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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I agree with you 100% I do think this Tracy is going to rock!! I think she is going to be sensitive toward Laura and her feelings toward Luke. I think we Lacy fans are going to get some good angst scenes out if this. :)

Did anybody else notice that Robin told Luke that LSD-49 or whatever it is called can only be used once, so I guess that means that if she was going to come out of it again, it will have to be something else that triggers her mind. My thinking is that its going to be a long, long time before she comes out of it again. And while I do like Genie as an actor, I have to agree with MinervaFan that I just don't see Luke and Laura for all the greatness that everybody else seems to see. To me they just seem like two actors who love to work together and not two characters who are in love with each other. Luke has put Laura so high on a pedestal that nobody can touch her, not even him. My biggest hope of all hopes it that Laura will set Luke free, free to be happy with someone else, (ie Lacy) he needs closure, and so do all the L&L fans.

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Like Paul was any better! :lol: And Luke & Laura would be endgame if Genie Francis had a chance of sticking around long enough for them to write them off together. TPTB don't seem to be doing that.

What Luke & Laura have is history and a HUGE fanbase.

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Kind of OT, but I won't be around as much as usual. :(

Let's see...I have this to share. It's a larger version of the media net photo. From her posture, I'm still guessing she's drunk. And looks like JE's had her hair done again. It's shorter and reddish.

MinervaFan, oooh pretty to the avatars, and I love the fic as well. Hopefully, I'll have more detailed feedback later this week.

ILoveTracyQ, so you think it's a good possibilty that the upcoming LnL marriage isn't a legal one?

Oops, I forgot to add this: Apparently, someone from SD went on a set tour on Friday with her mom and 2 sisters, and when her mom got on the Quartermaine set, she got all choked up and completely lost it when she met Jane Elliot and John Ingle. The person said it was rather humilating, LOL, but that Jane and John were nice about it. Anyway, thought it was cute and figured I'd share.

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At this point, *close your eyes, LaineyBev*, I couldn't care less if Luke and Tracy stayed together, as long as JE stays on the show and has screen time.

Now, I still think L&L are boring as all got-out, and will never until the end of time understand the hype. I like Genie, but I never understood the Laura-love. But, according to Fey, that makes me like, a minority of one.

If Tracy stays and has something to do, even if it's making people's lives miserable, I'm okay with that. I'd prefer her to have something positive to do--but I'm not greedy.

Oh, and the chick from SD who met Jane and John? Let's be honest, who on this board would NOT humiliate themselves at this point if they met JE? I know I would--either drooling or blubbering, or grinning like a total moron.

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yes Ms.Q I think it means the L&L marriage won't be legal.

Debbie does Fey love Laura?

And you already know you're not a minority of one.

You know how I feel about her, and how I feel about her has nothing to do with Lacy because I've ALWAYS thought she was a big bore. Hated her for treating Scotty like crap, and I don't think she's ever given me a reason to be interested in or like her.

I'm also with you Debbie on the Lacy stuff. I'd love to see them change and grow. In fact, I'd rather see them split up if they aren't going to do that.

BUT as long as JE gets airtime/story without Luke, most days I could care less.

It isn't that I don't love Lacy.

It's just that I love JE/Tracy much much more...above all else. With or without Luke.

Sorry Lainey. I do want them together, but as long as JE gets material, I'm a happy girl.

The problem?

Without TG/Luke, or sometimes as a prop for Dillon/Lulu, to this regime, Tracy doesn't exist.


And NO Tracy today.

But she will be on this week. :)

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Breakroom, anybody? It's 5:45 Eastern.

I'm with you totally. Paul Hornsby was a sludge, and he's not even worthy to be spit upon by Tracy. If they brought him back, it would only be to prop Dillon, and frankly, he's not necessary for that. (I could be influenced by the fact that I now equate Paul Hornsby irrevocably with Spencer Truman from OLTL. Lord, if I didn't hate him before, I hate him now.)

No, Tracy doesn't need Paul back in her life. As for Luke not being goo enough for her? Well, duh. But slumming might be the best thing for Tracy--ground her, give her something besides her own dysfunctional family to deal with.

I'm still LuNacy hard-core, but I'm a Tracy fan first. I'd rather see her uncoupled than alone, and coupled with someone else before she's in another abusive relationship. (Yeah, Paul was abusive, from everything I saw.) Whatever they do, just don't let her fall for a guy just like Dear Old Dad!

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****I hope you're right. I hope you're right. I hope you're right.****

****I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right.****


WTF was happening at the end of the show when Luke was having all of these doubts about Laura, and Robert said to him (paraphrase): "I know you too well. Something else is going on here."

