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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Marco Dane. Hands down. She knows in her heart if she hadn't double-crossed him when she ran off with Dillon to Europe, both hers and Dillon's lives would have been changed for the better. Marco was crude and low-rent, but under his felonious shell beat a heart of true gold. He would have loved her the way she needed to be loved, the way she never was loved, and it would have made an indelible mark in both hers and Dillon's lives.

My What If Scenario?

Tracy meets with a character from another show (NOT a Soap!) It can be drama, comedy, sci-fi, whatever? The lives of both characters are profoundly affected by this meeting.

Who is the character, what is the show, and how are they affected?

*great game idea, ILTQ, btw?*

Mid-Morning ETA: LaineyBev, I'm SO glad you have inspiration for the next installment of "Along the Road." I'm so looking forward to it. I haven't written at all since Sunday--life keeps getting in the way. But I seriously have two more bunnies to follow the AU story. I'm also starting work on my birthday present to Jane. Yup. I'm going to do it. :)

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Awww....Marco. *sniff*

See how we can come up with so many different ideas and scenarios?

I honestly thought about marco but also several other people and I would have ultimately said Dillon I think....

Okay since I did the first question I'll let someone else answer Debbie's.

Besides that my thought of a character was Sam Malone from Cheers....and I haven't had enough caffeine yet to think of any reason or way their lives would be affected.

*looks at Keith or Lainey or anyone else willing ready and able to answer question #2 *

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I just had to come back in to say that I agree about Marco...and I agree about Tracy.

I think that's WHY she ran.

I don't think anyone has done for Tracy what Marco did for her in such a short time....and not only that, he genuinely liked her and even after the Jenny hit and run thing (that he willingly helped her cover up without blackmailing her or asking for money or anything in return if I remember correctly) he still wanted to be with her.

I think that scared the crap outta Tracy. Truly. And I think when she allows herself to think about it, if she ever does....I think she does miss him and wonders what IF.

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Where is everybody??? I think this is the longest I've ever seen it go without a post in here.

No TQ on today, as far as I can tell from SZ. Not good with that, but at least we know she's on next week. Also, the new SOW came out and apparently JE's name is NOT in the "Out" section of Who's In/Who's Out. (Regency, Lainey, stop giggling. Ya'll are soooo immature.)

I have to admit, I sat and watched almost all of the show yesterday and I actually enjoyed it. I basically watched anything with Dillon-Lulu-Georgie, Elizabeth, and Alexis. I was surprised at how entertained I was. But then, I was also entertained by OLTL, so that shows you how tired I was.

Fey and I were doing a comparison of OLTL and GH, and we noticed somethings. One, OLTL is a LOT more varied in the ages and appearances of the characters. (I noticed LOTS of 40+ characters with viable storylines, and even a heavy chick with a real storyline--as opposed to Alice's Yuk-A-Minute comic relief.) Two, while the actual writing is better on GH (dialogue and such), the storylines are more varied on OLTL. The whole Spencer Truman storyline engages almost the entire cast, and while it integrates "Who My Baby Daddy" and "Who Slept With Whom," it's not dominated by those themes. Three, the sets are cheesier on OLTL, but there's MORE of them. And OLTL wins the costuming hands-down. I'm not sure who put Kelly Monaco in that Beyond Thunderdome shirt the other day, but she should demand a raise.

Bottom line, though? I still like the acting and characters on GH better. Now, if Tracy would go over to OLTL, I think I'd die and go to heaven. I can't imagine TPTB at that show sweeping a prize like Jane Elliot under the rug. Oh, the fun we could have with Tracy and Dorian teaming up for something wicked....

I know I digress, but ya'll--I'm hearing crickets in here....

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MInervaFan, I know what you me about OLTL. The other day I was eating lunch at a restaurant and One Live was on. Everytime I looked up Dorian was on the screen, and I have to admit that I was jealous because she had to have been on more than five minutes that day and Jane never gets that much air time. :( It made me angry that they can respect Robin and Jane gets nodda! Anyhoo, i'm cranky and I needed to vent!

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*belly dances through post*

And um yeah where's everybody at?? Where's Staci? Keith?

*sniff* :(

*taps foot* I'm waiting for someone to answer Debbie's challenge in the new game.

ABout OLTL....of course getting SN and being a second generation ABC daytime viewer I'm familiar with most of the characters but I don't watch it myself.

I have watched DOOL off and on, and it has a few front burner over forty/fifty characters...probably as many if not more than oLTL that have actual stories/airtime: Kate, Marlena, John, Abe, Steve, Kayla, Hope, Bo....all who get pretty decent airtime.

And speaking of older women/younger men romps...LOL I know ya'll weren't but .....I think Kate who is fifty something is having an affair with EJ who is late twenty early thirty something....or they were supposed to, I haven't watched DOOL on a regular basis in almost two months but I still read spoilers.

Kate's probably DOOL version of Tracy but she's no where near as interesting...although I like her and I like Lauren Koslow, the actress that plays her.

I'd give away a month's salary just for JE to get such a story.

Oh wait.

Luke and she are slated to have hot monkey sex after Laura leaves.

So all is well.

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*sneaks in*

Sorry everyone. It's been kind of a long day.

ILoveTracyQ, I love your scenario. You need to write some fanfic. ;)

Not too familiar with EJ/Kate, but Tracy could definitely use a younger man. Or any man, really, LOL.

