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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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More like good for Luke! He kinda deserves it after what he did to Anna (as badly as I hated AnaL and Anna for some period of time). I mean c'mon we all know Duke and Anna are like one of the biggest supercouples ever! They took storm and they belonged together,they need to reunite. Plus they've got a load of history,as do Luke and Tracy which is why I'm not bothered at all by Duke returning. We need our originals to come as one (Scotty and Laura,Duke and Anna,Holly and Robert,Luke and Tracy,etc.)

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I don't understand how or why Duke can even be part of any kind of "quad" since Ian Buchanan is only signed on for five weeks.

I also don't get why they'd introduce a romantic past for Tracy and Duke, just to give a reason to tie them together. Why tie them together at all? To give Jane something to do? She HAD something to do. Why end it for a "quad" that's going to start and stop in less than a month and a half?

I'm beginning to think many former OLTL's on the board are right, and these writers/PTB are just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. Jane is still better than with Guza/JFP-no way she'd have ever gotten the Joe material with them. But I keep reading how the writers on OLTL constantly wrote things that made no sense.

If even half the spoilers are to be believed-I think they are right.

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Ian is not signed on for five weeks. Not sure where you got that from. I think he is going to be here for an extended run arc..

He is probably going to be on every single day for the entire month of October and into Nov

He will be around I would guess til at least the anniversary in April...

Edited by hookedongh
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I read it in some interview when the news was announced. Not sure if it was SID or SOD or an online one. Whatever I read definitely said five weeks, but since TIIC are obviously pulling things out their butts as they go along, it's probably changed since then.

Oh I see the article was talking about how long it would be between the first time we saw him and then again today was a total of five weeks...not the nubmer of weeks he would be staying......

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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yah I was just going to say that...they said it would be five weeks

I think Duke is going to have his hand in my pots while around

I adore Ian B. He is so much fun on twitter and I loved him on DOOL with Kate even though DOOL did everything they could to cut out half the story, make him look like a walking corpse etc

He did a love scene and was shirtless so another over 50 who isn't afraid to take his shirt off! LOL

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Double post...

OFF TOPIC: To those who work on computers or spend a lot of time of them...Does this sound like carpel tunnel or maybe a pulled muscle???

I was crinkling notebook paper into balls the other day for a classroom game, and I noticed when I crinkled with my right hand, there was this traveling pain in my forearm from my wrist to a little before my elbow. I didn't think much of it until that night when I was scooping kitty litter and felt it again. Now, almost a week later, it hurts to open packages, start the car, scoop ice cream, grade papers, switch the station on the car radio, wash my hair, brush my teeth - pretty much anything that involves moving the forearm or gripping something with my fingers...

Most of you know, I've spent a lot of time on the computer for probably a decade (pretty much since I discovered this whole online fandom thing - haha), and I know carpel tunnel takes years to develop, but I thought it would be inconsistent and seem to come out of nowhere, while this pain is a direct result of crinkling paper balls (silly as that sounds) and consistent. No numbness or tingling. Just an achey pain when that forearm/those fingers are used. Per the pharmacy, I bought a wrist guard thingy with metal support and started taking 800mg of Ibuprofen tonight. What is going on?!?!

TOPIC: Does anyone remember what episode this was from? I remember seeing it and loving their scenes, and I'd like to re-watch them on YouTube. Thanks!


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It was from when Tracy asked Alexis to be her lawyer when she was looking to divorce Anthony. Right before he was killed. She was figuring out that he either doesn't actually have anything on her or won't really use it against her like he said bc it would hurt his family too

I'd have to look for the date though

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