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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I thought I'd use my 550th post as a public annoucement to all would-be trolls. In case you do not recognize yourself, here is the wiki definition for Internet Trolling:

In the context of the Internet, a troll is a person who makes inflammatory posts or comments, which by effect or design cause disruptions in discourse, or a post made by such a person. Trolling can be described as a breaching experiment, which, because of the use of an alternate persona, allows for normal social boundaries and rules of etiquette to be tested or otherwise broken, without serious consequences. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll

To translate this into plain terms, a troll is any person who posts comments designed to provoke, antagonize, upset, or otherwise disrupt the normal flow of conversation in a specific thread. In the context of this thread, a troll would be anything obviously anti-Tracy, anything that specifically plays upon the fears and doubts of the members of this group regarding Tracy, anti-Jane Elliot comments that are not constructive or within the context of a larger, primarily positive post, or anything that picks a fight with any other member of this group.

This thread does not have a moderator, nor do I think it needs one. We are all different people, with different tastes and agendas, brought together here by our love and respect for Tracy (and as an extension) Jane Elliot. We do not agree on which hair is the best, or which outfit we prefer, or which romantic partner we think she should wind up with. We do not agree on what sort of roles Jane Elliot should play outside of GH, or whether or not her politics influenced her recent storylines. We do not agree on how her storylines should go, or even is she should remain on GH without a better storyline.

What I believe we do agree on is that the Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest is our safe-haven, self-governed, open to lively debate, and welcoming to all fans of the Divine Ms. Q. We do agree that Tracy is an asset to the show and that Jane Elliot is a fine actress. We do agree that people have the right to express their opinions here, even those negative ones, as long as they're expressed in a positive, courteous manner.

So, to all would-be trolls, this is your warning. I cannot speak for the rest of the people on this thread, but I can tell you this. I will no longer be giving trolls any quarter. ANY post I see here that is obviously trollish will be reported to the administrators of SON. This is my home away from home, and I will not hesitate to do pest control.

Genie Francis's return has made us all on edge, and I know that Tracy fandom may look like a tempting, tasty morsel to trolls. Do NOT be stupid. We have not been studying Tracy Quartermaine for nothing. Trolling will not be tolerated. Pest control will be swift.

Just thought I'd mention this.

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i'm no troll, i've been with this board for 6 years. I just don't intend to see my personal favourite get unfairly slated by jaded fans of another actress (who i happen to admire and respect).

And may i remind you who painted this portrait of Jane?


So a little damn respect and sensitivity toward my feelings as a Tracy AND Skye fan wouldnt go amiss. The only reason i made reference to Tracy/Laura fans going after each other was to lighten the mood, i had no idea you would get so wound up.

The attitudes around here positively REEK of double standards.

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Well, than I apologize. I didn't know you've been here that long b/c I am relatively new to the board. And like I said, you can think whatever you like and say whatever you'd like, just like anyone else. What I had a problem with was not the opinion expressed, but that you had to attack us to "lighten the mood" (which, by the way, is not the way it read) You hadn't been on the board in quite a while and you came back to trash talk. Unlike some people here, I don't hate Skye, I like her character and RC. Also don't attack or belittle the fans of or the actors playing the characters I don't like.

And PS. no one attacked Skye until you made your remark about the tracy/laura to make way for Skye thing.

Just show a little respect is all I'm asking. If that happens, I more than welcome you back to the board.

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Thank you, Toups.

Marland, we've tried telling countless times that your forcing your opinions about Skye in a Tracy love thread is moot. It's out of place. You want to love Skye, go ahead. But not in a Tracy Q love thread, if you're going to bash her to prop your love for Skye higher than for Tracy. If you want to do that, make a hate thread, or post about it in a general GH forum.

I personally have nothing against Skye. I liked her with Luke until the possibilities of Tracy and Luke. Before Skye, I liked Luke with Laura. But, given this is a love thread for the character of Tracy, again, I can't sit back and watch someone bash the character in her 'safe haven'. It just doesn't make sense.

Back to topic. Worked on Chances Are a bit. Kind of stuck. Meh.

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OT-Computer: Some of you know that my dad looked at it this weekend. It was getting better, but then it got worse, but I do have GOOD NEWS. I'm on my computer right now. Of course, I also have bad news. I'm in Safe Mode (with networking), and things are so much bigger/wider (icons, windows, fonts, etc), which I could get used to, LOL, but there's no sound...

And when I start up the computer in the regular mode, the internet and other applications move slooooooowly, Data Execution Prevention shuts down Windows Explorer to prevent damage...Although, I'm not sure what it's shutting down since I still have access to everything...And then, after a couple minutes...BAM! Blue screen appears. Serious error, blah, blah, blah. Happens every.single.time. Ms. Q is thisclose from tossing it out the window. *shrugs*

Topic: Thanks Toups. Any chance someone can change the "Tracey" in the title of this thread to "Tracy?" It doesn't bother me as much as it does others, but I thought I'd mention it.

