashton were forced to be "roomies." I tried the link but it expired. Any chance you could reupload them sometime? I would love to see those clips.

Colette: I'm sorry to hear that your grandfather is ill. I hope he feels better and can be released soon!

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Hey all!!

I may be the only one, but I was not bowled over by yesterday's epi. The best thing about yesterday's epi IMO was that Tracy looked totally fabulous and GOOOOOOORRRGEOOOOUUUUSSS!! That, and that she was showin' Lulu some love like the mama that she is :) . Other than that, though there were like 5 or 6 scenes, they seemed way too short and chopped. Especially the one that came after the opening. That was lke what? a half a milisecond? Good grief!

Remos, Thanks for the recap

Pinkpopsicle, I am so very sorry to hear about your grandmother. My thoughts are with you and your family. You've been VERY missed around here. And I hope you will be back and posting with us regularly soon. Oh, and I LOVE Your new avatar and banner!

BSG, Love your new avatar. The article you mentioned sounds vaguely familiar. But I'm not sure who has it.

Colette, sorry to hear that your grandfather is not well. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Nex, Thanks for the clips.

Ms. Q, Your back in 7 days? We miss ya! And look forward to the Oh Baby updates and perhaps a LuNacy vid or two? ;)

Happy that Tracy moved up 5 points in the Hella Good game since yesterday. Now that's more like it! Go Tracy! Go Team Tracy!!

ETA: Page 383!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Hey TL--see you are online too! I think I was not on the computer from 6:30pm on last night---a miracle in this house! I actually fell asleep before midnight! Another miracle. I am up bright and early this morning though!

Pinkpopsicle...good to hear from you. So sorry about your grandmother. I just recently went through the same thing--a month ago to be exact. My thoughts are with you. Colette--hope your grandfather is doing better.

Tracy comments from yesterday for Ms. Q in case she checks the thread today....She looked GORGEOUS ! Recycled green 3/4 sleeve jacket you liked from when Luke was getting ready to leave in May...black pants/shell thing...good jewelry, but most importantly---oomphy hair, great makeup!

Okay..this day pass stuff is getting really stupid. She gets out of the looney bin as much as Jason gets visitors in his maximum security prison and his interrogation room/cell at the PCPD.

She was very maternal with Lulu/protective and said "see I wasn't the only one that was frantic (hard to picture Tracy as frantic with worry)" The curfew thing at 11pm was pretty funny...

I liked at least that Logan pointed out to Lulu that at least the Qs care about her. She did say that since her dad is married to Tracy they are sort of family, etc...

The best Tracy scene was at the end...love those exaggerated eyes she makes when she points out when Luke finds out there will be hell to pay!

Hope we get a continuation today . Please someone find another Tracy spoiler...I think what happened yesterday was the only one I have seen...

Guess they are planning to keep her shadybrook storyline going for a while...unless she convinces Scott to get her out. Edward doesn't seem to be budging.

On a side note...I have been watching Tracy clips from 1996 when she came back and had that plot with Jax to take over ELQ and when she broke up Ned/Lois's marriage.....you can sort of see why Ned wouldn't want to help his mother! He was really evil when he threw her out of Port Charles with Dillon and told her that if she tried to touch her stock that was in trust for Dillon, he would give her tape where she admitted the hit and run on Jenny to the police. Tracy was not looking good in 1996 IMO! That short haircut was yuck and her smoking those gross cigars???? She seemed to be overacting or something to me too...maybe it is just that she has mellowed a bit and her softer side has come out in recent years!

BSG--love your avatar as well... I will post that clip for you from LadyAshton to save her the time.

Nex--thanks so much for the clips...will upload them for Ms Q! I am sure you are happy to have your editing job back--LOL--you had a nice break there for a week or so! :)


Here is the savefile link Ms Q if you are checking from yesterday's clips http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264

BSG--found other three clips you wanted they are at the same savefile link as above...scroll down...they are towards the bottom--one is called making boundaries and the others are welcome to ashtons part 1 and 11

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I can't find anything about Tracy in the spoilers that I see, other than she's let out of Shadybrook soon. The shtick in SB is getting a little drawn out, IMO. Anyone she interacts with has to come to her, and they are usually only one at a time. She needs to be out, mingling, causing trouble. I hope something new comes with the weekend spoilers.

Even today's only say that Lulu defies Tracy - well, she did that yesterday. I hope she's on, but I have my doubts.

(Hey, I've finally figured out how to work this quote thing!)

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Sending you good vibes for your grandfather, Collette. I hope he's doing better soon.

Nex, thanks for the clips. Downloaded them this morning, but haven't had time to watch.

Whoever asked about Sister Mary Hotpants and Doctor John, yeah, I've been feeling guilty about them, too. I will eventually finish that story, but it'll take some time. Thanks for your patience.

Is Tracy supposed to be on today?

