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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So from recaps, it still seems to me that Tracy is still filler. Or maybe it's because GW is taking his time with the story, which is fine, better to take his time than be like Guza. With Gooz, TQ's ElQ "story" would already be over.

Still, if JE's contract guarantee is only one day a week, you'd think GW would have more happening with her in scenes when she's on. It's not like he's got three days a week to spread this out.

What is the deal with the fleur de lis on Asher's shoe that someone mentioned on SOC? If this were The Three Musketeers, it'd be the mark of a condemned criminal. LOL But it can mean so much. Helena, probably?

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today I think was to set up that Asher now gave AZ the info that Tracy is scrambling to cover her tracks, and now we know skye says she has something worse on AZ than tracy to hold over his head. I'm wondering if it is his link to helena or the drugs etc. I wonder if before skye leaves town she tells liz about AZ drugging lucky or something.

There should me some more of this story in the next two weeks or three and then no tracy the second half of sept near the wedding stuff. Hopefully she be back on screen in October when TG is back for good.

I think of it this way, normally there would be maybe one day of Tracy in August, and two in sept if we were lucky setting up Luke's return.

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I'm not worried about Tracy's seeming lack of appearance. This story is getting its feet wet and that's it so far. Nothing has really developed. We just know it involves drugs, laundered money, old mob ties and ELQ. Outside of that we have a bunch of characters who have information on other characters. Luke doesn't have to be Tracy's hero if there isn't any real risk, and saving her financial ELQ-ass is the only way she would accept him as her "hero" (none of this burning building, maniacal kidnappings or dreaded diseases for her). There are far more holes and questions in this story then answers, which makes for a well planned tale. The fact that we can't predict where any of this is going is just wonderful IMO.

Added to that - and we've known this for years - JE takes vacation in the late summer so she is NEVER on until mid-to-late September anyway.

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Wait, now I'm confused. Skye is holding something over AZ's head or Tracy's? How stupid is she? If she is blackmailing HIM, she's not long for this world.

I know with Guza, Tracy would not only not have a story or POV, she wouldn't even be on.

BUT I don't know that saying GW is better than Guza is a ringing endorsement.

has the Cassa crest ever been shown?

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Oh, I think JE's "vacation" was a forced one, not voluntary. Who knows if it will continue with the budget cuts/Guza gone?

And I'm okay with Luke "saving" Tracy. If she needs it, nothing wrong with that. I'd rather she saved him after he rushes off to save her, because that defines them, I think. But if he or someone else had to help her, not a thing wrong with that. It does not make her "weak".

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No, I don't think that was it at ALL. At the end of one of this week's episodes, after Skye confronted Tracy, Tracy went over and took a key that she had taped behind a mirror. she opened a filing cabinet and pulled out a file, looking at it and seeming upset. we don't know what was in the file yet. Also, when Skye was talking to Anthony, she alluded to having something else huge over Tracy. PLUS, there's this new Gina character who is going to play into the Skye/Tracy/Anthony story as well

Edited by SoapBoy94
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They'll probably re-write it that she DID kill Gino. WHich sucks if so, but....I cannot honestly fathom anything related to Gino/the mob that Tracy might have done or might be accused of doing.

Let me state, if they do that, GW WILL be officially as bad as Guza. Tracy is a lot of things, but that.....I mean, I watched the whole thing unfold, and just....no. She was too terrified of his cronies, for one.

If it's something that gives JE good story though....guess we'll wait and see.

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Um... vacation when you have it isn't "involuntary". She's earned them, they are her perk, she's got the full benefit package, and she always takes this time of year.

As for the saving, I don't see it as being overt as in Luke to the Rescue. I see it more as using his skills to work in her favour. Tracy doesn't need a hero, she needs a lover/husband/partner/supporter/BFF. Even if she doesn't come out on top, to at least have him with her is the significant part.

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