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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I liked yesterday's scenes, but there wasn't enough T&L for me. Nice to see Robert again, though, and Tristan was acting his little heart out.

About the bake sale: I have a few more avenues to try, if I get shut down there, I think I may just wait until after the first of the year. That may be best, anyway. I personally think a bake sale during the holidays would do the most business, but it is also hardest to find a place to have one(obviously). Not giving up yet.....

Around the net: Can I just say, in between this and one of my other shows I dare to follow, the warring fanbases give me a headache. It is so tiring. But the LnL fanbase did it to themselves. TIIC never promised an LnL reunion. And I thought it was general knowledge that GF had been on recurring since what, June or July? Recurring means we may see her again if they have something for her to do, and then again, we might not. Truth is, they never really had anything for her to do. And if Genie was talking up LnL like I've read some people say..that's her mistake. I don't believe for a New York minute she was ever told that is what the story would be. I think she said what she said to get the last few LnL'ers stirred up so they'd make phone calls, etc, to TPTB. I truly believe GF has been in limbo almost since coming back, and I think it's obvious to anyone with eyeballs that they had no longterm plans for her, ever. It's beyond stupid to say "Tracy was put in Laura's place in this SL".

That irritates me so much. People are imagining a conspiracy and it's "poor Genie" all over again. When I honestly believe she was never promised a darn thing, at least not after going on recurring, she wasn't. Recurring players don't even get a contractual guarantee, how are they going to get promised a story?


As far as the last scene between Tony and Genie, it looked like Goodbye to me. Of course, it looked like goodbye with Tracy and Luke, too, so who knows? I just think people see what they want to see. Even considering that though, I have no idea how anyone would get "LnL is the story" out of those scenes.

I kept thinking "Luke's death is the story". Because all his goodbyes smacked of "this is the last time I will see this person".

But anyway......as long as Luke treats Tracy like she deserves, I'm okay with it. Kind of wish we'd get a Robert/Tracy/Luke triangle, though. TR is STILL a hottie.

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Agreed and agreed.... no pity for people who set themselves up and willingly buy the BS out of desperation, then try to turn themselves into victims.

So, onwards and upwards. I did see a spoiler that suggested Anna, Robert, Luke and Tracy would be cavorting at some point. That will be fun. Tracy and Robert have seriously fun chemistry, and there is a lot of history between the four of them, sexual and otherwise. Through Duke and Holly into the mix, and make Tracy secure in Luke's affections, and that would be a very fun group. Add Sean and Monica and I'd be in heaven. Sean always was the Monica pairing I liked best.

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Does anyone have the latest American TV Guide? Apparently there's an interview in there with TG and he talks about how great it is to be doing LuNacy. I'm not sure if we get the same material in the TV Guide up here - a lot of times things are different.

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BTW reading this I have no idea why people were going so INSANE online last night and ready to lynch Tony Geary. He's respectful here.

Maybe comparing some of the LnL fans to kids was a little harsh, but if you read what some of those fans write online...he has a point.


Edited by halee
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It was. It was nice for LnL. It was nice for Lunacy. It was nice for potential pairings in Luke's future. I think there was just an unfortunate game of telephone happening last night that pissed so many off. I think cooler heads should prevail now.

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Oh, I can answer that one. A poster named "J", whom we can probably guess, helped flame the fire by telling everyone on a small LnL obsession board what was in the interview, claiming pre-knowledge. He was extremely selective in what he told them, and some of it was accurate but completely out of context. Then this same poster went on to criticize Michael Logan of being wrong most of the time but being TG's mouthpiece anyway. After everyone got riled up, this same small group of people went forward on twitter, FB, texting GH/TPTB, and posting on other soap boards, calling for TG's firing, Luke's death, and a whole host of other things. Even going so far as trying to contact JE to tell her SHE had nerve rewriting her dialogue on Monday to exclude any mention of Laura - 'cause... you know... JE rewrites everything. blink.png In these scenarios, of course, GF is a victim needing the protection of these zealots, and TG/JE are always the guilty party bent on destroying GF/Laura.

I was up through the night and googled this interview. That was what I found, and after reading some of this horse sh!t, and I can tell you, we LuNacy fans might call ourselves "Lunatics", but that group is truly insane. The seem to forget this is a job to the actors, not a way of life, and these fans are EXACTLY the overgrown children TG talks about - if they can't get their way, erroneously assuming they are the only voice there is (and certainly believing them are the TRUE voice of fandom), they will threaten and hate on everything else. It's classic toy-box - I'm taking my marbles and going home, but not before I throw them at you.

TG compared a selective group of fans to children, and he was absolutely right. I read their childishness and laughed most of the night.

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I thought the interview was exactly the right tone. People like to rewrite history, but TG wasn't having any of that. IF..... a whole lot of 'ifs'... they were to straighten out the character of Laura, THEN there might be a possibility for that pairing, but as it stands now, it's not happening. That makes complete sense. The 90's were horrible for the character, and TG is right, Luke isn't a novelty anymore. The Anti-hero is the norm at GH. He is only unique because he was the first. Domesticate him again and it's game over.

