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GH: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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Lois did to Sonny, but it was in a more "you hated Brenda when she betrayed you, but don't seem to hate Nina so you two most be soulmates" kind of way.  I don't count that lol.


It does seem like the era where the music business seemed viable and cool in a way that it could easily be portrayed on screen has long passed, but the show acts like newspapers and magazines are still big business so I'd buy it.

I am also here for Willow/Drew.  They have had something weird I can't pinpoint for months.  Let's just go for broke and do a Willow/Nina/Drew love triangle.

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Actually, I thought he was a bit better today, not that that is saying a lot. Probably today he was better because fighting with LW/Carly elevates him a bit. 

But, he was still the least of what I thought was a great day, a day like soaps used to be. Also feels like a day when they're setting up for something, which I guess is Sweeps. 

Also I felt like they closed some doors. Door #1, CarSon slammed shut. Door #2 JaSam shut. Door #3 Sona with a full Memorial montage including her memories of icky Cowboy Mike of NF also slammed shut. Nina signed & sent the divorce papers & took off her rings & is having them messengered to Sonny. And, finally, they gave us more of an idea of what is going on in Mob Princess Ava's head. Like some of us called it, it began with her desire for the familiarity of power, includes full legitimacy with Avery & now she's starting to have feelings for Sonny. 

Jason brought Danny home to his mother & still the first thing Sam said was an accusation of Jason as if he'd done something wrong, which he had not. Jason very reasonably talked about boundaries with Danny & honesty with his mom but Sam wouldn't go along, still stuck on this fallacy that Danny inherited wildness from Jason. Jason is the way he is because of a TBI not his genes. Sam continues to tow this narrow line. We know from Danny that he's not going to let her keep him from Jason. 

So good that Ava took the gloves off & stopped being mealy-mouthed sweetness. 

Both Steve Burton (podcast) & Laura Wright (new Digest article) mentioned that they hold back in rehearsal to save the good stuff for tape. Last week when Carly hugged Jason after he gave her the MC, that was unscripted. 

Again today Maxie was so good even though I am uncomfortable about the job they're doing on Lucy. But it is thrilling to see Maxie both last week & now today seem to hit at least a couple of base hits if not a homer. 

I f found it amusing that last week Finn was dismayed that the Savoy was booked for a private party so the guys couldn't have it. The gals are! 

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Or: Drew gets openly involved with Nina a la Katherine and Damian Smith but two-times her with younger model Willow. And yes, there has been inappropriate chemistry with Willow and Drew and to a lesser extent Jason forever.

I do think Lois at Deception can work, but I would prefer to see her music life woven in somehow.

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Ding, ding, ding! I think that's it. I do love Lois still and will always have her BFF'S back so she ain't liking Nina. hehe. 


Now that you write it like that...lol. It never even occurred to me...the mother AND the daughter. One thing that I've been loving since EK/PM started is that links that I've forgotten about keep popping up, bringing with it interesting story possibilities.


And I admit...I've noticed weird sexual chemistry with Willow/Drew over the last few months, too. It could even lead to all of them being written out. Or Michael going dark. Let's see that inner Quartermaine pop out.



Oh? What would you have had in mind if you don't mind me asking.

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I have a hard time believing Carson or JaSam will ever be off the table permanently.  Sonny/Nina?  Probably.  But this show has shifted back to Carly/Sonny and Jason/Sam so many times after I thought they were done I would never say it's forever.  For now?  Yeah, but those two pairings have been default for so long I would never say never on them.

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That's what I mean.  In the beginning, I thought Gregory Harrison was a great addition to the cast and that Gregory Chase was a character with potential, but once he was diagnosed with incurable ALS, that was pretty much the ballgame.

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Works for me.  I want Willow to do something, anything interesting .

Lois was actually defending Nina, IMO.  Not shaming Brenda, but saying something about Nina/Sonny must be different.  And in a good way in regards to Nina/Sonny.  But it was back in December or something so I don't fault Lois.

