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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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this isn't letting me download it either. or i guess it downloads but it won't open. I keep getting amessage that says it's not compatible with winds so run it agains the original play, whatever that means since i haven't had it before. so confused, I hate this stuff

so i had applied for a bunch of theater jobs b/c until i can get over the crippling stage fright i'd like to be in the art departments/set design. as some of you know i've been applying for a good few years. i knwo what should be the right people, I have a few cousins on both coasts that do this on TV and movies, actors, producers, ect. it goes back and forth with some telling me it should be a problem at all to get ajob and i don't need to be part of the union (that costs 3500.00 to get into btw, craziness) and saying i do need to join. That's bad enough b/c it's never right no matter who i speak to and no one seems to be able to help get me into anything. i have applied everywhere on my own, aside from what they were trying to help with. I keep getting replies with "we appreciate your interest but your experience does not fit blah blah blah" there in lies my problem. I can't get hired without it but I can't even get volunteering jobs without the experience. this is getting just plain ridiculous. I don't know what i'm supposed to do now. CALLING ALL THEATER PEEPS....... what the hell is my next step???

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Hey Knh I am about to be in your shoes in about a month. Try not to get discouraged. I am a theatre major, working an internship at a theatre, I am in a play right now and I have research project due in less than a month. I am tired and overwhelmed sometimes. I am doing administrative work at the theatre. I have been exposed to people in the business, sponsors and patrons. I want to act, but. the exposure I am getting is valuable. Whomever you talk to; get a business card from them and give them one. When appropriate, tell them what you want to do. They may have connections. Try not to feel desperate, even though you are. People smell fear and desperation. Find something you enjoy doing in your spare time and devote a little time to it. You have to take time to have something to balance you. You probably feel guilty enjoying yourself; when you need a job. All work and no play...you know the rest. Go to gallery openings, wine tastings, events at the library, etc; just find a place where people are mingling. Be willing to take something field related that can get you in the door. Talk to local high schools and universities, churches, radio stations; just talk!

I found this website last year, that was made by a writer/director of soaps. Her name is Susan Dansby. She wrote and directed for ATWT and writes for Y&R. Read it and really listen to what she is saying. She has 4 daytime Emmys! It is very insightful and encouraging. Here is her site: http://yougetthatjob.com/ How Did You Get That Job

Here is an audio interview


I do not have a concrete plan for you right now. Think it, feel it, and be it; it will find you. When I find out more; I will let you know.

Edited by pinkpopsicle
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Part of me really wants Ellie to be Tracy's daughter and bring Spinelli back into Tracy's world.

Part of me wants Maxie to get her daughter and have the family she wants so much.

Part of me wants Lulu to get the baby, so we can see more cuteness with Grandma-Tracy and Grandpa-Luke.

I will be happy and sad with any outcome of this trial and the show status of Ellie and Spinelli. As long as we get more Tracy and baby, I'm good. Those scenes were golden, and most of it was JE looking after the baby.

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thanks so much, just kind of needed to vent about all that but a little encouragement was nice:)

part of my problem is that i don't currently live in the city. i am in CT so i am trying to get any job right now to at least be in the right location for all this. i still need my health insurance with diabetes so it's hard to leave what i have when there isn't something lined up. Oh well- just going to have to wait and do what i can from where i can for the time being. i hear ya, and again, thanks so much for the support and the encouragement- it just gets a little frustrating when im 29 and have now had a few years of this. just frustrating. as far as those link I am definately going to take a look. i hope they'll be helpful but they seem like a good resource!

as for the potential stories- i am completely in love with the story of tracy having a long lost daughter but i don't want it to be ellie or someone on the show now. I am all for bringing a newbie for this. I kind of invision something replacing the abortion story, but not in a tracy lied kind of way b/c that was such a big deal thing and a bonding moment for her and lulu that a lie would be horrible at this point. i want t]giving the baby up to have been so traumatic for her that she sort of replaced the memories with an imagined reality. this way she thought the baby was just gone entirely and not potentially walking around somewhere she didn't know about. i don't know why that's the story i have in mind but it is. also- i just really can't stand ellie. i liked her in the beginning but now she is just a meddling know it all and she gets annoying very fast. plus i don't think she pulls off the geek talk with the same comedic flair that spinelli does. and i want grandma tracy. i would feel bad for maxie but i i would like the other story too. what's funny to me is that i don't particularly care if lulu gets the baby from the mothering standpoint, i just want the grandma tracy and grandpa luke part of it.

one more favor to ask everyone. i have definately asked for these episodes before but since new people come to this site and, like me, old ones come back i figured i'd check again. does anyone have old school tracy and ashton epis? i am looking for the one after the elq tracy explodes and tracy has the party at the gate house. I have that one but i'm looking for the day after. she and ashton are getting super drunk after they find out it sunk and she dances around the gatehouse like a goof.

also the episode where he makes her breakfast. I don't remember anything else about that one so i can't be more specific. really anything old tracy and ashton, i guess:)

thanks as always guys!!

night all!

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They are on with Patrick and Sabrina tomorrow

Luke is on Tuesday and either W and F or TH and F this week

He discovers that Robert and anna are missing.

Luke ends up at wyndemere I think with Nik and then sees Robin and reunites with her

Then he is on I think with Robert/anna/Faison on Friday and maybe another day with Robert/anna

Then he taped with Bobbie, Jerry Jax and maybe Carly another day

Tracy should be on after tomorrow maybe later in the week when the trial is over or something cause JE taped with ER/DZ and LLC one day . Possibly this will air on Tuesday or W?

After that there is only one other day that either JE or TG taped. They taped with Monica, Michael, Franco, Kiki and AJ I think

They have both been MIA for a week of taping and only taped one day last week.

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More Tracy and Luke today with the baby

They connect dots on the whole Robert/anna/Faison stuff and duke anna Robert being missing

Luke takes off to wyndemere (he is cured)

Tracy is with baby connie in the elevator telling her to avoid dangerous men or something

Tracy in previews tomorrow with the baby and Olivia

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