Oh, and what is it, 7 days till the triumphant return of our International JetSet Girl, MsQuartermaine?

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woo-woo---7 days til Staci returns I believe is correct Deb! It is yet another rainy, thunderstorming kinda day in Houston.

Yeah lulu did defy tracy yesterday by sneaking out. Maybe that is how Tracy gets out finally, that they agree they need her home to keep lulu in check? I am not buying this lulu/logan story at all..I don't think they have any chemistry between them (and Lulu to me seems too little girlish or something anyway to be in a romantic role for some reason). And, she goes from still telling him she hates him yesterday to saying "why don't you kiss me then" to then sneaking out and jumping him on the couch?

I wonder whose hands maxi's tape falls into? Tracy's I hope...but have a feeling it will be into Coop's.

I know most of you ff through the rest of GH, but I wanted to puke yesterday at sam's breakup with jason. She is unreal how she can turn the whole thing around to be "poor poor me". Blah!

So I leave on Tuesday, and am going to write one more fic before I go...have had this other story in my head for a few days. I, of course, don't like Tracy/Scott together in any romantic way (god forbid--LOL) but for some reason I am liking them fighting and bickering with each other the past week or two....hoping to write a little today


Okay...just saw this rumor on SOC boards by one of their posters. While I'm all for new Qs popping up...this seems a bit far-fetched...he has no where near enough personality to be a Q!!


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Funny you are thinking about writing a Tracy/Scott fic. I never liked the idea of them in a romantic relationship especially since our girl has met her match in Lukey poo, BUT yesterday I saw a hint of something between the two. Probably because they teamed up to go after Lulu but something else, I don't know.... Maybe it was when she hit him with her arm at the Q's when she was mentioning that Logan was Scott's son. And later when they were both back of at Shadybrook I saw a little something. I can't quite put my finger on it. Chemistry maybe? We know that Tracy has chemistry with almost anyone she has a scene with but I don't know. They seemed a little sexy together in a way. I should bite my tongue, I know.

So when is our girl going to be on again? The spoiler (spumor?) about Jake's paternity reveal and Edward's reaction to having an heir said that Tracy will have to own up to the will forging, though I haven't seen that spoiler confirmed anywhere. So I wonder what's next for our girl Trace, and how long we'll have to wait to get it. I certainly loved the one leading into fall about Luke coming home and that Tracy will need him. I wonder if she'll still be in the lala land place by then. Then her hubba can rescue HER. :)

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Thank you for all the good thoughts! They worked, because the doctors originally thought that he had a stroke, but I guess that isn't what happened. He is much better today, just like his old self. Thank you again!

I am downloading the clips now and will watch them soon, I am excited!

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Funny TL cause I thought the same thing yesterday when she hit him...like maybe a hint of familiarity from their days of scheming together...also, she seemed to have less disgust towards him yesterday...

You around for a few? Breakroom for a couple minutes??? It is 11:00am central

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SOC posters, I added a new thread over there about Tracy/Lulu. It's been a while since Tracy's name's been mentioned over there so I figured I'd post a thread. Anyhoo, some backup would be good :) thanks.

Here's the link:

SOC - Loved Tracy Showing Her Maternal Side with Lulu

There is also a thread there about Lulu and the Q's with alot of posts that feel that Lulu should be spending more of her time with her real family and should not be living at the Q's. They want her to interact more with Carly. LMAO - Are they serious? They have ZERO chemistry together those two. I posted a long winded comment on that one.

Off to take a nap since I am working late tonite and then seeing the midnite preview of Hairspray the movie. So it'll be back-to-back Hairspray for me tonite as hooked pointed out in the BR. Eek I didn't think of it that way.

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Some directly/potentially/hopefully Tracy related spoilers. For the most part we've heard them. A couple we've heard before but hadn't come to pass but seems they may.

I founded them posted on SOC and they are from Angelfire:

**Tracy and Scott are both appalled at the Lulu/Logan situation!

**Maxie films the Logan/Lulu Sex. Then, she loses the tape...can you guess where it winds up!? (my comment: PLEASE LET IT BE TRACY!!)

**Tracey and Scott discover something from the past that will change many lives! (my comment: It's possible it's related the last spoiler listed below re: Logan)

**Logan works to destroy Scott. (my comment: Hopefully this will help Tracy)

**Lulu asks Spinelli for help when it comes to exposing Scott. (my comment: Hopefully this will help Tracy/Luke)

**Scott shuts down the Haunted Star (my comment: doesn't Tracy own part of the HS with Nic and Luke - hopefully she will get scenes out of this)

**how is Logan connected to the Webber murder? (my comments: I posted this one because it my be what Scott and Tracy find out about the past)

Can't believe we can read without logging in now!! Woohoo! Let's see how long that lasts. One thing I have to say though, it did bring some people out of lurking and force them to join us because they had to log in.

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