I have noticed chemistry between Drew and Willow for awhile and a mother/daughter triangle sounds fun.  I just really hate all the players involved.  I think Katelyn MacMullen has anti-chemistry with CD and I think the Michael romance actually bores her as an actress.  I am in no way defending KMM, but I think she might be slightly more capable than just mooning over Michael and corralling her annoying children.

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Pretty much what's happening now with him and Tracy, or with him and Alexis, only without the cloud of ALS and its' inevitable conclusion hanging over everything.

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Ah! I see.


I think you are right as well about KMM. But CD has anti chemistry with just about everyone.

Ah! I also see. 


I hate to even admit that he's grown on me, but it's nice to see the actor still has his 80s hotness during his and Alexis's hot yoga scene from years back. 

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This Ava/Nina confrontation scene was a long time coming and Ava told a lot of hard truths to Nina. I wish that Ava wasn't simply motivated by possible growing romantic feelings for Sonny and that she was also actually motivated by a desire for revenge against Nina for what happened with Avery by pretending to be her friend and basically playing the long game, but it is what it is. That's how I would've done it; it would've been a lot more compelling in my opinion. I'm also kind of surprised that Nina actually signed the divorce papers but that also needed to happen.

Now that Sona is hopefully over and done with for good, Nina can finally move on with her life and put both Sonny and Ava in her rear view mirror as she tries to rebuild her life. Hopefully it won't be long before Nina's tryst with Drew is revealed, as it really won't make a difference anyway on whether or not Nina was really going to win Sonny back in the long run. 

Also this is going to be kind of a hot take but I don't really want Nina/Drew to turn out to be a legitimate romance and if she's stuck with Drew for the foreseeable future anyway, I wouldn't mind if it eventually turns into a domestic abuse story where Drew regularly inflicts physical, verbal, emotional and maybe even sexual abuse on Nina and Nina tries her best to survive this toxic relationship. And also if Drew is going to turn completely dark anyway, it would also be a lot more interesting if he ends up having an affair with Willow and he and Willow conspired to make Nina's life an utter living hell. 

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I think Ava's core motive, conscious or unconscious, was spelled out by Kristina a couple weeks ago: Power, and missing the rush of it. Yes, Ava is probably a bit down bad for Sonny now just as she has been for several unworthy men through her entire time on the show, but in the end when the chips are down and he turns on her the power will be what she goes towards. That is who she is. I completely disagree about Drew/Nina though; I want them to become crazy horny power players.

I will add that despite some criticisms I've seen I really dug the Anna/Laura and Anna/Molly scenes last week. They were being very determined to drive a stake into the Anna and Laura relationships with Sonny and spelling out why they are doing it now and what they want it to mean for the show and characters. I respect that. There is never going to be a good time to do it in 2024 after decades of these characters excusing Sonny and massaging these relationships to put him over to the audience, but they really dug into the material and Finola in particular ate it up. I believed in her integrity again. And I loved Laura talking about Luke's Club.

I mentioned it earlier but I also loved BLQ and Chase actually talking like adults not just about their differences in their upbringing and how they approached money, but also about her life with Lois in Bensonhurst vs. the Qs without demonizing the latter, and then Lois actually talking about life with Ned and their breakup with her daughter. All strong stuff for me.

Also: Is it me, or was Danny trying on Jason's clothes in Jason's room a mirror of Sarah Brown's Carly doing the same in Bobbie's room, when Mulcahey first started with the show?

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Who's to say this - meaning, the recent romp w/ Nina after months of enmity between them, the possible hooking up with Willow down the road, etc. - isn't all part of Drew's master plan (conceived while imprisoned, perhaps?) to get even with Nina for turning him and Carly into the SEC?

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If they turned Cameron Mathison's leading man into an actual classic Y&R-esque heel squiring mother and daughter before presumably getting exposed and/or offed it could end up the role of his career, lol. But I don't see it happening.

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