Something was definitely going on. And while I would LOVE to believe it had something to do with Tracy, I don't think that's entirely true - maybe partly true, but not in the way we would like. SO: WTF was happening there?!?!?!??! Thoughts?!?!?!??!

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You know MinervaFan those are great thoughts.

Thank you for posting them.

I want Tracy to be loved.

However long Jane stays, whether Luke and Tracy remain married or not (sorry Lainey but it's a possibility that they won't, although I'd like them to) I just want her to be loved. Whether it's Luke or Robert or someone new or a totally different kind of love (non romantic?) I just want to see someone love and accept her.

I'm for the interest of Tracy first.

Staci and I were talking in the BR about a little girl that Loves Tracy, and I joked that she's like a little MiniMe cause she's about the same age I was when I first loved Tracy.

I don't know...I guess I just saw Tracy right to the bone. JE just brought it for me, how this woman turned to money because money was the only thing that never failed her, how she literally freakin' ACHED to be loved by her family...by her son(s), by her husbands, by ANYONE...and how time and time again she just gets the shaft and gets screwed.

If I thought for a minute that Guza would write the material correctly, I'd want him to write Tracy getting screwed over by Luke again just so Jane could be submitted for a prenom. Just for the scenery chewing OTT material.

THAT would make the last three years worthwhile.

I do think Tracy is going to go through the ringer again but that doesn't mean that I don't think Tracy will come up fighting and swinging and that she won't be okay.

Tracy is Tracy. She always IS okay. And the kicker? She's okay no matter WHO or WHAT is in her life.

She's had to learn how to be because she's never had anyone stand by her side unconditionally. Not even Lila.

So....while I'd like to see Luke/Tracy develop *something*, I'm all right with seeing her beat up emotionally because Jane will bring it, and I'm all for seeing Tracy showing the depths of what she may feel for Luke.

I'm so tired of reading Guza talk about it. I want to see it.

I am actually excited about what Guza has in store for Tracy while Laura is awake.

And after.....helping Luke pick up the pieces?

I have no idea, honestly.

But I can't wait to watch.

I think it's going to be some of Jane's best work in YEARS.

*waves* to Lainey*

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Lainey, the end of today's episode was totally all abut Tracy. Laura's back now and this Guza. You think he's going to miss an opportunity to set up a bonafide triangle? He diens't care if they're all over 40; he's not Frons. And as far as he's concerned, the fans want Luke & Laura, so he's likely to screw them over before us, if his habits ring true in any way shape or form. See? Even I can be positive.

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Oh, come on--Luke/Tracy/Laura. It's vintage Guza. Especially if he can make Tracy look like the bad guy in all this. At least TG is playing it like Luke has feelings for Tracy, like he feels guilty for the pain he's causing her. Hell, he even seems a little embarrassed by the fact that he will probably fall for Laura again.

And what's with Robert, anyway? Encouraging Luke to go for it? What's behind that stuff? You know I don't buy the RAcy thing at all--no sexual chemistry at all, but good friend potential there. Robert has been pushing Luke on the Tracy subject since he's gotten back. He's always been the Jiminy Cricket, reminding Luke that he could lose her, that she won't put up with his junk forever. Do you think Robert is trying to force the issue? Force Luke to admit he has feelings for Tracy?

Or is it just bad writing? Robert says things because they need to be said and he's the character on screen?

I don't know. But every episode I watch is making me feel that Tracy/Jane is going to stay on the show, because there's going to be a lot of aftermath to clean up.

Oh, and Happy Halloween.

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ACtually Lainey most of the time I think I'm pretty positive. :)

Because it ultimately doesn't matter to me if Lacy stays together and I've already made my peace with whatever decision Jane makes about staying or going. One more month or several more years? It's all good with me.

I just watch for Jane/Tracy. And who's she with really doesn't matter to me, not as long as I get to see her. and I plan on enjoying her for as long as I have her.

And what she's doing? As long as it makes sense and it's not EvilTracyTV 24/7, doesn't matter to me either. Within reason of course. There are things that if they crossed a certain line with me, I'd just turn the TV off. No griping, no complaining, just no more Tracy or GH for me ever again. I'm not going to mention what those lines are. But if I stopped posting here, you'd all know anyway. :)

I think once upon a time what Tracy did and who she did it with did bother me, .....but I've learned to "adjust" my expectations with this regime.

I love Tracy and Jane and I'm excited to get to see her. Yeah I'd say that's pretty positive.

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