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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*insert angry jibberish and profanity* GH is really getting on my nerves lately with all of this crap! *whines* Why oh why can't Tracy have her own storyline. Don't answer that.

*sighs* I'm going to have to focus on my happy place......fanfiction.

Everyone's stories are amazing and reading them were the only bright part of my day.

btw, I've updated "Beautiful Disaster", its not much sorry.

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Breakroom, anyone?

Video Update: Remember I said I'd make my best video yet if I got the computer fixed? I lied. WWM keeps freezing things up, and I get nervous about the computer all over again, and it's not worth it. So no more videos from me, at least not in the near future.

Thanks nex for the feedback! It's been a wonderful couple days as far as fanfic goes, hasn't it?

angel, read, reviewed, loved.

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Okay.. I don't know any of the soap sites, and I never get any of the spumors/spoilers you guys seem to get... But does anyone get the yahoo email from the Jane Elliott fan lady (you know, the one with all the GH fan clubs). Anyway.. I have cherry-picked some of the more delicious rumors from her most recent email. They're probably from some site you'll have seen before (but I hadn't!!)








Is Scotty coming home?

Rumor has it he will be back to escort Laura off the canvas after her brief recovery.


Sam has a brother afterall


Kelly Monaco is leaving GH


The Jones girls will be history


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MarlandRulez, if you are going to PM me, please have the courtesy not to disable PM so I can reply to you. Since for some reason I am unable to reply to you privately, I will reply to you publicly--ONCE.

You asked (and I quote) "why do they hate me so much," to which I will reply simply: You called us rabid. You espoused pitting the "rabid Tracy fans" against the "rabid Laura fans" to pave the way to reunite Luke/Skye on the show. You were rude. You were insensitive. And despite my efforts to deal with this in a mature way, you continue to harass the members of this board with your comments.

I may have not been on SON as long as you, Marland, but I've been around long enough to know that this behavior is a pattern with you. You will play nice and pet Tracy and say how much you love her, then you will come on and stir the sh*t just to see how much trouble you can cause. You will then b*tch at us for biting back by claiming we are anti-Skye. Well, here's a news flash, Marland. I like Skye. She's not my favorite character (that would be, uh, well TRACY), but I like her. I don't always like her storylines, but then I don't always like Tracy's storylines.

The fact is, Marland, people do not respond badly to you because you are a Skye fan. People respond badly to you because you come in here and cause trouble.

This is the last response I will give you on this topic. As far as I'm concerned, it is dead in the water. In the future, if you come on here and have something of interest to say, I may respond to you. I will NOT respond to your trolling posts, I will simply report them to the administrators so fast it leaves skid marks on my monitor.

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I just wanted to check in and thank everyone for the killer reviews for Fear Not and It Wasn't Laura. I was nervous about posting and y'all put me so at ease. I think that'll make posting anything else a lot easier. I should've started earlier though because I'm wiped out. Tomorrow I will hopefully be ready to post the little The Lovely Bones inspired fic I talked about in chat a few days ago. It turned out LuNacy, too. My imagination has been converted.

MinervFan, those "Ten Little Bunnies" are very pretty. I'll have to consider adopting one tomorrow.

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I have to say, all this story posting is just inspiring me. I've started my latest prompt story (at 7 AM!). Yeah, it's another "aftermath of Tracy's kidnapping" story, but in a very, very different way. I think it's going to be a long one, though, and I can't promise not to whine while I'm writing it......

ETA: I'm a wicked, wicked girl. :nibbles lower lip bashfully: Telling Lies to Wicked Women: Tracy/Skye, written for the LJ Community Femslash100. It's less than 200 words, but I hope it delivers.

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CAn someone please explain how to navigate Live Journal like I'm a six year old?

And if I sound irritated it's because I am. :)

Regency I managed to read the Laura story and the other one but HOW do I find the Lovely Bones?

I don't see anything recent on your page.

How do I find it?

Please someone help.


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Hello, my lovelies. I got caught up on all the fic and WOW!!!! you ar eall soooo talented! I wish i had those writing capabilites, that innovation, but, alas, i do not! Oh, Ms.Q, glad your computer is working but you could have thrown us SOMETHING! Come on! Im dying here! Wait, does Tracy know that coleman knows that Coleman knows that the baby is his or does she just suspect? i dunno, but great updates!

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OT-I spoke too soon about the computer. I had a dream last night that it stopped working, and what do ya know? I shut it down last night, started it up again this morning, and BOOM! Evil, evil blue screen. Can't get it to run in normal mode without that happening. Windows encountered a serious error, needed to be closed, blah, blah, blah. If this the first time you've seen this screen...blah, blah, blah. *cries*

I had another dream last night about Luke/Laura/Skye/Tracy though. It was better than the computer one, 'cause I got to see Tracy, even though I wasn't too fond of her part. I just remember bits and pieces. Before seeing GH in the dream, I read magazine spoilers that said Tracy's role in this SL was going to be played for the laughs. : / I wasn't too happy about that. Heh. And then came promos for the upcoming SL. There was stuff about Luke admitting that Tracy was his "rock" and that he wanted to be with her, and even though she didn't believe it, she was almost, dare I say "desperate," to hold onto him and accepted. (Oh, Tracy!)

But then something happened (can't recall), and Luke ended up proposing to Laura, who we only saw from behind; she was wearing white (what else? LOL); and almost resembled Anna Devane (which was just weird). And then I remember a clip of Skye saying, "Laura gets a bridal shower [for the remarriage to Luke], but I don't get a baby shower?" LOL.

ILoveTracyQ, Regency hasn't posted "The Lovely Bones" yet. ;) She plans to post it tomorrow.

MinervaFan, short, interesting Skye/Tracy fanfic. Thanks for the challenge ideas. We'll see if I come up with anything.

tracyluver, heh. I'm evil like that. She suspects that he knows. In fact, she's almost sure of it.

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Ohhhh.....I couldn't find the story. Maybe I'm not nuts then...but LJ still confuses me sometimes when I go on it.

I just knew I couldn't find the story and felt REALLY stupid.

About the dream Ms.Q....maybe the best parts of it will come true. Or something similiar.

I had a dream about Tracy/Coleman before they ever "hooked" up, so who knows?

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Popping in to add that I enjoyed "Beautiful Disaster's" update and Oh Baby and Chances Are and of course Lainey's Bomb Story and Regency's story from yesterday....I can't remember who I reviewed and who I didn't and truthfully I'm short on time and usually forget to comment but I loved the updates.

I am DYING to know who has Tracy held captive in Beautiful Disaster. Is is Helena? I HAVE to know. LOL It's driving me crazy.

And yeah my cable is still in need of repair so if Tracy's on today details please ! And thank you. :)

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