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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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To be fair, I did defend SM/Sasha a lot in the beginning and always thought she had potential.  But I am 100% over it now.  Sasha will still always be better than Willow in my eyes though.  It's very faint praise.

I just think both Donna and James are the cutest kids in the world and I basically dislike all children.  Leo is fine too.

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TBH, I'm hard-pressed to name any pre-teen or teen actor that I enjoy watching on any series.  Nothing against 'em, I just think it's rare to find an actor that age who can act convincingly despite having limited acting and life experiences.

That's why I've always looked at SORASing as a necessary evil.  The sooner you can get a character out of their awkward years and into more mature storylines (hopefully, played by a mature actor), the better.

Edited by Khan
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I can understand wanting Aiden to look older, but this nuAiden is NO better than the old one in the acting department. Yeah, it's only day one, but this kid is stiff as hell.

And what's up with making him look so awkward with that backpack? So he's gay and he bakes. Does he have to be so dorky? On a show that always thinks it's pushing against conventions, GH sure does play the greatest cliche hits a lot.

I'd rather see no gay storylines on this show than to watch this mess or watch Natalia the 1985 homophobic mother.

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Tristan's first day as Adian and he does have more acting exp than Enzo. Maybe thats why given the bullying story they wanted a new actor

I do not find Natalia's homophobia unrealistic given her culture

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so because Aidan dresses "Dorky" what ever that means

and that Natalia is homophobic GH shouldnt have any LGBTQ stories. WTF....That is nonsense.

There are still homophobes in 2024 sadly

People regardless of Sexuality and gender identity have their own style of dress 


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I know Lucy has always been a polarizing character, but are viewers actually supposed to be hating her or rooting against her for ciphers? Why? 

Is Katybell the secret third head writer some have been talking about?

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Honestly, I always thought that I’d be saying this only about episodes of Days but today was a weird one. 

I think I get what they were trying to do, trying make everyone feel like a part of a big community, but it just felt weird. 

And Michael and Willow going off to screw didn’t really seem to fit in today’s episode either. 

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