Edit: Keith, whatever you come up with with will be GREAT. :) Speaking of fanfic, RL kind of mimicked part of "The Right Thing" today. The part where Tracy passed out because of heat exhaustion? I *think* that happened to me, and if that ever had to happen, I wish it would've happened before I wrote the fic, so I would've had a better idea what I was writing about (even though, I did research a bit).

Anyway...2 hours + Car without air-conditioning + Lugging a bunch of crap = Me, light-headed/nauseous, and a minute later, on the ground. : / Got a "Are you okay?" and a couple strange looks, but I just rested for a bit afterwards and drank 2 bottles of water, which is probably why I have to *really* use the bathroom right about now. Too much information, I know. ;) Anyway, can Tracy PLEASE be on this week?







From Anonymous of SD: In his/her breakdowns or whatever, there is no mention of Tracy around Luke. Tracy is involved in the upcoming condom scandal though, but we could've guessed that.

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Oh. My. GAWD. This damned fic is FINALLY done. I don't remember the last time I worked a stupid WEEK on a single fic, especially one that was only 14 pages long. But it's done, it's posted and it's chock full o'angst.

Prompt 33: Danger: Casual Cruelty. My take on the whole Laura's coming out of her rutabaga stage thing. I struggled really hard with this one, trying to get the voices right and too keep from straying too far into the sappy zone. LaineyBev, Keith and my darling Fey all helped me with this, so you can blame them. :)

Oh, and for those who are wondering--the new stuff I've beta'd for LaineyBev and Keith is MEGA good. Whine and wheedle until they post, please.

ETA: Break Room, anyone?

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I've Posted! I've Posted!

Thanks to Minerva and ILTQ and everyone in the breakroom who listened to me whine about this little story for days and days. It's called "The Bomb Along the Road," and it is the first in my "Along the Road" series. It's on ff.net. You can link it through the ficathon or just go here:


Now, I'm off to read the latest and greatest from both Minerva and Keith !!!

(Oh Boy!! This is shaping up to be a good evening!!)

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More with the squeeing! MsQ, I loved the new chapters of Oh, Baby. Regency, I love your avatar--VERY MUCH. :) Will read the new story when I get to work--I want to print it out and read it between calls.

Sunday was just a great day for fics!


I cannot even begin to say how amazed and thrilled I am with the fic that came out of this weekend. Keith, Chances Are just keeps getting more and more delicious with each chapter. Your encyclopedic understanding of how soaps work make me remember why I used to like these things--terrific dialogue, wonderful plot twists, and OH the agony of romantic tangles. LaineyBev, The Bomb Along the Road was pure joy, the very best of that yummy angsty stuff you write so well. It's a great start for your series, and I can't wait to see where you go with it. MsQuartermaine, you SLAY me with the wonderfulness of Oh, Baby. Just when I think you're gonna throw me a bone, just a little one, you turn the tables. It's why I'm still hooked at 70+ chapters (not an easy task for short-attention-spanned Geminis like me!) And Regency--oh, girl, I am in awe of you. It Wasn't Laura was so completely unexpected and so perfectly executed. I wonder at your mind, where it goes, and how it gets there. (That's a big compliment, if you had to ask.) And Fear Not blew me completely out of the water. I'll give you an even bigger compliment than "it made me want to give up writing altogether." Reading Fear Not made me want to write even more. It made me remember why I love stories, and why I adore storytelling.

I know I say it all the time, but you guys are amazing. You're just a terrific group of people--the writers, the non-writers, the people who hang in the chat rooms, and the friends who show up here whenever they can. This place is like my home away from home, and I'm so glad Smirks pointed me here all those months ago.

Now, I will end gush mode, because I'm sure I'm making a fool of myself. But you guys just amaze me!

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Thank you Toups. And I second Ms.Q's request to change the name of the thread...it's always kind of bugged me .

And Marland there are no double standards here.

A double standard would be if I went into the RC/Skye appreciation thread and posted what I thought about her acting...or how I hate Skye...and then in the same breath told you NOT to post that about JE here.

I couldn't care less if you dislike Jane or Tracy.

But you won't be spewing your venom in the TQ lovefest EVER again.

It's called respect. I don't care for RC or Skye...but I keep my feelings OUT of the RC thread.

You should do the same..and we can coexist peacefully.

And YAY ! for all the fics...I will read at lunch.

And YAY ! for everyone speaking up for and standing up for our girl. It warms me heart, it does. *sniff*

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