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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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<p>Didn't Leslie run an Elvis fan club for awhile?<br />
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Always good to see Tracy/Jane love... <img class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com//public/style_emoticons/default/wub.png" title="wub.png <br />
Hope TG is feeling better. It did seem like he was gone for longer than usual, but sometimes, it's hard to keep track.<br />
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Off topic: My cat's white fur on his neck is pink!!! Just a small spot, but I can't think of anything with red/pink dye that he could have rubbed against that would cause that. I read online that it could be a certain bacteria, that when it gets wet, it turns pink. Or pink fur could be a sign of fleas. He has his annual appointment the 21st, but that's too long to wait if he's sick. I think I jinked it. I was like, "My cat's never been sick" (except for the ring-worm he got from the shelter right after I adopted him).<br />
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But then, 3 weeks ago, he spit out his chewed up kitty food on the carpet. Gross. And then a week later, he did it again. I've been told the spitting up food is normal (like the cat eats too fast or gets over excited), and that it's surprising my cat's only done it twice, but now, with this pink fur thing, I am not too sure. Time to call the vet... Anyone with cats have similar experiences?<br />
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BTW, here is my little buddy:<br />
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<span rel="lightbox"><img alt="Posted Image" class="bbc_img" src="http://i48.tinypic.com/1zd0idw.png" /></span></p>

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How is your kitty behaving? Has he been acting any different? Drinking lots of water or none at all? Excessive purring?

You could try giving him a bath incase you think it's fleas, but with the cold I don't think so. But it could make his fur white and give you a chance to see if it turns pink again. The 21st is a long while away if you can bump up his appointment I would.

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^^^ He is acting the same... Then again, yesterday, he was very sleepy, so I thought maybe he was lethargic... But I think he was just being lazy... I was lazy too yesterday. I took 2 naps, and he slept in the bed with me for both. And then, he played a little and went back to sleep in his play castle. He does have these days once in awhile, so we'll see how today goes. Thanks!

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some upcoming tracy dates from this weeks mags:

1/10 How does AJ react to Lucy's decision about her 1 percent of ELQ stock

1/14 Monica is furious that Lucys is moving in to the mansion

1/16 Tracy gloats to monica about her ELQ position

1/17 Lucy crosses paths with friend or foe when she crosses this person for the first time since returning to the show

Lucy signs share to Tracy with a catch...Tracy has to make her co-CEO of ELQ

Lucy is thrilled to be accepted into that circle

Lucy is also blackmailing tracy for big fat check to fund Nurses ball

She talks tracy into letting her live at the mansion

Luke calls lulu on 1/9

She gets news about her dad on 1/18 that doesnt' allay her concern about him

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Luke is the one more stuck than anyone. He COULD be spending more time with someone who really brings TG's talents to the foreground, but instead he's used as an Anna satellite, competing for attention with both of her great loves. With Anna, Luke is the guaranteed looser. It's novel, but a stupid waste of his talent and time.

I'm just worried that the current PTB think Tracy isn't deserving of a real romance, which on a soap is deadly. She has Luke, who is someone they barely scratched the surface with even though LuNacy technically existed for eight years, and could have had something with Joe, if they hadn't driven that character downhill fast. Sure she's involved in story, but it's still pretty the character is still written as pretty two-dimentional. It's only JE herself that give the depth.

And yes, TraLu….. that is a huge hole. Lulu would have been there with Tracy as she mourned, and Tracy should be there with Lulu as she struggles. Even a simple, meaningful hug between the two women, would fill the bill.

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I think TG's only chem he has is with JE. He belongs with her,IMO.

And yes Cartini is writing lulu's relationships all wrong,lately she's been getting on my nerves! They killed the TraLu relationship so bad,even when it was dead they decided to stab it some more for emphasis.....

Edited by partyperson25
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Arguably I haven't seen every episode in a long, long time, but I don't think they've killed TraLu, they are just ignoring it.

The problem with TG is he has terrible chemistry with most people. The best he can muster most of the time is BFF chemistry, but there are a few who he has romantic chemistry with, and JE is one of those select few. His current "pairing" is just put together because it sounds good on paper to have that level of conflict, because there certainly isn't any romantic chemistry between TG and FH. Even the BFF chemistry is questionable - that is really with TR.

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No,I think they killed it...sorry,but they did because they write it in such a way to where it seems as if Tracy was never a big part in her life growing up or if Tracy was never a permanent part of her life..sorry mellow.png

And tru dat,with the chem of FH and TG,they suck as a pairing

Edited by partyperson25
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I didn't want to post it in the thread because most of you have probably already seen it, but in the Videobash thread I put a 12/1/78 GH episode AddieCate uploaded. It has some good Tracey scenes, mostly trying to stir the pot with Monica/Rick/Lesley/Alan, and pushing Mitch in his career.

What did you think of Mitch?

(I thought he was somewhat miscast)

Edited by CarlD2
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