I really did like what was said on the matter of LuNacy. TPTB, TG and JE all said they had to break the pairing down to bring it back to life. I'm glad he also said the issues between LuNacy have been worked to death, and it's time for them to move on. I hope the writers are on that one. LuNacy is that unique pairing that supports each other but doesn't have to be the story for the other. That's how it works in real life, but somehow soaps don't do that. I can't wait to see how they act out Luke telling Tracy that he's giving her everything she wants.

Tracy also told Connie weeks ago, that Luke was always there in the crisis and helped her solve her problems. Once this poisoning story is over, I wonder if he's going to return the favour and help her with any problems at ELQ. I always thought he would be great as the background person getting the dirt on whomever Tracy needed to squash. It would play to both their strengths, and it would be entertaining as all get-out.

As for Tracy and the comments made about her this past 24-48 hours, again people forget. With Marco she was always getting herself into situations, and she's already copped to having a gun and knowing how to use it. She has never been only boardroom because most of her life she was kept out of the boardroom. She's handled herself in some pretty hard situations, and usually without back-up. She might not be part of the Adventure Crew (though one wonders if Monty had just given her that measly $50 raise, what Tracy might have done in that era) but she's certainly not incapable.

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Nope, lol.... and one person in particular is the most fascinating spin doctor I've ever seen. He should get employed for that - taking a passing comment and turning it into a guarantee.

I do hope the writers pick up on what TG said about Alexis and Ava - they are very interesting characters and I would love to see more of Luke, and Tracy of course, with the morally grey. Neither are villains, neither are heros, but that middle ground is IMO the most fascinating of all. I must admit, I've enjoyed Ava right from the beginning. And I really like her Mrs. Robinson stuff. If you're going to play fantasy, go all the way.

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Wow. It's not very often that I am truly floored by anything that happens online with these soap debates, but this does the trick. And to think, you've always been one of my favorite online posters despite our many debates. Afterall we have always had more in common with our views than differences, even if we don't see a select group of characters and couples the same.

This is disappointing because it's not only inflammatory, it's a damn lie. Since you seem to have insight into the board I post on, try actually going there and seeing the history of how this unfolded. I did not post the Tony Geary snippets. Two other ladies did after I had vowed to take a break, as I have projects coming up, and the board exploded not long after I was gone. I actually came back onto the L&L board and tried to calm folks down, as I'd been emailed the edited interview. I had no foreknowledge of the Logan interview with Geary, and never once claimed I did. I thought the attacks on Geary were disgusting, and I reiterated that I believe the man is entitled to his view; nothing he said in the snippet was new. It was an ugly scene amongst L&L fans yesterday, and I was disgusted enough that I completely stopped reading posts online after a very short time. I was literally one of two people on that entire board who reminded people that the writers are in charge of the story, not the actors. It was chaos, emotions were running very high for people.

I came back to the same board today after the full interview was posted, defended Geary, as I 100% agree with his ENTIRE interview, and chided L&Lers for taking things out of context and running away with hyperbole too soon. I think the Geary interview is wonderful for L&L fans, as it is for Lunacy fans, and Luke fans in general. I also happen to agree with him about both Luke/Alexis and Luke/Ava, something I stated on a board you and I use to frequent once upon a time.

You seem to forget, or perhaps don't care, that I am a long time reader of this thread. I keep my mouth shut most of the time, but the Lovefest is my lurking ground from time to time. Never in a million years did I expect to read some mess like this here, about myself, particularly since one glance over at the L&L board will tell you this is a balled faced lie. Most shocking, it's coming from you. I would never have pulled some lowdown mess like this with you Remos.

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I can attest to what J says, sorry Remo you are not only dead wrong but way ouf ot line on this one.

J did not post excerpts from the interview it was another poster.

Just wanted to set the record straight. There is too much fan base foolishness going on with all fan bases, why fan the flames? JMHO

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Oh, hey J, nice to see you again. I've missed our chatting/sparring.

I've got to run out to a meeting. I haven't read your epistle, which I'm sure is full of all sorts of ways I'm wrong, so I'll read it later.

Two things, though. Fist, I must thank you for reminding me why I left the soap boards in the first place. I don't deal well with fools, and the lemmings I've been reading these last couple of days are enough to drive any sane person over the edge.

And secondly, and this is not facetious in the least, I truly do admire your way of taking something small and insignificant and making it into something of substance. That speaks to your talent as an actor. I approach things academically - taking the larger facts and breaking it down to their logical parts. I honestly admire your abilities to add nuance and layer. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to see you on the stage, bringing the written word to life. I admire actors, and I know I can't do what you do. Some of our best conversations have been the meeting of the minds on this matter, when fandom hasn't held sway. Those I truly miss.

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