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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yes she injected Luke with the cure. Shot Jerry in the shoulder when he started to lunge at Luke (even though she was aimiing for his leg. tongue.png ) and they got out of the room. Presumably they got off the island because Jerry later said they got away, even though we never see them getaway or for the last 20 minutes of the show.

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As much as I love LuNacy - and I do - the best line of the episode was "I'll give your regards to Bobbie." SOOOOO glad they remembered that tidbit of history, even though this guy is no where near the Jerry that Bobbie fell in love with. (I'm still saying he's an impostor.)

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Jerry: To hell with you, Spencer! If I’m going to die, so are you!  


Tracy: I really should have killed you, but the Polonium is going to do it for me, and it’s gonna be a lot slower because you deserve every AGONIZING second!


(I posted this on Tumblr and wanted to share it here too). 

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OMG what have I missed? I haven't watched the show in almost 4 months. Since I have been back to work I am out from 9am til 11pm most days. Can someone post clips or links to clips or dates that there was some great lunacy or TQ? Don't have a tv at work anymore :(

Hope everyone has been well and wonderful!

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*waves to TracyLuv*

Yeah I have to say it. I don't have a problem with adventure Tracy. Her whole life has been an adventure-and in some ways, not unlike parts of Luke's life-like when she and Dillon were a "team" when they lived in Europe.

But Tracy has always been anti-gun. I balked at her having a gun in her safe at the mansion, and I'm balking at her shooting a gun at anyone now. It's not that she CAN'T. Obviously, she can, will, has. But there was always a part of Tracy before that was strictly anti-violence. It's part of the reason she hated Sonny. Not JUST because he was a criminal, but because he was a criminal of the lowest common denominator.

Tracy has committed crimes, but she always, ALWAYS prided herself on using her wits. Her WITS. Not bumping off an enemy.

It's just so OOC. She'd see it as so banal and ordinary, pedestrian. Uncivilized. And taking away Tracy's wits and making her shoot a gun makes her ordinary. I don't like it.

I'm not saying again, she wouldn't ever do it. I think she'd kill to protect Luke, Lulu, even Ethan and Lucky, Dillon, Ned, likely even Monica, Michael, etc. Thing is-it would always be a last resort for her.

And I get, this was kind of a last resort thing. It was either shoot Jerry or let him hurt/kill Luke. So I get it. I'm just on the fence about liking it.

I mean, Jerry deserved it, don't get me wrong. I just think OldSchool Tracy would much rather see Jerry rot in prison.

But I realize I'm in the minority here on that, so eh.

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It doesn't matter if you're in the minority, it's your opinion. Personally, I've never understood the American gun culture, and I doubt that will ever change. Tracy owning a gun and being a licensed owner was a complete plot-point for the AJ situation. I know in my country, when someone dies, the guns can only be inherited by a member of the family with a gun license. Give that, AJ using a gun of Edward's wouldn't be possible, so they had to look elsewhere. I have no idea what the laws are in New York on the matter. That being said if Tracy knows how to use a gun, then firing it and hitting Jerry's shoulder means one of two things - either she sucks as a shooter and shouldn't have a licence, OR when a real person is involved, she has a really hard time pulling the trigger. Even if it's someone she despises like Jerry, she has a problem with it. So in this regard, it's not that OOC for her.

She's been Tracy Spencer on and off for the better part of a decade, so I imagine her comfort level with guns and violence has been altered along the way. Even in the face of this though, Luke is quick to point out that her brain and her tongue are her most lethal weapons.

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Oh, I'm all about Tracy and Luke pulling any kind of cons together, and any subsequent adventures because of it. Lots of people who hate Luke and Tracy as a couple, try to say Tracy doesn't fit him, and that just isn't true. Tony Geary even said once, years ago, when asked what character of the opposite gender he'd like to play given a chance, that he'd like to play Tracy. He said she was the closest thing to a female version of Luke Spencer on GH. And he's right. Tracy pulled cons long before Luke, so it's not OOC, and it's not all of a sudden.

I still remember her conning Jacob out of a huge wad of cash, on The City, before they became real friends. And that's just one instance.

THAT kind of stuff? Tracy and Luke could do forever, and as long as they keep it fun (which basically means JE and TG would have to write all their dialogue and maybe even the whole story, too), I wouldn't mind too much, if at all.

But Rambo Tracy? Not digging it.

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That was too funny. Michael Logan obviously loves this vet group because his interviews are always so interesting and he knows his stuff. I'd love to see Scott make a play for Tracy just to PO Luke. The last time it was just the three of them, it was the Black & White Ball, and they were the very best part.

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