Ooh...I have my PhotoShop programs back! Yay! However...For the last couple hours, I've been trying to get my Daily Clips back on my hard drive. For whatever reason, my 3rd CD is being evil (Jan, Feb, some of March 2006), and I can't access anything on that CD. There's some good stuff in there (Chapel scenes, Teen LuNacy, etc), so if I can't get it to work, I might be back later to beg. ;)

Speaking of begging...Anyone want to upload I'll Remember or Tracy and her family (no Luke/Lulu)? The latter is the black/white video. TIA.

*sneaks out*

Edit: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It worked! It worked! I'm thinking it was overrheated or something. I had over 240 clips that I had to transfer, so that might explain it. And Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I have the clips! And I have PhotoShop. MinervaFan, don't worry about making me a Tracy/Dillon icon. Oh, and ER is on in 15 minutes!!!! I'm a happy girl. I don't even care that I have to be up at 4:45am tomorrow! *will definitely care in the morning* But until then...Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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*waves to Regency*

Expect fic from me, ya'll. Fey just got the new Sims2 expansion pack. My online time is now officially shot to hell. :)

OTOH, I'll have lots of time to spend working on my stories...

Just saw the latest SOD on the newstands--BIG OLD L&L cover. Picture of TG and GF with inserts of all the people affected by Laura's return--Lucky, Nikolas, Lulu...and ROBIN?

Not one single picture of LUKE'S WIFE. But she did get a single mention buried deep in the text of one of the articles.

I was yeah verily annoyed, but not surprised.

Oh, well. Such is life.

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Much with the LOVING of the new chapter. R/R at FF.net, and will probably add a comment over at the ficathon when I have time. I'm so glad you got Photoshop back--love the icon.

Any chance of Tracy on today? Any chance at all? :puts up front paws and wriggles nose: Pleeeeaaasseeee? (Think the Gods of Daytime like cute?)

LunchTime ETA: Well, I've been doing a little work at the ficathon on my lunch break. Somebody on the chat (I think it was Nex) suggested add a tag for each writer so that all their stories would be linked. Well, I thought that was a swell idea, so I've been working on updating the tags. I will eventually go through the ficathon post-by-post and add tags to all entries so the entire thing is cross referenced. But for now, I'm just going through the Memories and getting to the stories that way.

If you've posted a story to the Ficathon, would you do me a favor? Head on out there, find your story, and click the tag with your name on it. (Keith, I've got you tagged as "Keith" and "sag85kwt," in case people don't know you by both.) If you pull up the list and one of your stories is not showing, please PM me with the titles so I can get them tagged. Thanks.

Any scoop on TQ today? Should I even bother turning on my tv?

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*claps* brava to the update Ms.Q.

Words cannot and never will express how much I love your writing when it comes to Luke/Tracy and their "relationship."

You bowl me over every time.



And yes...that's GOOD. LOL

And Debbie....I *Liked* the blue "Pirates of the Carribean" blouse Sam was wearing.

*hopes* for TQ today.

I likely won't be back in today ya'll unless TQ is on and I have a spare second to SQUEEEE

I *have* to leave at five today....going out of town with my sister and niece and my sister is almost as anal about puntuality as my mother....if it's HER doing the waiting. LOL

Anyway, we likely won't be back until Sunday night so I'll guess I'll see you all Monday morning.

And Yeah Keith I did catch DOOL a few minutes last night and I just hate DOOL so far.

I think Hogan's a better dialogue writer than Reilly but Hogan is just as bad at having people do things that seem out of character to me.

I mean I suspected EJ was working for Kate when he first showed up but there was never an inkling before now.....not even a real hint unless I missed it. Now all of a sudden he's this mysterious villain??

What happened to the international race car driver?



James SCott is *very British-suave* though.

That accent......*sigh*

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Meh - and this is OT - but neither James Scott or EJ Wells have been on DAYS long enough to have a character to act out of - especially for someone who debuted between writing regimes. ;) I like him a lot better evil admittedly - makes him that much more delicious. Plus, he's always been a bit on th emysterious side, so that's nothing new. :lol:

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I know I'm a little early, but do I need to be depressed? I checked the SZ Watching Live post, and not a single mention of our girl.

I don't want to be negative, but honestly, we need some Tracy lurve and we need it now.

I've been thinking about Marco Dane, and how he would have treated her so much better than Luke does. I've never even seen the man on screen (EVAH!), and I know he wouldn't have neglected "Rocky" like Luke neglects "Spanky." Actually, I can see Tracy having to "shoo" him away for being too interested/involved.

Oh, Gerald Anthony, if you're looking down from heaven...could you and Anna Lee and David Lewis do a little bit of that Gloria Monty mojo and get our girl back into the A-track? Because the show NEEDS her. Or send her to OLTL as the secret witness who will blow that slob Spencer Truman right out of the water! ("I can verify for a fact, your honor, that Spencer Truman is not Asa Buchanon's son. He's not even Spencer Truman. He's Paul Hornsby, my ex-husband, and the lowest scum that ever oozed out between the cracks.") And then, she'd get busy staking her territory in Lanview.


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Aaaahhhh....*soaks up the Tracy/Marco aka "Marcy" love*

No sweetie. No Tracy today.


And I could deal with Jane coming to OLTL but with RS already on as Dorian, I doubt they could use a character like Tracy.

Jane could come on to play the low life poor nobody she's always wanted to play...and can work her magic.

"Tracy's a trip," Marco used to say.

And I wished TIIC would realize it. :)

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